- Show Date: 29/05/2019
- Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
- Judged by: Nick Gourley Contact Judge
- Published Date: 27/07/2023
Reading & District Kennel Association
J (6,2) 1st Saffer’s Ragemma Upsa Daisy. What a beauty. Loved her head in perfect proportion to her body. Large dark eyes. Being picky perhaps like a slightly smaller ear but they were neat and symmetrical. Obvious width to her lower jaw and perfectly aligned teeth. Width followed through her head. Of ideal size and so square and cobby. In tip top condition. Plenty of substance without an ounce of fat. Short thick neck with a crest. Level top line and neat tight curl. Super short fine coat. Moved soundly away and back with slight roll of hind quarters – well collected in side gait. BOB. 2nd Harris’ Conquell No Harm No Charm. Very confident and showed well. Large round head with neat ears and large dark eye. Really liked the finish to her forehead, her open nostril and width to her underjaw. Not quite as compact and square as I would like. Looking a little immature in body and would prefer tighter curl.
PG (6,2) 1st Ward’s Delwins Sweet Rose Bud. I like the width of her underjaw. Her dark eyes could have been larger ideally. A little heavy in nose roll which detracted. Neat small ears. An ideal size and square as they come in shape. Really cobby bitch with a perfect high-set, tight curl. Fine short coat. Was moving very close behind today. RBOB. 2nd Beech & Schofield’s Tidemill Austin Powers. Similar comments apply in head to the winner although he has lovely large round eyes which give him a better expression although they could be a little darker in colour. Cobby and square in body. Not so happy today which showed in his overall performance. A very sound mover.
O (4,0) 1st Beech & Schofield’s Tidemill Thomas Little ShCM. He has such a fabulous head and expression and would have pushed the winner hard on another day. Wide jaw, open nostril, large dark eyes and neat finish to forehead. Small neat ears. Thick neck and cobby in body. Perfectly straight front and strength of bone. Strong hocks. Not happy on the move today and not as collected as his confirmation suggested he should have been. 2nd Alexander’s Hugapug Nutcracker Treveth JW ShCM. A very compact square dog who presents a typical overall outline. Large expressive eyes which I felt could have been darker. Neat ears set well. Short neck into well laid shoulders, Very sound on the move. Heavy black shading throughout the coat which would have been acceptable if restricted to a trace but no contrast at all which detracted.
Thank you for bringing a super selection of Affenpinschers for me to assess. I was delighted to see the Group judge approved of and rewarded my choice for BOB and BPIB; especially as he is an Affie-man.
P (4,1) Two very promising litter sisters and a so very similar. Super temperaments, full of mischief. Eye shape and set just right and equidistant to nose. Good turn up with tight lips. Both compact in body with tail set and carried high. Coat already of good texture for age, nice and harsh. The winner just a little bit more parallel when going away. Should both have a bright future. 1st Pirrie’s Faehat Betsi Cadwaladr Riogaioch. BPIB & PG2. 2nd Currie’s Faehat Fascinator.
J (5,0) 1st McEvcoy & Pirrie’s Tamarin Tucson (imp USA). Such a confident showman and would have loved to do a bit of stand up I’m sure. Loved the size of his head in proportion to his body. Just the right expression and dark eye to compliment. Nice and sturdy in body with a harsh coat. Just tended to crab a bit in full trot which cost him a rosette today. 2nd Cary’s No Strings Attached at Carycares. A larger framed bitch with such a typical outline overall and very good proportions. Her head carriage, her short back and thick high set tail set draw your attention. She has a typical monkey expression; I would prefer a slightly darker eye. Moved really well in profile.
PG (4,0) 1st Pirrie & McEvoy’s Priscila Queen Of The Desert. Seriously on form and came to strut her stuff. A. tail that never stopped wagging and at times she was so excited it looked a little flat on her back which was initially deceptive. Loved her typical character and attitude. An ideal size and so compact in body with well sprung ribs. Loved her chimp-like expression, dark sparkling eyes and small high set ears. Turned up chin with tight lips and neat teeth. Short in neck. Coat of harsh texture with shaggy where it matters to give desired monkey look. Moved very soundly – I guess could have lifted her feet a little higher but that would have taken concentration and effort and she was here for the craic. BOB & G3. 2nd Pirrie & McEvoy’s Florindale Secret Copy. Another with very typical head and expression which stole the 2nd spot. Nice and compact in body and showed really well. Lovely straight front but finer boned all through than the winner. Not so positive on the move going away. Showed better lift in front.
