- Show Date: 10/02/2019
- Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
- Judged by: Pat Hutchinson Contact Judge
- Published Date: 27/07/2023
Portsmouth & Southsea Kennel Association
Portsmouth & Southsea KA Open Show – 10th February 2019
German Shepherd Dog
Jun – no entries
PG (1) 1. Jones’ Suzdans Ollivanders. 18-month old black/tan d of correct size/length ratio. Head well balanced with intelligent and alert expression. Good reach of neck, straight back, good depth of chest and overall substance. Fair front assembly although a little over-angulated in stifles which affected his hind movement as he lacked strength in his hocks.
Open (1) 1. Jones’ Kintaro Hot Off The Press ShCM. 5 yr old black/tan b. Better overall balance than kennel mate with good front assembly, fair reach of neck and straight back, and better hind angulation. Her head, although clean and balanced, was a little ‘doggy’ for me, however she was the better mover of the two so pleased to award her BOB & Gp4.
Border Collies
Jun (3) 1. Ecroft & Peters’ Falconmoor Love Me Do. 15-month old smooth-coated tri b of correct size. Balanced profile with ample bone and substance and good spring of rib. Head balanced with flat skull, well filled foreface, kind inquisitive eye and erect ears – would prefer tighter lip line. Moved freely holding her topline level but she was a little close behind.
2. Greaves’ Moshanta Midnight Hour. More typical 16-month b/w d in good coat with pleasing head properties. Sadly, a little unsettled today and his rear movement was disappointing, being close behind and lacking in drive.
3. Taylor’s Janyjoy Game Changer
PG (5,1) 1. Cooper’s Moshanta Mystic Maiden. Typical b/w b in good harsh coat, with ample bone and substance. A well balanced b with fair reach of neck and sufficient angulation fore and aft. Pleasing head pattern with flat skull, well moulded foreface and kind, intelligent eye. Moved freely with good drive although a tad close behind. RBOB.
2. Falconmoor Love Me Do
3. Bridges & Cooper’s Kirkbridgend Kairos
Open (4,1) 1. Hartfield’s Moshanta Movin’ On JW ShCM. Appealing and typical b/w b in good coat of correct harsh texture. Balanced head with semi-erect ears, kind dark eye and good underjaw. She has ample bone and substance and is well angulated fore and aft, and sufficient reach of neck to give required elegance. She moved freely, with drive, and pleased to award her BOB & Gp3.
2. Bridges’ Kirkbridgend Rock Star AW (S). B/w b in good coat and of finer type than 1 and I found her a little tall on the leg due to overlong pasterns. However, she had fair angulation and reach of neck, and good length of back. Her head was balanced with sufficient stop and flat skull, but would prefer better fill of foreface to complete the picture. Fair movement though lacked drive.
3. Ecroft & Peters’ Arnpriors Dream Baby At Falconmoor
Bearded Collies
Jun (2) 1. Baker & Van de Hoef’s Malandex Xpat’s Image. Promising 10-month grey b. Not quite the coat development of 2 but sufficient to enhance her lines, and of correct weather-proof texture. Well balanced pup with good length of rib, good bone and substance, correct angulation and fair reach of neck. Balanced head with flat skull, well filled muzzle and good underjaw. Showed steadily and moved with style. BP/RBOB/PG2.
2. Colley & Waldron’s Victory Winds Ocean Pearl For Snowmead. 11-mth fawn b. Another promising puppy, developing along similar lines to 1. A difficult decision but I just preferred the slightly longer back and harsher coat of the winner. Two lovely pups and I am sure they will change places many times.
PG – no entries
Open (1) 1. Lewry & Lewis’ Potterdale Magic Dust ShCM. Grey d in super condition with weather-proof jacket. A happy boy of correct height/length ratio, excellent bone and substance, good angulation, fair reach of neck, good depth of chest and spring of rib. Head handled well with broad, flat skull, well filled foreface and ample chin. Moved freely as his construction suggests, covering the ground easily and holding his topline level though a little proud of his tail. Pleased to award him BOB.
AVNSC Pastoral
Puppy (3) 1. Jones’ Quemerford Take Two. Eye-catching and well grown 8-mth OES d who commands attention. In profuse coat, he stood and showed off his virtues like a veteran. Developing well, he has a square outline with excellent reach of neck, good bone and substance, angulation and correct rise over the loins. Pleasing head properties with capacious square skull and defined stop, well-filled foreface and dark, intelligent eye. Moved freely round the ring with good drive. Pleased to award him BP/BOB/Gp1&PG1, and was delighted to see him later go BPIS. Congratulations!
