• Show Date: 02/02/2019
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Lesley McDonald Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club

The Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club Open Show 2nd February 2019

Judge: Lesley McDonald (Tusselstaff)

I would like to begin by thanking the SBTC for their invite to judge at such a prestigious club and also for the hospitality shown on the day. There was a fantastic atmosphere around the rings and prizes were plentiful. A huge thank you to all of the exhibitors who gave me the opportunity to assess your dogs. I had an excellent entry and thoroughly enjoyed my day. The quality of exhibits was high and I was extremely pleased with both of my final line ups. Mouths on the whole were generally good although a couple of tight bites were noted in the younger classes.

Minor Puppy Dog 3 (0)

1st Holmane Moldavite

Black brindle dog with white on chest. He has a nicely sculptured head with good length of muzzle, dark eyes which I would prefer a little rounder and ears ok. He has a straight front, though I would prefer a tad more width, level topline, short coupled and pleasing side profile. Would prefer tighter feet and he could benefit from more roadwork though I appreciate he still very much a youngster. Presented in good condition for age. Handled well and moved ok for a pup.

2nd Waystaff Moonshine

Attractive white dog with red markings. Clean head of good proportions, dark eyes, good pigment, nice expression, ears a little unsettled at present. He has a good straight front of ample bone, good topline, good angulation and neat feet. He moved ok on the day but just preferred the overall profile and movement of 1st. I am sure they will swap places many times as they meet in future classes.

3rd Holmane Cavansite

Black brindle with white to chest. I note he is litter brother to 1st and they share many similar attributes. He has a clean and unexaggerated head with good muzzle to skull ratio, dark eye and neat ears. Front is straight though again I would prefer a tad more width. He has good height to length balance, level topline and good rear angulation. On the day he was very excitable and therefore movement was a little difficult to assess.

Puppy Dog 2 (0)

1st Ellchansha Hotshot

Super black brindle dog with lots to like. He has a beautiful head shape which is clean and expressive, good balance between muzzle and skull, dark eye and correct ear set. I loved his expression. He has a good straight front of ample width, reasonable rib for age, level topline, good angulation front and rear, up on the leg, neat padded feet and correct tail set. Liked his overall balance and profile very much. Moved and handled very well. A lovely pup whose future I will watch with interest. Pleased to award him Best Puppy Dog.

2nd Chezatree Born on Fools at Kirstaff

Standard red with white dog who has a broad skull, distinct stop, short in the foreface, dark eye and ears ok. Bodying up well at this stage of development he has a straight front of good width and nice depth of brisket, good spring of rib, level topline and neat feet. Moved well for a pup but just preferred the expression and overall balance of 1st.

Junior Dog 4 (1 abs)

1st Manark Made to Measure

Quality red dog with white chest who caught my eye straight away. He has a pleasing head shape which is clean and expressive, good length of muzzle, well angled stop and good ear carriage. He has a super expression once you manage to grab his attention. He has a straight front of sufficient width, ample depth of brisket and spring of rib, level topline, good angulations both front and rear and neat feet. He has a pleasing side profile and is well balanced from all angles. He can be a little excitable at times but his handler got the best from him on the day. Shown in good condition and handled well. Pleased to award him Reserve Best Dog and another I will watch with interest.

2nd Skyland Black Shadow at JoJalane

Smart black brindle dog of top size. He has a well proportioned head with broad skull and deep stop, dark eye and correct ears. His front is straight and true, good spring of rib, level topline and strong rear assembly. I liked his overall balance and he was shown in good condition with gleaming coat. Moved and handled well.

3rd Sikaistaff Man of Steel

Black brindle dog who has a strong head, dark eye and good ear set. For me, he is not as clean in expression as 1st and 2nd. He has a straight front which is clean and of ample width with good bone, well sprung rib and level topline. Handled well however he has a tendency to carry his tail high on the move.

Yearling Dog 1 (0)

1st Tillcarr Fire Starter JW

Quality brindle dog with white to chest. He has a lovely head shape, strong but not overdone, well defined stop, dark round eye and well set ears all making for a pleasing expression. He has a straight front, plenty of rib and good depth of brisket, level topline, and neat feet. Standing foursquare he looks good from all angles. Moved and handled very well.

Post Graduate Dog 3 (0)

1st Elitebull Supermoon

Quality black brindle dog with white fleck to chest. Now this boy surprised me as from ringside I have always thought he would be a bit much for me. He has a powerful head no denying that, distinct stop, dark eye and the neatest rose ears. His front is straight and true, good spring of rib and nice length of leg to body ratio. Presented in good condition, moved and handled very well.

