- Show Date: 02/02/2019
- Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
- Judged by: Liesel Thorner Contact Judge
- Published Date: 27/07/2023
British Dalmatian Club
British Dalmatian Club Open Show 2nd February 2019, Kennel Club Building, Stoneleigh.
I would like to thank the BDC officers, committee and members for inviting me to judge their Winter Open Show and I hope everyone had a day as enjoyable as I did. I had a fabulous entry and not too many absentees considering the weather in some parts of the country.
Thank you to my two stewards Elaine Tillson and Marion Gibbs who kept proceedings running smoothly.
I had no concerns over temperament, bar the odd baby in awe of the proceedings on the day, but I am sure they will settle. There were no issues in respect of the required scissor bite and Dally Rash was evident in excess in only one or two exhibits. A concern I do have though is weight. There were dogs that were carrying more than a little extra weight. This is neither flattering nor healthy and I doubt that they would retain the breed characteristic of being a “a dog of great endurance and fair turn of speed”. Please also consider heads in your breeding programs. There are some very untypical examples creeping into the breed.
Generally, I had some lovely exhibits to go over and I was exceptionally pleased with my top winners.
I did try to critique each class to 3rd place but unfortunately some exhibits didn’t realise and left the ring beforehand.
MPD (2,2)
1st Williams’ Tolkain Storm King From Phadante
Showy B/S rising 8 month old, maturing nicely. Masculine head without being over done. Correctly placed ears which he used well and a good dark eye. Balanced angulation front and rear with good set on of tail. Nice amount of bone down to tight feet. Moved nicely but could do with more reach and drive. BPD
2nd Pine’s Son Of James
Rangier 9 month old with deep black spotting. Finer frame still with adequate bone. Nicely broken ears and dark eye. Defined wither, good spring of rib, nicely coupled. Muscletone developing well. Movement somewhat lose and unsettled at the moment.
PD (4,4)
1st Emmett and Simon’s Ellemstra Against All Odds.
Another showy youngster in this 9 month old black. Masculine head with nicely broken ears giving alert expression. Lengthy neck into defined wither, good topline with tail set coming off the back. His legs are straight and carry good round bone down to tight feet. More angulation to his upper arm would balance his front and rear assemblies further but he has an adequate lay of shoulder and good bend of stifle. A little loose on the move but had drive from behind.
2nd Baker’s Dalmaigheo Mr Brightside
Finer framed and taller, rising 12 month old with striking black pigment. Nice head with well broken ears. Good length and angle of upper arm and shoulder well laid, which allowed good reach on the move, but needs more width and depth to his chest. Needs to strengthen through his rear assembly, movement a little loose as a result
3rd Dalmaigheo Neon Tiger
JD (4,4)
1st and 2nd in this class are nice examples of the breed and so could change places on another day. I would have liked a little more of both of them, but this should come with maturity.
1st Sims’ Mullabuoy Magic Man for Snowspeeder.
14 month old showy balanced black with shapely head and well set and carried ears framing his face. Eye could be darker but not so light as to spoil expression. Nice arched neck into defined wither, good topline and tailset. Correct depth of chest and spring of rib. Moderate angulation front and rear nicely muscled and rounded backend. Tight feet. Moved well.
2nd Green and Sear’s Alphadal Ain’t Misbehaving at Judally.
13 month old liver with beautiful spotting on a pure white coat. Nice head with good ear set and lovely amber eye. Could have made more use of his ears. Nice length of neck into good front assembly, another with plenty of heart and lung room. Level topline to good set and carried tail. Was not as outgoing as one on the day and this seemed to be reflected in his movement as not going as well as I have seen before.
3rd Holland and Millington’s Capearlla Its On Ice.
YD (2,2)
Finlay’s Dalfin Actual Fact
4th in previous class this 2 year old is of rangier type with masculine head well broken ears and a dark eye creating alert expression. Long neck into defined wither. Moderate angulation in front, straight legs and nice feet. Depth of chest not quite to elbow but nice spring of rib and good coupling. Tail is carried very high in the stand and on the move which does spoil this boys’ outline. Adequate bend of stifle with muscular thigh. Good feet. Moved with purpose.
