- Show Date: 03/03/2019
- Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
- Judged by: Ray McDonald Contact Judge
- Published Date: 27/07/2023
Coventry & District Gundog Society
Thank you to the committee of Coventry Gundog for such a prestigious appointment at this well run show. I was spoilt with many lovely dogs to judge and the Group was one of the best I have seen for a while which reflects on the breed judges who selected the BOBs.
My Best In Show went to the young Hungarian Vizsla - Hardcastle, Green & Bradley’s Vizslanya Sziena by Viszaset who took my eye in the AV’s and when I realised she had also won BOB I knew there had to be something special to beat her.
That ‘something special’ was very nearly the Brittany - Tully’s Sh Ch Highclare Flaming Nora who had impressed earlier in the day with her correct breed type and movement and despite being 10yrs young showed the youngsters she is still a contender to take RBIS
BIS 3 was the Nova Scottia Duck Tolling Retriever - Strevens’ Sh Ch Erikachen Conaire at Tollisty JW ShCM ShCEX. A 4yr D who does not only score well for type and construction but has such correct movement for the breed.
BIS 4 was the Spanish Water Dog – Walker’s Valentisimo’s Tizi. A 4yr B of lovely shape and size, put together so well fore and aft, with nothing overdone. In good condition, carrying a good coat and moving with drive and purpose.
Best puppy in show must surely be only of the best ways to finish judging and my BPIS went to the Curly Coated Retriever – James’ Kahawei Teal. I admit that I was rather taken by this 11mth youngster. Type, construction and movement, she has it all. Lovely clean head and dark eyes. Good length of neck flows into a lovely front assembly. Deep well sprung ribs under a super level topline to a well angled rear. She is so true and together on the move. I am sure she has a bright future.
RBPIS was the Pointer - Stilgoe’s Teisgol Hot Chocolate. Lovely 7½ mth B. Love her outline. Correct all through. Feminine head of correct shape, good length of neck flows into well-made forequarters. Lovely level topline to a well set tail and correctly angled hind quarters. True and stylish on the move with correct front action and driving behind.
BPIS 3 was the Lagotto Romognolo – Gilder & Blunden’s Mikette Mini Mi Milioni. This lovely 10mth B impressed in BIS and continued to impress here. Well-made with plenty of attitude and correct movement.
BPIS 4 was the Irish Setter – Holley’s Gwendariff Look This Way to Wynjill. Just 8mths and still such a baby but such a lovely outline. Super forehand and not overdone in the rear. She has that correct gentle slope to her topline. Not as tidy on the move which is so typical of the breed but warranted the place for her type and construction.
Bracco Italiano
Puppy (3,0)
1st Critchley’s Braccorions Never Say Never. Lovely 8mth B of correct shape with good depth through body. Feminine in head with correct divergent planes. Super front assembly with well laid shoulders and good forechest. Deep well sprung ribs & deep loin. Correct rear angles and a true free elegant mover with drive. BOB & BP
2nd Sladden’s Tyrebechgyn Believe You Will at Canemamans. 9mth D. Another with a pleasing head. A touch longer in body than 1 and not quite as mature in body at the moment. Good front and rear angles. Good mover. RBOB
3rd Swanson’s Braccorions News To Me
Junior (1,0)
1st Angus’ Braccorions Livin It Up at Sparkenhoe. 17mth B, a little longer through muzzle and lacking stop. Well laid shoulders. A little wider coming towards & longer through body. Good rear angles and moved with drive.
Post Graduate (1,0)
1st Angus’ Braccorions Livin It Up at Sparkenhoe.
AVNSC Gundog
Graduate (2,0)
1st Tully’s Highclare Oos The Daddy – Brittany. 12mth Brittany. What a super young lady. Love her shape, lovely head with dark eye and good width of skull. Very well-made forequarters with super lay of shoulder, good forechest, spring and depth of rib. Short coupled under a level topline and back to a well-made rear. Excels on the move.