2nd Illori Backchat

Black brindle dog with nothing overdone. He has a clean head of good proportions, dark eye, correct ear carriage and clean in the lip. This dog is clean as a whistle throughout, correct front of ample width, nice spring of rib, level topline both static and on the move, light in the loins and good tuck up. Shown in good hard condition with gleaming coat, although for me I would prefer an extra pound or two on him but that is just my opinion on the day. Moved and handled very well

3rd Royal Red Thunder

Compact red dog who has good strength for size. He has a broad skull with deep stop, pronounced cheek bumps, dark eye and tidy ears. His front is straight and wide, good spring of rib, enough bend to stifle and strong rear. Moved and handled ok

Limit Dog 8 (2 abs)

1st Tillcarr Fire Coanda JW

Smart black brindle dog who I note is litter brother to 1st in YD. Strong head without being overdone, dark eye and neat ears all making for a pleasing expression. His front is straight and of ample width, good angulations front and rear, level topline, short coupled, and neat padded feet. A soundly constructed dog he has a pleasing outline and is well balanced all-round. Moved and handled very well.

2nd Illori Akinlana JW ShCM

Well balanced black brindle dog. He has the cleanest of heads with no exaggerations, dark eyes, neat rose ears and is clean in the lip. A well constructed dog with straight front, good in rib and brisket, level topline, short coupled and light in loins. He was presented in excellent condition with gleaming coat. Moved and handled very well

3rd Mr Prospector Des Terres D’Amour (IMP FRA)

Quality dark brindle dog who has a pleasing head shape which is clean and with good ratio of foreface to skull, dark eye and correct ears which all make for a nice expression. With well balanced body proportions he has a good front, nice spring of rib, level topline and good rear angulation. He seemed happier on the move than when stacked and he moves well once he gets into his stride. Really liked him but he just lacked a little sparkle on the day.

Open Dog 1 (0)

1st Ch Elitebulls Challenger

Super black brindle dog with virtue in bucket loads. His head is strong but clean with dark eyes, neat ears and he just excels in expression. No exaggerations on this dog, his front is straight and clean, good spring of rib, topline level, short coupled, tapers in nicely at the waist, good rear assembly and nice padded feet. For me this dog just screams quality. A proper showman who just keeps on demanding your attention. He could come home with me in a heartbeat. Moved and handled very well and shown in fit hard condition. Pleased to award him Best Dog and Best in Show.

Veteran Bitch 4 (3 abs)

1st Ch Aust Ch Strongstorm Style is Eternal at Jackabyte (IMP AUS)

Quality black brindle bitch. She has a lovely head shape, strong but still clearly feminine, dark eye, and correct rose ears. I loved her expression. She is well balanced throughout displaying a lovely profile and was shown in excellent condition for her age. Really liked this bitch. Best Veteran

Minor Puppy Bitch 6 (2 abs)

A very nice trio of puppies in this class

1st Jackabyte Bocouture

Promising black brindle bitch with white to chest. She has a well developed head for age, strong but not overdone, good length of muzzle, nice stop, darkest of eyes, neat rose ears and good expression. She has a straight front, enough spring of rib for age, level topline and good angulation. She shows herself off very well for a youngster. Moved confidently and handled very well.

2nd Ashstaff Accolade at Jojalane

Quality black brindle bitch of just 6 months. Appealing head shape, dark eye, good ear carriage and a beautiful expression that just kept drawing me back to her. Not as developed overall as 1st but everything is there. Good front of ample width, nice topline and pleasing profile. Really liked her.

3rd Biggleswick She Devil

Attractive red bitch with white to chest. Her head is clean and typey with nothing overdone, dark eye, correct ear set and clean lipped. Bodying up well, she has a straight front of ample width, nice depth of brisket, good topline, enough bend of stifle. Moved and handled well.

Puppy Bitch 6 (2 abs)

1st Ellchansha Once Upon a Time

Black brindle bitch of immense quality. For me she has the wow factor and I would take her home in a heartbeat. Clean and feminine head, distinct stop, dark eye, correct rose ears and tight in the lips all making for an expression to die for. Nicely balanced from all angles and she impressed in profile. Straight in the forequarters with ample rib, plenty of daylight beneath her, light in the loin and good backend. Shown in hard condition and with gleaming coat. Handled well and moved easily. For me she tricked all the boxes and I’m sure she will have an exciting future ahead. Pleased to award her Best Bitch, Reserve Best in Show and Best Puppy in Show.

2nd Ellchansha Happy Ever After

Another quality pup who I note is litter sister to 1st. Black brindle bitch with clean feminine head, dark eye, neat rose ears, clean in the lip and appealing expression. Smaller package than 1st but not lacking in quality and she fits the standard well. Developing nicely she has a good front, ample rib, level topline and good profile. Shown in good condition and moved and handled very well.