2nd Dalstorm Future Formula.
Another 2 year old black carrying nice round bone. Head not his forte and is lacking stop. Nice length of neck into well laid shoulder with good angle and length of upper arm. Topline slopes away over his croup. Could be tidier in movement.
MD (1,1)
1st Green and Sear’s Alphadal Ain’t Misbehaving.
As per 2nd in Junior Dog but have to say that he was more settled in this class and had better, more positive movement.
ND (2,2)
1st – Alcock’s Kayjule Kepler At Dalspartan
4th in PD. 1 year old built on finer frame. Masculine head, nice length of neck into defined wither. Balanced front and rear angulation, level topline and tail set ok. Deep black pigment on lovely white coat, needs more reach and drive on the move.
2nd Southwood & Tofield’s Rapanooey Solar Solstice.
Rising 3 year old with good liver pigment on a white coat and has nice amber eye. His head is not his forte. Would benefit from weight loss all through which should improve the overall look of this boy and improve his movement as he does have good angulation.
GD (1,0)
PGD (5,3)
1st Baker’s Lancelot Des Landes D’Iroise At Oneowun (Imp Fr)
Almost 4 year old with striking black pigment. Good head with dark eye and well placed ears. Nice front and rear assembly, straight legs, good bone and tight feet. Well muscled throughout without being overdone. A little close behind going away but moved well on the go round with decent reach.
2nd Millington’s Capearlla Pure Diamonds
Smaller framed with a nice head, dark eye and well-placed ears. Striking black spotting on a pure white background. Good bone down to tight feet. Fairly balanced front and rear angulations but stifle a little long in comparison, which caused him to crab on the move.
3rd – Wheaton’s Buffrey The Last Word At Acinonynx
LD (8, 7)
1st Hopkin’s Rapanooey Red Rose JW
An honest black dog, another of a nice size. Masculine head with lovely dark eye. Arched neck of good length into a defined wither. Topline level both stood and on the move. Tail set a little low and carriage a little high at times but not enough to spoil the overall dog. Forelegs straight when viewed from the front and a decent forechest without being too wide, good bone down to tight feet and required spring in pasterns. Balanced angles front and rear with good length of upper arm to aide reach. Good bend of stifle and depth to thigh. This boy has a lovely dark pigment on a pure white coat. Movement was good on the go round and fore and aft, with enough reach and drive from behind. RBD.
2nd Green and Sear’s Boschendal Simply Red
Nice sized dog with good colour to his liver spotting and a pure white coat. Full litter brother to BIS. Masculine head well set ears and good amber eye. Well set shoulders and upper arm, deep chest and enough spring of rib. Decent amount of bone in straight legs. Croup drops away slightly lowering his set on of tail but its carried well Nicely muscled with good thigh and has tight feet. Moved well, but lacked the drive and enthusiasm of 1 today.
3rd Baker’s Dalmaigeo Love Is The Drug Ir Jun Ch.
Liver boy built on a finer frame but still nicely put together. Balanced 5 year old with moderate front and rear angulation. Good width and depth to chest enough spring of rib. Nicely coupled. Level topline which he held on the move. Another with a lower tail set but carried well. Nicely muscled rear with well let down hocks. Feet could be tighter. On the move handler could lower the lead a little so his head can drop which may allow him more reach but went well otherwise.
OD (7, 6)
1st Goodswen’s Alphadal King of Angels
A dog I have judged before and who still retains all that I liked in him then. A nice sized beautifully balanced all male black spot with correct angulation front and rear allowing him smooth and effortless movement, aided by his rounded rear and depth of his thigh. He has a good length of neck which leads into a defined wither and level topline that he retains on the move. His forechest is evident without being overdone and has the correct depth to his chest and good spring to his rib. Enough bone for masculinity and tight feet. Ears set on and used well and a dark eye provided an alert attentive expression. This boy was on top form and just kept on showing taking BD and pushing the bitch hard all the way for BIS. Took a well deserved RBIS.