2nd Walker’s Sarscottah Catch A Rainbow – German Longhaired Pointer. 2yr B. Love her head, fine through body but well-made fore and aft. Level topline, super muscle condition. A little excited on the move.
Open (3,0)
1st Tully’s Sh Ch Highclare Flaming Nora – Brittany. Wow, what a super B she is and at 10yrs old can still show the youngsters a thing or two. Super shape, correct head in shape and proportions with visible median line. Super forequarters, well-muscled, well laid shoulders, forechest and deep well sprung ribs. Short through the loin to give that ‘cobby’ shape. Moderate rear angles as required and a super mover. True coming and going & showing that brisk gait in profile. Pleased to award her BAVNSC then later RBIS.
2nd Speck’s Sarscottah Astro – German Longhaired Pointer. A dog I have liked since he was young, now 3yrs he has matured into a lovely example of the breed. He was being a bit of a handful today though. Lovely head and eye, always ‘smiling’ and enjoying life. Strong neck to super forequarters, deep well sprung ribs, short loin and lovely rear angles. Spoiled himself on the move at times but won RBAVNSC on his type and what I could see.
3rd Cook’s Highclare Only one Avec Tailiside (AI) - Brittany
AV Imported Breed Register Gundog
Graduate (2,1)
1st Sladden’s Khyannes Triton at Canemamans (Imp Hun) – Braque D’Auvergne. 11Mth D. A nice substantial puppy. Like his head and nice dark eye. Well-made at front with well laid shoulders and good forechest. Neat feet. Good depth and spring of rib, level topline to a well angled rear. Moved with reach and drive. Front needs to tighten. BP
Open (2,1)
1st Stilgoe’s Perdizcyo Beatriz with Teisgol BJW18 JWW18 – Portuguese Pointer. 18mth B. WOW, what a super young lady. Love her outline, super head of correct proportions and good breadth of skull and muzzle. Attentive expression. Super forehand with forechest, lay of shoulder, deep well sprung ribs and a straight front. A level topline over a deep well-muscled loin to a well angled, muscular rear that she used to very good effect on the move. So true fore and aft with lovely reach and drive. BOB
AV Gundog Veteran
Veteran Dog (3,1)
1st Sh Ch/Int/Bel/Hun Ch Joaldy Mandolin Wind JW ShCM CW’12 EW’12 EW’16 BelBW’16 – Spaniel (Cocker). 10yrs and still very much a show man. Quite tall but balanced and very well put together. Masculine through head with a nice dark eye. Super front assembly with nice forechest, correct spring and depth of rib to a short loin and a well angled rear. Lovely mover who commands attention. Best Veteran.
2nd Abnalls Sebastian Golden Retriever. Another 10yr old. Masculine dog with good head and eyes. Well-made fore and aft. Losing muscle definition behind which is affecting his rear movement.
Veteran Bitch (6,2)
Very close call between 1 and 2.
1st Araminta Glass at Gayplume – Retriever (Flatcoated) 7yr B, Lovely outline and a classic head of good length, not too broad and nice dark eyes. Nice length of neck to a well-made front assembly with laid back shoulders, return of upper arm and good forechest. Level topline to a correctly angulated and well-muscled rear. Good tail set and carriage, moved with drive.
2nd Quintic Vogue of Bowswizzler – Spaniel (Sussex). 9yrs and a very close call between 1 & 2. Feminine head of good shape. Lovely forequarters with good bone. Level topline and well ribbed back to a short loin and well-made rear. Super free mover covering the ground with reach and drive.
3rd Sh Ch Reedmace Sweetbriar Floss for Elgert JW ShCm (Imp NLD) – Spaniel (Field)
Res Carromer Pale Lustre - Retriever (Labrador)
Gill Lewis Memorial AV Gundog Minor Puppy Stakes
Minor Puppy (23,10)
What a lovely Class
1st Goodman’s Blacklake Mariana for Gayplume – Retriever (Flat Coated). Just 6mth and what a lovely typey baby. Classic head of good length, slight stop & nice dark eyes. Super forequarters with depth of chest, well laid shoulders and good forechest. Level topline, well ribbed back to a short loin. Well-made rear and the best mover in the class.
