• Show Date: 02/02/2019
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Simon Luxmoore Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

Isle Of Ely Canine Society

I would like to congratulate Chris and Linda Pack and the whole committee of the Isle of Ely CS on arranging such a successful Premier Open Show on 2nd February at Arena UK - an excellent venue adjacent to Grantham. The access is excellent and the parking plentiful and given the weather the turn out was very good indeed.

I was delighted to be invited to judge BIS, BPIS and BVIS.

My BIS was the Irish Terrier Thomas's Ch Lead The Way To Montelle. Twenty months old this male was shown in excellent coat and condition and stood out on the day with his soundness and balance and his strong ground covering parallel gait. Good head, dark eye and well set ears. Very well handled and presented.

My RBIS was the Giant Schnauzer Houchin's Ch Philoma Pay Back Time For Barnsdale ShCM. A four and a half year old male he impresses when viewed from any angle with an excellent head, dark eye, good furnishings and shown in good coat and condition. In profile he has excellent shoulder with a good turn of stifle and a strong top line. Needed the full ring to show off his impressive ground covering gait. Again very well handled and presented.

BPIS was a delightful Norfolk Terrier Gee's Watercroft Coin Of The Relm. Just eight months old this bitch really took the eye with an excellent head and keen expression, balance in profile and busy efficient ground covering movement. Excellent prospect.

RBPIS was the Bernese Mountain Dog Miles' Jaybiem Modus Operandi a near 10 month old male who displayed absolute soundness on the move and was shown in excellent coat and condition. Typical head of good overall proportions, good reach of neck, powerful shoulders and a well held strong top line. Another good prospect. 

BVIS was the Canadian Eskimo Dog Bailey's Shepherdsway Eskimo Angel At Akna a near 10 year old bitch who I have admired on previous occasions. Classic head and expression for this Breed but what remains particularly impressive is her overall condition and soundness on the move which belies her years. 

RBVIS was the Smooth Collie Benton's Ch Alopex Marionette Of Oakestelle another I have admired a great deal over the years. Now 10 years old, I note the day after the show itself, she remains a great credit to her Breed and was as sound as ever on the move. Shown as always in good coat and condition.

Simon Luxmoore