2nd McCarthy’s Fr Ch Domdallino Je Suis Kilndandy JW
Taller, balanced 5 year old with masculine head. Nice length of neck into good lay of shoulder. Good width and depth to chest, level topline into lower set on of tail which he does carry high on the move but better on the stand. Nice amount of bone, straight legs down to tight cat feet. Lovely liver pigment and good distribution of spots. Moves rhythmically just needs more reach and drive.
3rd Healey’s Doshaburi The Cloud Dragon At Hebamor JW
Taller rangier 2 and a half year old liver. Balanced front and rear assemblies, with front set a little forward of ideal. Level topline which he held on the move. Good bone and tight feet nicely muscled throughout. His front assembly restricts his reach, but he does use what he has well.
SJVD (1,1)
1st De Rozario’s Dalleaf D’Accord Avec Jemblewood.
8 year old liver enjoying his time back in the ring and showing well. Nice head with well set and carried ears. Neck of good length. Balanced front and rear with level topline and correct tailset. Chest to elbow and good spring of rib and well ribbed up. Nicely coupled into rear angulation that has good depth to thigh and bend of stifle. Good feet. Retaining his muscle tone but could do a with a small amount of weight off to improve his overall look. Really liked him and couldn’t deny him Best Liver Dog.
MPB (9, 2)
1st Tingey’s Dallyador Secret Addition
Very mature almost 9 month old, well-schooled and showing like a pro already. Feminine head, good ear set and use and dark eye. Balanced black spot but would prefer a little more angulation to upper arm. Shoulder nicely laid, level topline held on the move into good tailset. Correct depth to chest and spring of rib. Nice rear angulation. Enough bone to keep femininity down to tight feet. Moved well with purpose.
2nd Neal’s Tolkain Morning Star.
Rising 8 month old promising youngster built on a smaller frame to one with all there to see. Pretty head, dark eye and nice length of neck into well laid shoulder and good angle of upper arm. Enough width to chest and good spring of rib. Straight legs with good bone and tight feet. Good topline kept on the move, tailset a little lower than ideal. Rear assembly balancing with the fore. Would have preferred a little more length in back to balance the overall dog. Not quite so settled in movement as one but shows promise.
3rd Hipkiss’ Dalkiss Fancy That.
8 month old balanced black with very friendly disposition. Pretty head with lovely dark eye. Good length to neck into well laid shoulder. Adequate angulation to front and rear with good chest depth and ribs nicely sprung. Good bone and tight feet. Thigh still has some maturing to do, but as she is still a baby this will come. Moved with reach on the go round but a little untidy fore and aft at the moment, but will tighten in time.
PB (9, 8)
1st Hughes’ Taliory Take Aim Fusilier
10 month old attractive bitch with jet black pigment. Feminine head with well set nicely broken ears and a dark eye. Good neck into defined wither. Good upper arm and lay of shoulder balancing well with her rear assembly with decent bend of stifle and depth to her thigh. She has enough width and depth to her chest and a nice spring of rib providing heart and lung room. Adequate bone for femininity and arched feet. Her tail set is a tad low and this was emphasised when she stood under herself. She is a promising puppy that needs more ringcraft training to gain the confidence to show herself off more. Her movement was a good, just needs a little more drive. This will come though as she grows and gains more confidence. One I will watch with interest. BPIS.
2nd Petersen’s Daedalus Grand Finale
Another promising 10 month old with lovely shape to her head, well set ears that she uses to advantage and lovely dark eye all creating alert expression. Neck of length into a defined wither and level topline. Balanced front and rear angulations with enough bone and tight feet. Correct depth to chest and good spring of rib. Had good reach and drive on the move.