2nd Riley’s Lamancha Night Sky Illusion - Retriever (Golden) 6mth D. So together for a baby. Love his head for shape and proportions. Super front assembly with correct depth and spring of rib. Level topline and correct tail set. Super rear and a steady, true mover with reach and drive.
3rd Tague’s Blacklake Augustus Beau – Retriever (Flat Coated)
Res Barker’s Valger Rapunzel – German Shorthaired Pointer
VHC Matthews’ Sonham Jimmy Choo – Spaniel (Cocker)
Jean Allen Memorial AV Gundog Puppy Stakes
Puppy (21,16)
Another lovely class, so close all the way down the line.
1st Bryant & Hollis’ Silvamoon Storm Trooper for Phenset – English Setter. Really liked this 9mth D for his size and outline. Masculine head of good proportions & nice eyes. Good neck flows to a level topline. Super front of good angles with depth and spring of rib. Short strong loin to a well-made read. True and steady on the move.
2nd Harris, Bridgwater & Hoeksema’s Blazing Bronze Happy Clappy Sings Konakakela (Imp Nld) – Irish Setter. 10mth D and another I liked for his size and outline. Good length to head and not overdone with nice dark eyes. Clean neck to well laid shoulders. Correct gentle slope to the topline with a well-made rear. Another good mover.
3rd Danks-Kemish’s Samelen Gi Blues at Alolfrana – English Setter
Res Whitfield’s Benoveor Ticket To Ride – Spaniel (Welsh Springer)
VHC Longhurst’s Hurstmeon Bit Of A Pickle – Retriever (Labrador)
AV Gundog
Minor Puppy (17,10)
1st Taylor & Taylor-Morris’ Drysika Cha Cha at Pelenrise – German Shorthaired Pointer. Just 7mths, a nice young B with clean lines. Pleasing head of good proportions. Clean neck to well-made forequarters. Ribbed well back with a short loin, level topline and a well-muscled rear, well-made rear. True and smooth on the move with reach and drive.
2nd Riley’s Lamancha Night Sky Illusion - Retriever (Golden) (2nd in MP Stakes)
3rd Barker’s Valger Rapunzel – German Shorthaired Pointer
Res Matthews’ Sonham Jimmy Choo – Spaniel (Cocker)
VHC McGrath’s Taisgol Hot’N Sausey - Pointer
Puppy (12, 15)
1st Harris, Bridgwater & Hoeksema’s Blazing Bronze Happy Clappy Sings Konakakela (Imp Nld) – Irish Setter (2nd in Puppy Stakes)
2nd Burgess’ Melanitta Sinamay Retriever (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling) 11mth B. Pleasing head with good ear set and carriage & dark eyes. Well-made forequarters although front feet could be tighter. Level topline to good rear angles. True mover.
3rd Davey’s Eald Dancing Queen – Spaniel (Sussex)
Junior (30, 16)
1st Hardcastle, Green & Bradley’s Vizslanya Sziena by Viszaset – Hungarian Vizsla. WOW, what can I say? This young lady has it all. Shape, size, Type, construction and movement. Super head, feminine, of correct shape and proportions with nice eyes and expression. Excels in construction and condition, lay of shoulder, forechest, depth and spring of rib Level topline to a well-muscled rear with good turn of stifle. A joy to watch on the move, true fore and aft with reach and drive in profile. One special lady with a bright future and today took top honours of Best in Show.
2nd Adams & Scales’ Fisherbloom Re’Encountered – Pointer. 14mth D. Liked this young man for his style and movement. Well-made and well-muscled throughout. Good front angles with nice forechest. Straight front and neat feet. Level topline over correct spring and depth of rib. Well-made rear and another lovely mover with correct front action, good reach and drive.
