• Show Date: 13/02/2019
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Lesley Layland Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

United Retriever Club

United Retriever Club Open Show

Wednesday 13th February 2019 

Thank you to the committee of URC for inviting me to judge at this well run show & to my steward for keeping the ring running smoothly.  Overall I was pleased with my numerically strong entry however movement in a few was a little disappointing with some lacking in front extension & rear drive.  I was disappointed to find 3 dogs with incorrect scissor bites and the over use of 'products' on some dogs prior to going in the ring was evident as my hands were left feeling sticky after going over them and sadly it doesn't hide a dirty coat, at the end of the day my hands were unfortunately left dirty. However, I was very pleased with my final line ups and delighted to see my best of breed take reserve best in show under judge Liz Keene.  

Minor Puppy Dog 8 (4abs)

Two very nice puppies

1st Golder's Summeramba Jeroboam 

A super puppy who is just right for his age showing lovely balance & correct positive movement with good reach, drive from rear & a super outline both standing & on the move. Handsome head with correct bite, dark eye & pigment with nice amount of stop. Good reach of neck onto nicely angulated shoulders with correct length of upper arm. Well boned legs on good feet. Good amount of fore chest and spring of rib, short coupled & a nice turn of stifle. Was very tempted to award him BD but had to give way to maturity, his time will come. Pleased to award him RBD & BPD  

2nd Ashley's Rosgar Fools And Horses 

Another lovely puppy who showed good accurate movement for his age. Short coupled dark golden with nice bone & substance. Balanced head with kind dark eye, good pigment & correct bite. Nice reach of neck onto a good layback of shoulder with a lovely level topline & correct tailset. Straight forelegs on good feet with tight pasterns. Good depth of chest & turn of stifle. Nicely conditioned all through.

3rd Wallington's Wynrita School Daze 

Puppy Dog 5 (2abs)

1st Ashley's Rosgar Fools And Horses

2nd Copley's Monchique Imperial Beau At Emmabe 

Larger framed pale boy who was well presented. Nicely chiselled head with kind expression & dark pigment. Good length of neck onto level topline & tailset. Nice front angulation with good length of upper arm. Straight legs of ample bone. Good depth of chest with plenty of heart room. Short in loin with a good bend of stifle. Has good forward reach but preferred the more accurate rear movement of 1st.

Junior Dog 7 (2abs) 

1st Woods' Daily Rays Hope Of Heart To Amirene

A super boy who is hard to ignore as he stands out for his lovely shape, balance & super level topline. Handsome balanced head with lovely dark eye of good shape, dark pigment & correct bite with good width to muzzle & nice amount of stop. Strong neck of good length, good lay back of shoulders with correct angulation. Ribs well sprung & deep in chest. Straight forelegs on neat feet with good bone & substance all through. Short coupled with nicely angulated rear quarters, good second thigh & straight hocks. Very easy on the move with good foot fall & stride. Sadly today not quite in his best coat.     

2nd Golder & Ward's Laurenley Vincent

Larger built boy who now needs time to fill & mature. Very promising as a puppy & glad he is continuing along the same lines. He has a lovely clean outline & it's easily to see how balanced he is with his lovely front angulation & complimenting rear with his lovely turn of stifle. Strong reachy neck onto lovely level topline & tailset. Well boned legs & neat feet. Deep through the brisket with ribs well sprung. Strong loin & short coupled. Head nicely chiselled with a lovely masculine expression, correct eye shape & ears well set. Steady accurate mover.

3rd Jackson's Terra Di Siena Lorenzo At Swanavon (Imp Esp) JW

Yearling Dog 7 (4abs) 

1st Golder & Ward's Laurenley Vincent

2nd O'Gorman's Berrymeade Grand Central JW 

Short coupled mid golden boy with good bone & substance throughout. Masculine head with nice pigment, good eye & correct bite. Muscular neck but would prefer a little more length as he appears a little stuffy into shoulders which detracts from his over all balance. Nicely angulated front assembly with good depth of chest & spring of rib. Level topline & tailset. Good turn of stifle & neat hocks. Moved with drive.

3rd Wells' Pearlbarn Peroni 

Graduate Dog 8 (4abs)

1st Golder & Ward's Laurenley Vincent

2nd Coulstock & Williams' Cwmtaff Jack The Lad At Pantegparish 

A nice boy who has hit the in between stage of development. Good reach of neck with shoulders well laid back with good return of upper arm. Good length of leg, deep chest, short coupled & nice turn of stifle. Level topline & tailset. Moved out well. On personal preference he looks better free stood than stacked.

