• Show Date: 17/02/2019
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Paula Meacham Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

Matlock & District Canine Society

Smooth Collie.

Puppy D/B No Entries

Junior D/B. 3 (1)

1st. Koczkodan Midnight Sun. Bitch Sable & White.

Nice wedge head, good eye, ears could be higher, neck a little short but goes into a nice

back and tail, needs longer stride in front but moves well behind with neat feet and good

bend on stifle. Res breed of breed.

2. Koczkodan Midnight Sky. Dog. Tricolour.

Well build dog with a powerful stride when left to run, ears could be higher. Nice head and


Post Graduate. D/B. No Entries.

Open D/B. 2

1st. Manordeifi Satin Doll of Koczkodan. Bitch. Tricolour.

Moves well with drive, good head and eye, nice ears, balanced neck with good shoulders.


2nd. Koczkodan Nostromo. Dog. Tricolour

Well build dog with muscle, but back is a little loose, ear need to be tighter, good head and

eye. Moves better when he is left to run.


Puppy Dog/Bitch 3 (1)

1st. Watercroft To Coin A Phrase. Dog. Norfolk Terrier. 8months

Lovely dog, moves well with drive and meaning, good neat head and eye, nice and compact

with a straight back, neat feet. BEST PUPPY AND RES BEST PUPPY IN SHOW.

2nd. Duvessa Sheer Khan. Dog. Mini Bull Terrier. 7 months.

Young dog that need confidence and ring training, Front movement with a bit high stepping,

nice head and eye leading to a good neck and back,

Junior Dog/Bitch. 1


Post Graduate Dog/ Bitch.


Open Dog/Bitch. 9 (2)

1st. Holbam Celtic Summer. Bitch. Irish Terrier.

Beautiful bitch, well made, moved with drive and purpose, good head and eye near ears,

little long in loin.

2nd. Miteymidgets Love in Bloom JW. Bitch. Bedlington Terrier.

Nice bitch with good movement but a little more drive would be nice, good head and eye.

3rd. Watercroft Pop Picker. Bitch. Norfolk Terrier.

Nice bitch with good movement, neat head and eye, compact and neat. Teeth could do with

a clean.


1st. Ch. Miteymidgets Look of Love. Sh.CM.

Bedlington Terrier.

7years old. Does not show her age, beautiful shape, well bodied, moves with a flowing gait.

Lovely head and eye.

2nd. Tetani Spirit of the Wind. Manchester Terrier.

11years old. Showing her age on the move, head and eye ok

3rd. Tetani Lux Mandi. Manchester Terrier.

8years old. Did not really want to move, or be there,


1st. Tarkaswell Smart Move to Otterwood. Dog. Border Terrier.

Lovely all round dog, smallish but all there, moves well with drive, nice head leading to a

good neck, nice head and eye.

2nd. Watercroft to Coin a Phase. Dog. Norfolk Terrier.

See Avnsc Puppy.

3rd. Digelea Date Night at Holtaire. Manchester Terrier

4th. Just Top Russell to Pacolito. Parson Russell Terrier.


1st. Watercroft to Coin a Phase. Norfolk Terrier.

2nd. Just Top Russell to Pacolito. Parson Russell Terrier

3rd. Glen Mara Oh Viedo at Kersfell (imp). Border Terrier