- Show Date: 17/02/2019
- Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
- Judged by: Meriel Taylor Contact Judge
- Published Date: 27/07/2023
Ashton-Under-Lyne & DKA(Inc Manchester Toy Dog Society)
Ashton-under-Lune Open Show 17th February 2019
Many thanks to the Officers and Committee for the invitation to judge at their show. I was very sorry to learn that this may be their last show. Thank you also to the exhibitors for a super entry .
1st Cannon & Burroughs. Flashnik Chase the Act. 14 month old fawn male. His head is maturing nicely and he has ample wrinkling. Ear set on is good and he has Good wide open nostrils and black nose. Relatively short muzzle. Eyes dark and round. Slightly undershot moutn. Neck is slightly arched and he has a good body. Ribs are well sprung . kept his topline on the move. Moved well
Open Dog .2
1st McAleny. Macmoore Mr Tambourine Man.
2 year old fawn. His head is relatively large and round.His eyes are dark and round. Black nose with fairly wide open nostrils. Ears are relatively thin and soft. Mouth slightly undershot. Neck is slightly arched and leads into well laid shoulders. Good strong body and excellent spring of ribs. Forlegs straight and set well under body. Hindquarters are well developed, straight when viewed from rear. Tail set on is high and black nails. Moved round the ring like he owned it. B.O.B .
Holmes. Clodana Maverick at Dencas
20 month old male. One I have judged before. He is maturing nicely. His head is relatively large and round. Ample wrinkling and his eyes are dark and round. Ears are small and soft. Slightly undershot mouth. Neck is slightly arched and he has a good lay of shoulder. Good body and spring of rib. Hindquarters are well developed, but his rear movement let him down.
Pug PGB 2
1st Cannon & Burroughs. Roxmarr Hear of Glass at Flahnik.
20 month old fawn bitch. Lovely large feminine head with a naughty expression. Ample wrinkling and eyes are dark and round. Slightly undershot mouth and open nostrils with a black nose.
Neck is slightly arched and she has a good lay back of shoulders. Good short body and good spring of ribs. Well-developed hindquarters . Moved well
2nd Obringer Wizabeanie Princess Mabel Chaffie. 2 year old black. She has a good head, but needs more wrinkling. Dark round eyes and slightly undershot mouth. Good wide open nostrils and black nose. Body is good and she moved well
Open Bitch,1
1st Mcaleny. Macmoore Jesamine. 2 year old fawn with a good head of correct proportions. Large dark round eyes and relatively short muzzle. Slightly undershot and black nose. Good neck slightly arched leading into well laid shoulders. Good body with good spring of ribs. Well developed hindquarters. Moved well
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.
Puppy 5.
1st Parsons. Peakdowns Marco Polo at Anjomil.
6 month old Blenheim male. His head is developing nicely.His skull is almost flat between the ears and he has a shallow stop. Well developed black nostrils and a well tapered muzzle. His eyes are dark and round and spaced well apart. His ears are set on high ,long with plenty of feathering. Correct scissor bite. He has a moderate reach of neck,leading into well laid shoulders. Body is short with a good spring of rib. Hindquarters are developing well and his feet are well cushioned with adequate feathering. Tail was carried on level with his back. Moved well, B.P.I.B. Puppy Group 3
2nd Taylor. Loranka’s So Amazed. 11-month-old Blenheim male. Another super puppy and much of the same applies. I just preferred the overall movement of my winner today, but I am sure they will swap places.
Junior. 4(2) Abs.
1st Parsons. Castelwitch Moonlight at Anjomil. 16 month old Blenheim Bitch. Lovely head with correct proportions and dark round eyes set well apart. Her ears are set on high and are long with ample feathering. Correct scissor bite. Good neck leading into well laid shoulders. Good body ,with a good spring of rib. Hindquarters are good and her feet are well cushioned. Tail set on could be a little lower,but she moved well.B.O.B
2nd. Taylor. Chambell Shimmer. Just over 12 months of age black and tan bitch,with the correct markings. Her head is of the correct proportions and her eyes are dark and round. Correct scissor bite. Ear set on is correct,long with plenty of feathering. Good body and tail set on correct,but she moved close behind.