3rd Hartley and Griffiths’ Miragua Heart To Heart
Rising 12 month old, built on a finer squarer frame. Feminine head, nicely set ears and good eye. Adequate front and rear assemblies, enough bone down to nicely arched toes and tight feet. Low set on of tail but carried well. Used her construction to advantage on the move.
JB (6, 5)
Very little to separate these two
1st Watts and Jackson-Peatling’s Tamilanda Continental Song.
Feminine 17 month old maturing well. Pretty head and dark eye, stop could be more defined. Nicely angulated in front and rear. Good amount of bone in straight legs to tight feet. Enough width to chest to maintain femininity with plenty of heart and lung room. Correct set on and carriage of tail. Move well on the go round and fore and aft.
2nd Morgan’s Wish Upon A Star
Another 17 month old youngster developing nicely. Feminine head, with well set and carried ears and darkest of eye. Neck of good length into nicely laid shoulder. Defined wither and level topline with good tail set. Balanced front and rear. Deepest black pigment on pure white coat. Good movement, just didn’t have the positivity of one today.
3rd Whiting’s Sumaiya Dee Jai
YB (1, 1)
1st Watts and Jackson-Peatling’s Tamilanda Continental Song.
MB (4, 2)
1st Healey and Wheaton’s Hebamor Ruby Tiger From Acinonyx
6 month old Liver built on smaller frame. Pretty head and well set ears. Currently light in eye but may darken as she matures. Length of neck into defined wither and adequate front assembly balanced with the rear. Straight legs with enough bone down to tight feet. Moved with drive, but was moved a little too fast at times.
2nd Chappell’s Nalderhill Aphrodite At Waltzaway
1 year old liver with feminine head, well set and carried ears and lovely amber eye all creating alert expression. Moderate balanced angulation, correct depth to chest and she has a good amount of bone and good feet. However, she needs to lose the excess weight she is carrying to improve her overall outline, impression and movement.
NB (3, 1)
1st Healey and Wheaton’s Hebamor Ruby Tiger From Acinonyx
GB (7, 4)
1st Watts and Jackson-Peatling’s Tamilanda Continental Song.
2nd Jenkins and Ridgeway’s Luccombe Strawberry Kisses.
3 year old well balanced black. Lovely head with correctly set ears used to advantage and darkest of eye. Very attentive to handler. Good length to neck into well laid shoulder, defined wither and level topline. Nice forehest without being overdone. Enough bone in straight legs and good feet. Good rear assembly matching the fore. Moved well with drive.
3rd Crookes’ Dalmark The Ratafia.
Lovely amber eye on this 2 year old liver, with pretty feminine head, but flying her ears. Built on finer frame she has balanced front and rear assemblies, good depth to chest and is nicely ribbed up. Moved positively.
PGB (5, 1)
1st Patrick’s Cohavrick Symphony
Pretty black spot with nicely shaped head, ears that are well set and carried and good dark eye. Good neck into defined wither and moderate front assembly. Finer in bone but with straight forelegs, feet could be tighter. Moved well on the go round, a little narrow going away.
LB (11, 10)
1st McManus’ Boschandal Ashes of Roses.
A rising 4 year old black spot that has matured beautifully since I last judged her. Feminine head, with well set ears framing the face, a lovely dark eye and correct bite. Good length to neck into defined wither and level topline which she held on the move and correct tail set and carriage. Love her overall balance with good front and rear assembly, correct depth of chest and spring of rib. Muscular loin into nice set of thighs and rounded rear. Enough rounded bone to keep femininity, well let down hocks and tight feet. She has a lovely dark pigment on a pure white coat with a fairly even distribution of spots. Very friendly disposition. Her correct angulation allows a balanced free flowing rhythmic action with good reach and drive. She was my clear choice for BB and pulled more out of the bag on the final go round to take BIS. A lovely bitch.