O (3,0) 1st Currie’s Venustus Milliners Man for Faehat. Lots to like of this young dog. Initially found him a bit up on his leg but he is deceptive and is in fact very balanced in body with long rib, shorter loin and not too deep in the chest as required. I loved his head for size and shape with perfect symmetrical high set ears; perhaps eyes a little darker for ideal but he has an open nose and very neat finish to his turned up chin. Moved with desired lift and sound away and back. RBOB. 2nd Teasdale’s Tonsarne Lady Mawkin. Immediately noticed the compact body and short straight back as she came in the ring. Very typical monkey like expression with dark medium shape eyes balanced equilaterally with the nose. Very neat turned up chin and width to undershot jaw. Not so happy initially and tail wavered although managed to see it was set high and would be carried well relaxed. Moved steadily and sound away.
Cavalier King Charles Spaniels BPIB & PG2
P (8,3) 1st Hogan’s Stavonga’s Wendy’s Song. A perfectly balanced puppy bitch of ideal size and shape. She grabs your attention as a happy toy spaniel. A soft gentle expression with most beautiful eyes and perfectly set ears. Elegant neck of moderate length with slight crest. Tail never stopped wagging and was carried just right and never above her top line. A well broken Blenheim pattern with symmetrical markings a perfectly formed lozenge. Coat developing well and presented immaculately. BPIB. 2nd Rhodes’ Calonlan Hendricks. Instantly appealed for his overall size and compact shape. Only just 7 months but already a happy self-assured spaniel. Head already has the desired soft gentle expression and ears are set well with feathering developing. A very rich chestnut colour with well broken Blenheim markings. Moved really steadily and sound away and back.
J (4,1) 1st Rix ‘s Ricksbury Royal Heritage. Only a young junior dog but already has ring presence. He cannot stand wrong and looks so balanced overall whether stood or on the move. He entered the ring with a confident jolly disposition and wagged his tail throughout proceedings. His head is divine with an expression that melts you….those eyes. Ears are set high and have plenty of feathering. He is short coupled and has good length of rib. Moved with free flowing action and so sound away and back well. Coat in perfect condition; silky and free from curl. Rich chestnut markings well broken up and added benefit of breed typical lozenge. BOB & G2. 2nd Yeates’ Merryanna Easter Buddy. Another well marked Blenheim who was compact in body despite being a little taller on leg than ideal. Ribs carried well back. Very typical head with gentle expression. Ears set high and skull nice and flat between ears. Large dark round eyes with soft expression. Moved well in side gait.
Y ( 4,0) 1st Taylor’s Vonnyisle Portia at Taybar. Such a very pretty bitch. Smaller head with high set ears. I loved her sweet expression and she has ‘the’ eyes. Very well balanced overall nicely short coupled with a tail carried low whether stood or on the move. Sound away and back and had very good footfall in side gait. 2nd Yeates’ Merryanna Easter Buddy.
N (1,0) 1st Yeates’ Merryanna Easter Buddy.
PG (2,1) 1st Goodwin’s Lanola Santuzza JW. Lovely size and overall shape to this young bitch. Liked her large dark round eyes and gentle expression. Well-proportioned muzzle. Flat top of head and high set ears. Dark chestnut markings but would prefer more break in pattern. A little out of coat today. Moved soundly.
O (6,0) 1st Bubb’s Wandris Evanly Legacy JW. A real battle for BOB as this is also a beautifully headed dog who instantly catches the eye. Soft gentle expression and large dark round eyes. Ears set high and already well feathered. Slight arch to his neck and very well laid shoulders. His well developed fore-chest just knits the forequarters together. Like him a fraction shorter in loin compared to the BOB winner and I mean a fraction. Very sound on the move with freedom of action. Well broken chestnut markings, silky coat and toned body. RBOB. 2nd Culverhill Cianna at Capriconia. What a beautifully headed ruby bitch who looks in her absolute prime. My notes say simply ‘stunning head’. She is short-coupled in body and has just the right proportions to create a really balanced outline stood. She was sound on the move but a little proud of her tail at times which detracted today in such tough competition.
Av Junior Stakes (49,29)
1st Robertson’s PBGV Soletrader Party In Paris. What a confident hound puppy. Such a soft gentle yet intelligent expression. Strength to muzzle and in proportion to overall head with perfect dentition and big useful shiny nose. Ears fine and hanging perfectly. So balanced when stacked and her confirmation is superb. Loved her scopey neck which already had plenty of muscle tone. Fore chest well developed for age and those shoulders !! A joy to watch in side gait – looks like she could go for days. Rough coat of harsh texture and developing well for age.
2nd Carter’s Lhasa Apso Belazieth Sundance Kid with Alamika. An immaculately presented Lhasa Apso who never put a foot wrong and clearly had serious intentions. His overall balance and typical shape made for an unmistakeable Lhasa outline. Carries his head proudly with slight arch to neck. Loved his expression and very neat dentition with strength to underjaw. Good length of rib and compact in body. Tail set high and carried well with feathering. Moved soundly with drive.