Open Dog. 3
1st Lee. Kelrick Jammie Dodger.3 year old Blenheim male. His head is good and his skull is almst flat between the ears. He has a shallow stop and his muzzle is well tapered. Correct scissor bite and eyes are dark and round. Set well part. Correct scissor bite. Ears are long and set on high with plenty of feathering. Neck of moderate length, leading into well laid shoulders. Short coupled body and moved well.
2nd Taylor. Beautiful Man. 6 year old blask and tan male,with the correct markings. He has a pleasing head, dark round eyes set well apart and his ear set on is correct,long with plenty of feathering. His mouth could be better. Good body and moved well
Open Bitch. 1
1st Taylor Loranka Daisy Chain. 12 months old bitch.She recently had a bad experience,which was a shame as she is a pretty bitch. She moved well when settled.
S/C Chi’s
Puppy 2(1) abs
1st Entwistle. Dorenty’s Tinkerbell. 6 months old fawn bitch and what a cracker. Full of devil may care attitude.Her head is developing well with the correct apple dome. Eyes are dark and round and set well apart. Ears are large and flaring and set on correct. Muzzle is short and she has a correct scissor bite, Neck slightly arched,leading into well laid shoulders. Good body with a level topline. Dainty feet and tail set on correct. She moved so well.B.P.I.B
Junior. 2.
1st Entwistle. Donami Toffee Luvs Dorenty. 6 month old fawn bitch. She has a correct apple domed skull. Here eyes are large and round and set well apart. Ears are large and flaring and set on is correct. Her muzzle is moderately short and she has a correct scissor bite. Neck is slightly arched, leading into well laid shoudlers. Good body moved well
2nd Hunt. Motobello Queen of My Heart. 16 month old bitch. Lovely for shape and size. Good head and eyes set well apart. Neck slightly arched leading into well laid shoulders. Good body,tail set a little low, Moved well
PG 5(1) abs (1) Transferred to L/C PG
1st Taylor . Arkoshi Miss Prim N’ proper. 15 months old Black Tri. She has a good head of the correct shapr and her ear set on is correct. Large and flaring. Eyes set well apart,good scissor bite. Neck slightly arched and good body. Dainty feet and tail set on correct. She held her topline and Moved well.B.O.B
2nd Wills. Corbrayash Popper Luvs Dorenty. 3 years old fawn bitch. Very pleasing little bitch and much of the same applies. Just preferred the overall balance of my winner.
L/C Chihuahua’s.
Puppy. 2.
1st. Wills. Dorentys Chevy Veeton Dog puppy of 7 months of age. His head is developing well and his ears are large and flaring and set on is correct. Muzzle is moderately short and he has a good scissor bite. Neck slightly arched, leading into well laid shoulders. Good body for his age and he moved well.
1st . Dorentys Fancy That. Litter sister to my winner and much of the same applies. I just preferred the movement on the dog.
Junior 2
1st Entwistle Dorentys Willye Ekaslike, 7 month old male. Lovely rounded apple domed skull. Eyes set wide apart. Ears large and flaring. Muzzle moderately short. Correct scissor bite. Neck slightly arched leafing into well laid shoulder.Good body and moved well.
2nd Wllls. Dorenty Jimmichew. Litter brother to my winner. I just preferred the overall balance and movement of my winner.
Pg 4.
1st Olive. Oozora Master of Dreams. 22 months old male. Correct head with ears set on side and flaring. Eyes large and round and not protruding. Correct scissor bite. Neck of adequate length and well laid shoulders. Good body with well sprung ribs and level back. Feet were small and dainty Moved well.
2nd Obringer. Ooza Mama Mia Chiaffie. 2 year old cream bitch. She is so feminine and has a lovely head and her eyes are set well apart. Ears are large and flaring .. Muzzle of moderate length correct scissor bite. Good body and tail set on correct. Preferred the movement of my winner.
Open. 3(1) Abs.
