• Show Date: 02/03/2019
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Maureen Taylor Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

York Canine Association

York Canine Society – Limited Show – 2nd March 2019

Judge’s Report – Mrs Maureen Taylor (Maursett)

There were some quality dogs present today and it was nice to see all class placings applauded by those present. A well run show and friendly atmosphere made for a very enjoyable day.

AVNSC - Minor Puppy Dog (3 Entries, 1 Abs)

1st Swain’s Weststar Lone Ranger (Border Terrier). This 7month old puppy was a confident mover and had a pleasing head and expression, with a deep chest and harsh coat.. 2nd Myatt’s Horbling Baron (GSP).

AVNSC MP Bitch (4 Entries, 0 Abs)

1st Stoner’s Kericrest’s Summer Lovin (Boston Terrier). Another confident, balanced, puppy who moved true fore and aft. Such a sweet expression. 2nd Corner’s Gragareth Girl at Carcorn (Dachshund Mini Wirehaired). 3rd Harrison’s Lodargeo Shooting Star (Dachshund Mini Smooth).

AVNSC Puppy Dog (5 Entries, 1 Abs)

1st & BPIS Sanderson’s Owlspoint Trouble Again (Bracco Italiano). A cracking youngster. Loved his head planes, with correct folding ears, deep chest and well sprung ribs. Moved with drive. 2nd Beckson’s Tanux Blazing Simplicity (Miniature Schnauzer). 3rd Graves’ Bowbarl Twistnturn (Golden Retriever).

AVNSC Puppy Bitch (2 Entries, 0 Abs)

1st Harrison’s Lodargeo Shooting Star (Dachshund Mini Smooth). A very pretty little bitch, well constructed throughout. Moved well. 2nd Beckson’s Tanux Promise of the Return (Miniature Schnauzer).

AVNSC Ted Hutchinson Memorial Puppy Stakes (4 Entries, 1 Abs)

1st Sanderson’s Owlspoint Trouble Again (Bracco Italiano). 2nd Swain’s Weststar Lone Ranger (Border Terrier). 3rd Myatt’s Horbling Baron (GSP).

AVNSC Veteran (4 Entries, 0 Abs)

I could have done with 4 first place cards for this class, as there was excellent movement on all the exhibits and I ended up splitting hairs as all were a credit to their respective breeds. 1st Corner’s Holrik Mister Mischief (Min Wirehaired Dachshund. 2nd Reeves’ Gillings Elder Fleur (Whippet). 3rd Butler’s Kaytwo Antartic Kuma (Alaskan Malamute).

AVNSC Special Veteran 10 years + (3 Entries, 1 Abs)

1st Butler’s Arcticdawns Free and Easy at Kaytwo (Alaskan Malamute). Again, great movement in this class. A balanced dog showing strength and power throughout and having a good double coat. 2nd Kemp’s Kiltondale Nice Try for Scalbeck (Bearded Collie).

AVNSC Gundog Puppy (5 Entries, 2 Abs)

1st Sanderson’s Owlspoint Trouble Again (Bracco Italiano). 2nd Graves’ Bowbarl Twistnturn (Golden Retriever). 3rd Myatt’s Horbling Baron (GSP).

AVNSC Gundog Graduate (8 Entries, 3 Abs)

1st Lawson’s Wansleydale Dorian Gray JW (English Setter). A boy I have judged before and he is maturing nicely, just needing a bit more coat to be the finished picture. 2nd Scoreby’s Swinsty Dawn Runner (GSP). 3rd Putnam’s Asterpoint Faraday (Large Munsterlander).

AVNSC Gundog Open (4 Entries, 1 Abs)

1st Scoreby’s Swinsty Dawn Runner (GSP). A pleasing bitch with deep chest, well turned stifle, she moved well with drive. 2nd Ross’ Lockama Camberwell Beauty (Gordon Setter). 3rd Myatt’s Horbling Baron (GSP).

AVNSC Hound Puppy (2 Entries, 0 Abs)

1st Corner’s Gragareth Girl at Carcorn (Dachshund Mini Wirehaired). 2nd Harrison’s Lodargeo Shooting Star (Dachshund Mini Smooth).

AVNSC Hound Graduate (4 Entries, 0 Abs)

1st Robinson’s Bushoby A New Moon (Basset Hound). Lovely bitch with an appealing head and expression. Not exaggerated in anyway. She is balanced, well presented and a pleasing typical example of the breed. 2nd McDaniel’s Shantallah Marcel (Smooth Coated Chihuahua). 3rd Macklam’s Templestowe Harvest Moon (Min Wirehaired Dachshund).

AVNSC Hound Open (5 Entries, 1 Abs)

1st & Res BIS Eldabe’s Davricard Belladonna For Rosamax (Beagle). This girl was well put together,therefore, she moved effortlessly and true due to her correct construction. Straight front, tight feet, deep chest and level topline. 2nd Steel & Aitken’s Morailsa Secret Romance for Demorgan (Smooth Haired Dachshund). 3rd Robinson’s Switherland Love To Gossip (Basset Hound).

AVNSC Pastoral Puppy (1 Entries, 0 Abs)

1st Hartley’s Darian Misdemeanour (Border Collie). Stood alone, needing a little more training and time to settle.