3rd Hammond’s Seasham Love Bug – German Shorthaired Pointer.
Res Cook’s Highclare Only one Avec Tailiside (AI) - Brittany
VHC James’ Tsarmont Star Quality - Retriever (Golden)
Yearling (26, 14, 1W/d)
1st Hardcastle, Green & Bradley’s Vizslanya Sziena by Viszaset – Hungarian Vizsla
2nd Matthews’ Medogold Tartini with Sonham JW ShCM – Pointer. Love this young 20mth B for her outline and type. Feminine head of correct shape correct stop and dark eyes. Well-muscled neck to well laid shoulders with correct depth and spring of rib. Level topline & short muscular loin to a well-muscled rear with good turn of stifle. Lovely ground covering movement with correct front action and drive.
3rd Hammond’s Seasham Love Bug – German Shorthaired Pointer
Res Davey’s Eald Village Scandal JW – Spaniel (Sussex)
VHC Angus’ Sparkenhoe Overture – German Shorthaired Pointer
Post Graduate (18, 10)
1st McAllister’s Mizani Diorbe of Slovakia ShCM – Lagotto Romagnolo. 22mth D. Maturing very nicely this youngster scores well for type, construction and his typey movement. Good breadth to skull, correct open front angles, good spring and depth of rib. Level topline to a well set and well carried tail, good rear angles and moved with drive. Coat developing well.
2nd Hammond’s Seasham Love Bug – German Shorthaired Pointer. Another I have done well before this 16mth B ticks the right boxes. Typey outline and feminine head, clean cut with nice dark eyes. Well-muscled neck of good length to well laid shoulders. Ribs of correct spring and depth. Level topline over short loin. Lovely rear angles used well in her true flowing movement.
3rd Bambrook’s Marshwiggle Shakespeare at Ravoakar
Res Bovier’s Victoriaview Bluebell – English Setter
VHC James’ Tsarmont Star Quality Retriever (Golden)
Open (16, 8)
1st Thomas’ Bowdonia Anastasia JW ShCM – Spaniel (Welsh Springer). Lovely typey B. Super head and so well-made fore and aft. Well laid shoulders, spring and depth of rib and good forechest. Level topline. On the move she owned the ring, reach, drive and presence.
2nd Graves’ Norriss Northern Wizard – Spaniel (Sussex) Really liked this boy. Good proportions of body to leg, masculine head, well-made forequarters with good lay of shoulder, lovely forechest. Level topline to well-made rear. Good mover.
3rd Woodward’s Hinxwood Fire and Ice – Spaniel (Welsh Springer)
Res Barwe & Baker-Roullier’s Desfrisa Flirtini JW ShCM - Pointer
VHC James’ Tsarmont Star Quality Retriever (Golden)
Brace (8, 6)
1st Bozier’s English Setters. Went well together, typey pair
2nd Davey’s Spaniel (Sussex) Another lovely pairing, just not as together.
Special Field Trial/Working Open(4, 1)
What a super Trio.
1st Cooper’s Deifstock Dazling Star JW – Weimaraner. 2yr B. Super typey B with a lovely outline. Feminine & elegant but with substance and muscle. Love her head, good length of neck, well-muscled and flows into a super front assembly with well laid shoulders and a good amount of forechest. Deep well sprung ribs back to a muscular loin all sat under a level topline. Finished off with a well-muscled, correctly angulated rear that she uses to drive round the ring with ease.
2nd Steadman’s Indijazz Designer Genes. - German Shorthaired Pointer. 19 mth D. Love his flowing outline. Good head and eyes. Well-made fore & aft and well-muscled as you would expect from these dogs. Just didn’t quite have the drive and presence on the move of the winner.
3rd Hill’s Weipowa Rising Star (AI) JW – Weimaraner
Ray McDonald (Judge)