3rd Elitebull Hydra

Black brindle bitch who has a good head shape, would prefer a slightly rounder eye, ears ok. She has a straight front, brisket still to come, nice topline and pleasing side profile. Not as mature as 1st and 2nd. She was a little excitable on the day but is still very much a pup and looked to be enjoying the day.

Junior Bitch 3 (2 abs)

1st Druidhawk Miss Havisham

Typey black brindle bitch with white to chest. She has a good head shape with distinct stop and earset ok. She has a well boned front, level topline, is short coupled with good bend of stifle and strong rear quarters. Handled well although she had a tendency to be a bit excitable on the move.

Yearling Bitch 2 (0)

1st Lonemoor Inion De for Zaagabull

This black brindle bitch has an expressive headpiece, clean and clearly feminine, darkest of eyes and correct ear set. I just loved her expression. A real little pocket rocket, she was up on her toes throughout and really makes her handler work. A real live wire with plenty of fire in her belly and nothing wrong with that-she is a Stafford after all. Her front is straight and clean, nice depth of brisket, ample spring of rib, level topline and good angulations front and rear. She was presented in excellent condition with not an extra ounce of excess flesh on her. She appealed to me very much and she fought hard in the final challenge.

2nd Jodanzac Fireball Red

Quality red bitch with white, she has a clean and well proportioned head with good skull to muzzle ratio, dark eye and correct ear carriage all making for a super expression. She has a sound front with ample bone, good spring of rib, level topline and good angulation. A tad longer caste than 1st and not in the same condition. Get her fitter and I am sure this will improve her chances. Moved and handled well.

Maiden Bitch 3 (2 abs)

1st Annemstaffs Maggie May

Black brindle bitch with white to chest. Her head is of good proportions with dark eyes, ears a tad flighty. Her front is ok but handler has to be careful not to stand her too narrow at times. Good spring of rib and good strength for size. Handled well and moved ok.

Post Graduate Bitch 5 (1 abs)

1st Ginstean Second Chance for Ynysstaff

Attractive black brindle bitch with white to chest and left foot. Pretty bitch with lots to like, clean head of good proportions, dark eye and neat rose ears all making for appealing expression. Well balanced with no exaggerations she has a straight and well boned font with enough width, ample rib, good topline and displays good balance and ample bone throughout. Moved and handled very well.

2nd Elitebull Moonbeam

Black brindle bitch with typical head shape, distinct stop, dark eye and good ear carriage. Her front is straight with enough width, nice depth of brisket, and good bend of stifle however she was carrying excess weight on the day. Moved and handled well.

3rd Caymenstaffs Little Minx

Black brindle bitch with white. She has a good head shape, distinct stop, dark eye all making for typical expression and I would just prefer a tad cleaner in the lip. Her front is straight and wide, well developed in the rib, she is short coupled and displays a nice profile side on. Moved and handled well.

Limit Bitch 7 (3 abs)

1st Lonemoor Inion Realta

Classy black brindle bitch who I note is litter sister to 1st in YB. She has the loveliest of expressions with a well proportioned head, distinct stop, clean in the lip and good ear carriage. Sound in body, she is well balanced throughout displaying a clean front, ample spring of rib and depth of brisket, short coupled and good angulation front and rear. Nothing overdone on this bitch, she has a lovely profile and was shown in good condition. She works well with her handler and on the day she absolutely showed her socks off. Pleased to award her Reserve Best Bitch.

2nd Illori Beleive in Me JW

Well balanced dark brindle bitch. Her head is clean and feminine, dark eyes, well placed rose ears and pleasing expression. Turned out well, she has a good front with correct lay of shoulder, nice spring of rib, level topline, correct angulation, good rear assembly and tight feet. Hard to the touch, she was shown in fit condition and I liked her tuck up and side profile. A very nice bitch who moved well and was handled excellently.

3rd Elitebull Enigma

Black brindle bitch with strong head shape, broad deep through skull, dark eye and correct rose ears. A well balanced bitch of good bone and substance, her front is straight and wide; she is well ribbed and has good strength for size. Moved and handled well.

Open Bitch 2 (1 abs)

1st Jackabyte Miss Moneypenny

Well balanced black brindle bitch who has a pleasing head shape, strong but still feminine, well proportioned muzzle to skull, deep stop, dark eye, correct ear set all making for a pleasing expression. I was quite taken with her. Her front is sound and straight of ample width, well sprung ribs, level topline and correct bend of stifle. Moved and handled very well.