1st Wills. Dorenty Ello Vera. Fawn Sable bitch. Lovely head and eyes set well apart. Ears large and flaring.Cheeks lean and tapering. Muzzle moderately short and correct scissor bite. Neck slightly arched,leading into well laid shoudlers, Good body and good spring of ribs. Tail set on correct. Moved with attitude. B.O.B
2nd Obringer Amato Azzuro Rock Me Amadeus . Cream male. He was very nervous as he had a bad experience . Lovely breed type, but movement was difficult to assess
1ST Hobson. Pappretty For Ever and Ever Rosenjon.Red/Sable Phalene. This young man has matured well. Skull is slightly rounded between the ears. His muzzle is finely pointed and he has a definite stop. Nose black and eyes of medium size. Ears are dropped. Mouth has a correct scissor bite. Neck of medium length,his shoulders are well developed, Chest rather deep with elbows close to chest.Body fairly long and level topline. Good turn of stifle. His feet are fairly long and hare like. Tail set on high and he had free flowing movement.B.O.B
PG 3 (1) ABS
1ST Hobson Pappretty For Ever and Ever Rosenjon
2nd Meacham . Bankshill Ruth is an Angel at Khanor.Black and cream dainty bitch. She has a good head and her eyes are of medium size. Muzzle is finely pointed and she has a definite stop.
Ears are erect ,large and mobile. Her neck is of medium length ,good lay of shoulder. Good body and tail carried high. Moved well.
Open. 3(2) abs
1st Meacham . Moonlight Magical Melangel. Black and White bitch. Lovely breed type and ears are large and mobile. Eyes of medium size and correct scissor bite. Good body and tail set on high. Moved ok
Japanese Chin.
Puppy. 1
1st. Thomas. Javalcy The Great Mikado. 10 month old Male and what a little superstar. Attitude to die for. Came into the ring liked he owned it. His head is developing nicely and he has that startled expression. Eyes are moderately large,dark and set far apart.Ears are small and set wide apart high on head. Mouth slightly undershot. Neck of moderate length ,square and compact body. Straight when viewed from rear ,with hare foot. Tail set on level with the back and moved well. B.O.B and B.P.I.B
Junior and PG no entries
1st Thomas. Javalcy Rock on Tommy.2 year old male. Good head with that startled expression. Eyes moderately dark and set far apart. Ears are small, set wide apart and high on head. Slightly undershot mouth. Neck of moderate length and good lay back of shoudlers. Body compact and square, Tail set on level with the back. Moved well.
Italian Greyhound Puppy.
No entries
1st Mellis. Petoski First Edition For Lamoye
13 month old black dog.Head is long with a slight stop.Eyes are rather large and bright. Ears are placed well back. Strong jaws with complete scissor bite.Long graceful neck leading into well laid shoudlers.Chest deep and narrow, with a good length of brisket. Parallel hind legs ,hocks well let down. Hare feet. Low set tail. Moved well
PG 1
1ST Mellis. Lamoye Midnight Jazz. 5 year old bitch and much of the same applies as my winner in junior. However on the day her rear movement let her down.
Open 1.
1st Mellis. My Funny Valentine at Lamoye. Black bitch of just over a year old. She is maturing nicely and her head is rather long with a slight stop. Eyes are rather large. Ear placement is good,placed well back. Strong jaws with correct scissor bite. Long neck leading into well laid shoulders. Chest deep and narrow. Good length of brisket. Hindquarters were correct. Tail set on low and hare feet.Moved well. B.O.B
Puppy 1
1st Obringer. Inrun’s Hot Gossip Hugo Chaiffie. 6 month old male.His head is developing nicely. Domed forehead and brow developing well. Marked stop,blunt muzzle. Dark round eyes of medium size. Ears are set on high. Mouth is slightly undershot. Short neck,with a short straight back.Tail set on high and moved well. He just needs to drop into himself to complete the picture. B.P.I.B
Junior No entries
PG 1
1ST Todhunter, Pennington Titus Gates. Male of nearly 2 years. His head is of the correct shape and he has a marked stop,that is not indented. Blunt muzzle. Dark round eyes of medium size. Ears set on high. Mouth slightly undershot, Short neck and compact body. Tail set on high and he moved well
Open 2.