AVNSC Pastoral Graduate (2 Entries, 2 Abs)

AVNSC Pastoral Open (7 Entries, 3 Abs)

1st Nolan’s Talraz Nuts In May (Bearded Collie). In good condition, pleasing head, deep chest and decent spring of rib, level topline, moved well. 2nd Kneeshaw’s Kiltondale Spring Blossom (Bearded Collie). 3rd Kemp’s Kiltondale Uptown Girl at Scalbeck JW (Bearded Collie).

AVNSC Terrier Puppy (3 Entries, 0 Abs)

1st Swain’s Weststar Lone Ranger (Border Terrier). 2nd Lockwood’s Trimscott Ernie Wise (Scottish Terrier). 3rd Shields’ Toulsyork Phenomenal (Airedale Terrier).

AVNSC Terrier Open (1 Entries, 1 Abs)

AVNSC Toy Graduate (7 Entries, 2 Abs)

1st Stoner’s Kericrest’s Little Treasure (Maltese). Pretty bitch in good coat and well presented. Moved well. 2nd Reeves’ Alcrum Jelly Bean (Min Pinscher). 3rd Lady McDonald of Sleet’s Tsuselena Bizzy Bee (Pug).

AVNSC Toy Open (5 Entries, 3 Abs)

1st & BIS Lancaster’s Clanestar Firebird (Pomeranian). Loved this little girl, foxy head, compact body. In good coat, personality plus,she moved as if she owned the ring. 2nd Reeves’ Indizak Anne Bronte (English Toy Terrier).

AVNSC Utility Puppy (3 Entries, 0 Abs)

1st & Res BPIS Steel & Aitken’s Steelthorn Rose Lee (Toy Poodle). Pretty little girl, sweet head and expression. Well presented and balanced, straight front and well constructed rear. Moved well. 2nd Stoner’s Kericrest’s Summer Lovin (Boston Terrier). 3rd Beckson’s Tammux Promise of the Return (Miniature Schnauzer).

AVNSC Utility Graduate (2 Entries, 0 Abs)

1st Steel & Aitken’s Suvenir De Luks Sebastian (Imp Rus) (Standard Poodle). In beautiful coat and condition, she is well constructed and moved with drive. 2nd Beckson’s Tammux Blazing Simplicity (Miniature Schnauzer).

AVNSC Utility Open (3 Entries, 3 Abs)

AVNSC Working Graduate (1 Entry, 0 Abs)

1st King’s Lilbox King Of Dreams (Boxer). Still a junior and yet to mature completely. Deep chest and well muscled. Moved well.

AVNSC Working Open (4 Entries, 1 Abs)

1st Bell’s Vectiseleon Kiaja Wolfrik (Leonberger). Handsome boy in good condition, well off for bone, straight front, in good coat and moved well. 2nd Kay’s Kaytwo Antarctic Riki (Alaskan Malamute). 3rd Redwood’s Rigrunner Jubilee Flotilla (Siberian Husky).

AVNSC Junior (6 Entries, 0 Abs)

1st Jellie’s Kiltondale Coco Chanel at Jellwell (Bearded Collie). Pretty bitch in good coat. Deep chest, level topline which she maintained on the move. 2nd King’s Lilbox King of Dreams (Boxer). 3rd Snook’s Dalreavoch Northern Caper (English Setter).

AVNSC Yearling (5 Entries, 2 Abs)

1st Lawson’s Wansleydale Dorian Gray JW (English Setter). 2nd Putnam’s Asterpoint Farraday (Large Munsterlander). 3rd Jay’s Talraz Gift of Gold (Bearded Collie).

AVNSC Beginners (6 Entries 0 Abs)

1st Kericrest’s Summer Loving. 2nd Horbling Baron. 3rd Shantallah Marcel.

AVNSC Novice (5 Entries, 1 Abs)

1st Kiltondale Coco Chanel at Jellwell. 2nd Shantallah Marcel. 3rd Kestos Casey (Norwegian Elkhound).

AVNSC Graduate (6 Entries, 3 Abs)

1st Bushoby A New Moon. 2nd Wansledale Dorian Gray JW. 3rd Samsue Diamond Dazzle

AVNSC Open (3 Entries, 1 Abs)

1st Vectiseleon Kiaja Wolfrik. 2nd Indiezak Anne Bronte.

AVNSC Special Not Won a 1st Prize at a York C.A. Show (8 Entries, 2 Abs)

1st Wansleydale Dorian Gray JW. 2nd Westar Lone Ranger. 3rd Lodargeo Shooting Star.

AVNSC Bred by Exhibitor (15 Entries, 8 Abs)

1st Clanestar Firebird. 2nd Bushoby A New Moon. 3rd Gillings Elder Fleur.

AVNSC Not Bred by Exhibitor (11 Entries, 3 Abs)

1st Kiltondale Coco Chanel at Jellwell. 2nd Talraz Nuts In May. 3rd Kaytwo Antarctic Riki.

AVNSC Special Handled by a Lady (11 Entries, 4 Abs)

1st Clanestar Firebird. 2nd Kaytwo Antarctic Kuma. 3rd Talraz Gift of Gold.

AVNSC Special Handled by a Gentleman (2 Entries, 1 Abs)

1st Lockama Camberwell Beauty.

AVNSC York Canine Association Open Stakes (7 Entries, 2 Abs)

1st Vectiseleon Kiaja Wolfrik. 2nd Switherland Love To Gossip. 3rd Kiltondale Uptown Girl at Scalbeck JW

AVNSC Import Register (1 Entry, 0 Absent)

1st Stoner’s Pumiden A Word In Your Ear At Kericrest (Hungarian Pumi).

Maureen Taylor