2. Garratt’s Kistelek Cee Three Pee Oh. Confident 9-mth black Puli d, developing well with his coat just beginning to cord. Correct squarish profile, he has a small head with domed skull and defined stop and dark lively eyes. Palate correctly darkly pigmented. He moved nimbly holding his topline well.
3. White’s Overhills Double Trouble - Beauceron
Grad (1) 1. Harrell’s Pebbleena’s Millie Murphy With Beaukita. Black and tan Beauceron b of good size and substance. Her head was held proudly on good reach of neck and is balanced with parallel planes to her head, a well filled foreface, good underjaw, dark medium eye and ears of correct length. Fair angulation, good depth of chest and length of back with low set tail. She showed steadily but sadly her movement let her down as she tended to pace in the small ring.
Open (5,1) 1. Harrell’s Chiceron Endeavour With Beaukita. Upstanding black and tan Beauceron d oozing ring presence. Powerfully built, his head was held proudly on a well arched neck. He has ample bone and substance, good depth of chest and good angles fore and aft. Balanced head with intelligent eye and a happy and alert temperament. He moved with power, covering the ground effortlessly and holding his topline level and tail low. RBOB.
2. White’s Overhills The Midas Touch. Another upstanding Beauceron d, built along the correct lines though not as good in hind angulation as 1 and his movement tended to be hurried.
3. Churchouse’s Mybeards Violet – Polish Lowland b.
AV Pastoral
Puppy (2, 1w/h) 1. Massons’ Samhaven Golden Shadow. Appealing 11-mth s/w Rough Collie d of good type. Excellent coat of correct texture, ample bone and substance and neat feet. His balanced head was supported by a fair reach of neck and he is well angulated with good forechest and spring of rib. Head with parallel planes, flat skull, well filled foreface, dark oblique eye and super ear carriage produced the required sweetness and kindness of expression. He moves true although somewhat lacking in drive, so his handler must try and get the best out of him. A promising youngster. PG3.
Open (4, 2 w/h) 1. Storr’s Hawksflight Play The Game At Mesquakie. Lots to like about this red Terveuren b though unfortunately she appeared a little stressed so difficult to assess on the move. Elegant and alert with pleasing head pattern, kind eye and correct angles. She has sufficient bone but lacks substance.
2. Allen’s Kelgrove Honeybee Magic At Sanbrakel. S/w Sheltie b in excellent coat and correct height/length ratio. She has a good reach of neck, level back and good angulation. Whilst her head was balanced with flat skull, sufficient stop and dark eye, her muzzle was snipey which spoilt her overall expression. She showed well and moved freely.
Veteran (9) 1. Ainsworth’s Hawksflight Light My Fire. Upstanding 7yr red Terveuren b with great ring presence and in excellent coat. Well balanced b with good reach of neck, level back, good angulation, ample bone and substance with sufficient spring of ribs. Head handled well, with good balance of skull and foreface, well chiselled beneath her dark almond eyes, and tight lip line. Alert and intelligent she moved freely. Best AV Pastoral Vet.
2. Bridges’ Kirkwind Poppet At Kirkbridgend AW (G). 9½ yr b/w Border Collie b. Constructed well and in good coat, her head handled well with adequate stop, flat skull, erect ears, good eye and sweet expression. Moved freely with good drive.
3. Allen’s Kelgrove Blue Heaven – Sheltie b.
Pastoral Group
Gp1. Quemerford Take Two – OES
Gp2. Hawksflight Milady da Winta. Upstanding, typical Terveuren b in super coat and condition. Alert and graceful with correctly chiselled head, flat skull and erect ears. Graceful and effortless on the move.
Gp3. Moshanta Movin’ On JW ShCM – Border Collie
Gp4. Kintaro Hot Off The Press ShCM – GSD
Pastoral Puppy Group
PG1 & BPIS. Quemerford Take Two – OES
PG2. Malandex Xpat’s Magic – Bearded Collie
PG3. Samhaven Golden Shadow – Rough Collie
PG4. Sherkarl Copper Highlights – Shetland Sheepdog. A promising 10 mth old s/w d in good coat. Developing well with good angulation, bone and substance. Sweet head and expression, moved soundly.
Pat Hutchinson (Judge)