1st Kirkman. Ribbleriver Thunderbolt of Kirkana. 3 year old male. His head is superb and he has that monkey like expression. Dark eyes of medium size. Ears set on high and mouth slightly undershot. Short neck and short straight back. Tail set on high and hare feet. His movement is sound. B.O.B
1st Fleetwood. Pomeyre Sweet Cinnamon by Abbeyleigh. 9 month old Orange bitch and she is so sweet. Lovely head with skull slightly flat between the ears. Eyes of medium size and slightly oval. Ears are relatively small and carried erect. Correct scissor bite. Sort neck leading into well laid shoudlers. Back short and body. compact .Good hindquarters; feet are cat like. Tail carried flat over back Free movement. Coat in excellent order. B.P.I.B
Junior and Post Grad No entries
Open 1
1ST Fleetwood . Auberge Tyrion. 2 year old shaded sable male. Head is outstanding. Lovely foxy expresiion eyes of medium size and slightly oval Small erect ears . Correct scissor bite. Short neck,leading into well laid shoulders. Back short and body compact. Hidquarters were correct. Tail carried flaot over back and cat like feet. Presentation was good and he moved with attitude. B.O.B and Toy Group 1
Chinese Crested.
1st Dixon Debrita Dilligent.
Super Harless male. Head slightly rounded with an elongated skull. His cheeks are cleanly chiselled, flat and tapering into muzzle.
His stop is slightly pronounced and his head is smooth,without excessive wrinkles. Eyes are so dark and of medium size. Ears set on low and level with the eyes. Correct scissor bite. Lean neck leading into well laid shoulders. Chest is rather broad and deep.Well rounded rump . Hare feet and tail set on high. Moved like he owned the ring. B.O.B & B.P.I.B . Adult group3 and Puppy Group 1
Junior No entries
PG 1
1st Radcliffe. Ooza Poppet. Bitch of just over 2 years. Lovely for shape and size. Good head of correct proportions. Eyes are dark and of medium size. Ears set on low. Correct scissor bite. Lean neck leading into well laid shoulders. Good body and hare feet. Moved well
Open 1
1st Oliver. Ynchreenoo Royal Fanfare at Sarelidan. 4 year old hairless male.
Head slightly rounded with an elongated skull. Cheeks are cleanly chiselled and tapering to muzzle. Stop is slightly pronounced, Eyes dark and of medium size. Correct scissor bite. Lean neck leading into well laid shoulders Chest is rather broad an deep. Niicely rounded rump; hare feet and tail set on high. Moved well,unlucky to meet my winner today
AVNSC Toy Puppy 1(1) ABS
Junior 1
1ST Dyffrynsands Tilly Tinker. Her head is of the correct proportions , nose to stop and stop to occiput of equal length. Not snipey in any way and nose and lips solid black, Her eyes are dark and round with a gentle expression.. Ears moderately pointed and dropped, set just above the level with the eyes.Correct scissor bite. Medium length of neck,leading into well laid shoulders. Good body of desired length with slight rise over loin, moderate hind angulation. Small tight feet and tail set on high carried over her back, Free movement and coat was soft and silky,with an undercoat. Havenese
AVNSC Toy Open. 4
1st Green . Vouzine Queen Elsa over Samorrey.2 year old Maltese bitch in suberb condition and presentation. She has an equally balanced head and her eyes are dark brown and oval in shape. Ears are long and well feathered hanging close to her cheeks. Correct scissor bite. Neck of medium length, leading into well laid shoudlers.Her body is short and cobby with a good spring of rib. Well angulated hindquarters, Feet were round with black pads. Well feathered tail carried well over back, Straight free flowing movement BAVNSC Toy and Group 2.
2nd Evison. Winter Star at Kikuchi. ETT bitch . Her head is long and narrow with a slight stop. Eyes are dark and almond shaped,relatively small. Ears are candle shaped with slightly pointed tips. Correct scissor bite. Neck is long and graceful,leading into well laid shoulders. Her body is compact with a slght curve from behind the shoulders to the loin Nice rounded buttocls and dainty feet,split between the toes. Well arched with black nails. Lovely extended trot.
M L Taylor (Judge)