2nd De’Rozario, Webb and Chrystal’s Jemblewood Jelly Bean (IKC)
Another well-made bitch, who was unlucky to come up against my BB on the day and who’s exuberance had her handler working hard to keep her in check. A little taller than 1, she has a feminine head with well set, nicely broken ears framing the face and a dark eye aiding an alert expression. Good neck into defined wither and good front assembly. Deep and capacious chest well ribbed up and a strong loin. Rear assembly has a good depth to thigh, enough bend of stifle and strong hocks along with nice tight feet. She is another with deep pigmentation on a pure white coat. She moves with reach and drive and is good for and aft. RBB
3rd Probert’s Millbelle My Precious At Ribot
Longer cast black with a cobbier head. Good ear set and carriage, but a little light in eye. Attentive to handler. Nicely angled front and rear, enough forechest and good depth of chest and spring of rib. Good bone and tight feet. Rear angles balancing with the fore. Moved with reach and drive but a little untidy behind.
OB (5, 4)
1st Morgan’s Winflash Olympic Star JW ShCM
Honest feminine black bitch of smaller type but with good bone. Pretty head with well set and carried ears and nice dark eye. Well balanced front and rear assemblies with enough forechest. Level topline to correct tailset and carriage. Moderate bend in stifle, nice depth to thigh which she used well on the move. Good economic action on the go round and tidy fore and aft.
2nd Wright’s Offordale Anastasia Avec Millbelle JW
Very showy 3 year old black bitch, alert and attentive to handler. Longer cast than one with balanced angulations front and rear, although stifle a little long. Good width and depth to chest and nice spring of rib. Good bone and tight feet. Moved with drive and good reach in front, a little untidy going away.
3rd Dallyador The Enchantress
Almost 5 year old taller finer framed liver, with shapely head, well set ears used to advantage. Nice length of neck into level topline. Good layback of shoulder and length of upper arm. Balanced front and rear angulation. Straight legs down to good feet. Moved steadily and tidy fore and aft. Best Liver Bitch.
1st Gibbs’ Ch Phadante Dixie Lily JW
9 year old black, still in good condition. Balanced bitch with good front and rear assembly and retains a nice depth to her thigh. Enough forechest without being overdone, straight legs down to tight feet. Feminine head with dark eye and correct ear set and carriage. On the move she drives nicely from the rear and has good reach and is pretty true fore and aft. BVIS
2nd Jenkins’ Jewelruby Queen
8 year old with good black pigment. Pretty head with lovely ear carriage framing her face giving alert expression. Good width and depth to chest and well sprung ribs. Enough bone. Nicely coupled. Carrying some holiday weight which if lost would benefit overall impression. Positive movement on the go round.
3rd Lilal Tiger Lily At Dalkiss
7 year old black with good dark eye and nicely broken ears. Good neck into adequate front assembly, deep chest and nice spring of rib. Rear angulations match the fore. Finer all through than first two, moved with steady action.
1st Wright’s Angelic Aphrodite For Millbelle
12 year old still in good condition. Balanced showy black with feminine head, nicely broken ears used well. Dark eye. Good balanced angulations and enough bone. Decent depth of chest and spring of rib. Moved well.
2nd Whiting’s Cibrith China Aster ShCM
Rising 11 year old liver. Feminine head, well set broken ears and good amber eye. Balanced angulations front and rear, deep chest and good spring of rib. Nicely coupled. Straight legs with enough bone down to tight feet. Another that moved well.
3rd Saunder’s Caprilli’s Genuine Gift To Dallydyl ShCM
Rising twelve year old, still a good black that’s built on larger frame to first two. Well made with good bone, balanced front and rear angulation and tight feet and retains a nice outline on the stand. Needs to drop some weight which I think attributed to her looking a little weary on the move rather than all age related.
Brace (3, 2)
What a hoot this class was. Both pairs playing up their handlers and providing the us all with a little skit before BIS. But when they did perform, I was able to assess that both were nicely matched pairs, with Morgan’s brace pipping Hipkiss’ brace to 1st place on the fact that they were more matched in movement.
Liesel Thorner