• Show Date: 27/01/2019
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Ruth Longbottom Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

Border Counties Gundog Club

Border Counties GunDog Club

27th January 2019

As a last minute replacement judge I was very grateful for the entry today and to the very sporting exhibitors.

Sussex Spaniel


1st… Mowbray’, Crumbledor Hermione….. 9month Puppy Just a baby very pretty head & expression. Good bone for her age. I liked her proportions, neck & shoulders. Good length of body & good feet & pasterns. Typically short coat & good colour. Moved well around the ring. BP


1st…Hetherington’s, Serendel Sussex Escapade….2 Year old male with wide skull, pronounced stop, brows frowning. Soft expression with large hazel eyes. Good ear set, good strong jaw. Neck strong, flowing into sloping shoulders well laid back. Super short strong straight front. Well boned throughout. Lovely well developed deep chest, back and lion muscular. Deep back ribs. Strong muscular thighs, good strong hocks, feet round & well padded. Good feathering between toes, Tail low set thickly covered with hair. Moved beautifully with distinctive roll. Super coat, exhibited in lovely condition

2nd…Brown’s, Saxonbejayz Elliot.… This 22 month old young man presented a pleasing outline. Masculine head & soft expression. Correct length to neck leading into sloping well laid back shoulders. Deep chest, well developed & muscular. Strong hindquarters, well angulated, moved welL.

3rd…Nesbitt’s Chabrouille Singin Hinny.


1st… Nesbitt’s, Yorkham Fred Bear from Chabrouille ShCm…. A super well built male. Wide skull, well pronounced stop, brows frowning, well developed nostrils. A lovely soft expression, good large hazel eyes. Ears moderately set, lying close to the skull. Long strong neck leading to good sloping shoulders. Good well boned strong front, legs short and strong. Deep well developed chest. Muscular back & loin. Good strong muscular thighs, good rear angulation. Tail set low. This dog presented a picture of strength with an abundance of coat, commanded the ring moving with a distinctive roll. BOB & BVIB.

2nd…Hetherington’s Serendel Sussex Escapade.

3rd…Brown’s Saxonbejayz Elliot.

Field Spaniel


1st… Gill’s, Diptonia Gypsy Moth….12 Month old well balanced young girl. A very noble head with well chiselled face. Well defined occiput, eyebrows slightly raised, almond shaped eyes dark in colour, giving a very gentle expression. Moderately low set ears. Long Muscular neck. Good sloping well laid back shoulders. Good strong straight front. Good length and muscular back. Deep chest, ribs well sprung. Good strong muscular hind quarters, good bend of stifle, nice tight feet. Tail low set & never stopped wagging. Covered the ground with great reach & drive.

2nd… Moss’s, Fecimus Chase the Dream to Ewtor…. 6 Month old puppy dog. Smart young man with a lot to like about him. Head still needs to break but plenty of work in it at this age so should finish well, eye colour and shape ok. Good neck into his shoulders, legs well boned for his age. Body of good proportions, ribs as they should be at this age. Quarters are developing well. Moved like a little train around the ring. BP

3rd…Smith’s, Fecimus Living the Dream at Flyenpyg


1st… Smith’s, Fecimus Living the Dream at Flyenpyg…. Just 6 months old young bitch, very much a baby. Well put together, balanced outline. Soft gentle expression & extremely affectionate. Nice dark eye, ears set low with good length. Good shoulder placement, top line level & firm. Moved out well. Still rather raw but just right for her age, a happy mover.

2nd… Stuart Jones’s Ewtor Crazy Kinda Luv at Vrackie….Good head, with kindly expression, framed by low set silky ears, strong neck & good lay of shoulder. Well muscled fore & aft, holding his topline well. Although unsettles initially, once settled, showed typical steady movement, driving from the rear.


1st…Smith’s Ewtor Affinity For Flyenpyg JW ShCM. A super exhibit on the stack & she has a super clean outline and balance about her. Her head was pleasing, good over all shape and an appealing expression, defined chiselling under the eyes. Clean reach of neck which led into correctly placed shoulders and a good return of upper arm. Standing on good well boned legs. Decent amount of spring to her ribs and firm through her loin. Quarters are well developed with moderately bent stifles, in super coat & condition. Moved well with good driving action. Pleased to award her Best of Breed.



1st… Ruddy’s, Almoor Anastasia at Netherhill…. Well balanced 11 month old young lady. Pretty feminine head, kind expression. Straight forelegs, good length of neck into well laid back shoulders. Level topline, good body proportions, good angulation fore & aft. Covered the ground with ease at one with her handler. BP & Puppy Group 4.


1st… Ruddy’s Netherhill Euro Million….A quality bitch, very well made all through. Lovely head, good neck & shoulders. Good body, deep chest, good length of rib, a lovely outline. Good hindquarters, sound on the move.

2nd… Ruddy’s Almoor Anastasia at Netherhill.

3rd…McMahon’s, Silverkelvin Jupiter.


 1st… Ruddy’s, Netherhill Euro Million.

2nd… McMahon’s, Silverkelvin Jupiter. Male 15 mth old dog, who must have a bright future, so well made for his age, excels in forehand constructions, well arched feet, good overall body proportions, movement was a little erratic, but once settled has an easy free stride with great coverage.


1st… Ruddy’s, Netherhill Euro Million

2nd… McMahon’s, Silverkelvin Jupiter


1st…Ruddy’s, Netherhills Got Talent JW….A quality male with plenty of substance & breed type. Medium & moderate in all regards, presented in super fit condition. Lovely aristocratic expression & moderate stop. Good strong neck, leading to well laid back shoulders, well boned & straight front, firmly coupled & very strong across the loin. Good spring of ribcage, level topline, lovely balance to depth of brisket, very well angulated. Effortless reach & drive on the move. BOB.

2nd…Young’s, Silverkelvin Lunar Eclipse over Noreaster ShCm…. A lovely young man built on clean lines and balanced all through with good muscle tone, good balanced head of equal length, nice eye, depth of flew and good nose, ears long set high, nice length of neck set on cleanly into shoulders with good forequarters, deep chest, firm level topline and well muscled hindquarters, he moved well

Judge……Ruth Longbottom