3rd Rose & Neil's Gildas Amori Infiniti (Imp Swe) 

Post Graduate Dog 5 (1abs)

1st Foremen's Camestone Field Day At Ambersun

Mature well bodied male with good depth of chest & spring of rib. Short coupled & strong in loin with nicely angulated stifle & good width to thigh. Strong reachy neck on nicely laid back shoulders. Straight well boned forelegs with good feet & pasterns. Good head of nice proportions with dark eyes of correct shape & nice expression. Shown in profuse mid golden coat. Moved out nicely with good forward reach. BD & BOS

2nd Golder & Ward's Laurenley Vincent

3rd Wallington's Wynrita Keep A Dream

Open Dog 5 (2abs) 

1st Wells' Pearlbarn Pot Of Gold

Nicely made pale boy who is maturing well. Attractive head with soft expression, ears well set & kind eye. Clean reachy neck onto nicely laid back shoulders & good front angulation. Chest deep with good width, short coupled body & strong loin. Nice length of leg, neat feet & strong pasterns. Good turn of stifle, nice second thigh & straight hocks. Positive movement with lovely reach carrying a level topline & tailset.

2nd Riley's Wylloh Royal Doulton JW SHCM

Slightly more compact & a little more heavily built than 1. Has a nicely balanced outline with good angulation at both ends. Well proportioned body with deep mature chest & a good spring of rib. Nice amount of bone & substance & nicely conditioned all through. Muscular neck & firm level topline. Well proportioned masculine head of nice type with dark attractive eye. Good forward reach but rear movement not quite together as 1st.  

3rd Collis' Merrimoor Waterbouy At Dorwinion

Minor Puppy Bitch 6 (2abs)

Two very nice puppies who i'm sure will change places many times. Just wished I had two 1st places as there was very little to separate them.

1st Falconer's Rossgilde My Fair Lady Of Siatham

She didn't immediately catch my eye on the first look round, it's only when you get hands on can you appreciate her potential. Already she shows lovely free movement with drive & reach for her young age. Lovely body proportions all through with a nice amount of forechest & spring of rib. Nicely boned straight legs of good length & neat feet. Short coupled with a good turn of stifle & straight hocks. Lovely reach of neck onto nicely angulated shoulders with a lovely level topline & correct tailset. Lovely pigment & a kind eye, she just needs to develop a little more in head which will come as she matures. Shows a lot of promise.  

2nd Hill's Sandaula This Will Do (AI)

A very nice puppy who catches the eye with her lovely balanced & clean outline. Feminine head with kind expression from dark eyes. Ears well set & correct scissor bite. Good length of neck on nicely laid back shoulders with correct upper arm. Nicely bodied for age, short coupled with good spring of rib & nicely angulated stifle. Very nice on the move with good rear action & drive.

3rd Hazelton's Cailloch Sitka

Puppy Bitch 10 (5abs)

1st Hill's Sandaula Kiss From A Rose (AI)

Liked this girl for her over all movement, she has good reach, nicely placed foot work & super drive from nicely toned rear quarters. Well made all through with a good length of leg, lovely balanced angulation & a super level topline & correct tailset.  Pretty feminine head, balanced with good proportions. Correct eye with nice depth of colour giving a lovely expression. Correct scissor bite, nice width to muzzle & ears well set. Clean, strong reachy neck onto correctly angulated forehand with good length of upper arm. Chest of good depth & width & short coupled through loin.  Nicely angulated stifle with strength in second thigh, straight hocks & good feet. Very promising youngster, BPB & BPIB      

2nd O'Gorman's Thornywait Top Notch For Berrymeade

Attractive head with good proportions, nice amount of stop & width & depth to muzzle. Dark eyes & good pigment. Reachy neck on a good lay back of shoulder, level topline & tailset which was maintained on the move. Nice amount of bone, straight legs & neat feet. Deep in chest & short coupled with a nice turn of stifle. A nicely balanced girl all through with good coat and condition. Sound, positive driving action on the move unlucky to meet 1

3rd Hazelton's Cailloch Juneau

Junior Bitch 11 (4abs)

Always a difficult class to judge as so many are at the in between stage of development. Two litter sister headed this class

1st Russell's Rosinante Crystal Clear

Well coated pale bitch, attractive head with good expression from dark eyes. Good length of neck onto level topline with nicely angulated forehand construction. Nicely boned straight forelegs with a good length of leg on strong pasterns & neat rounded feet. Good depth to chest & short coupled with a nicely turned stifle. In good muscular condition which enable her to move out soundly with drive.

2nd Russell's Rosinante Mirabelle

Dark coated bitch again in lovely muscular condition. Short coupled who stood foresquare showing correctly angulated front & rear angulation. Very nice in outline with a clean neck of good length. Nicely boned with elbows tucked in & neat catlike feet. Not quite as mature in body as her litter sister but still has a nice amount of depth and spring to rib. Positive on the move with good reach and drive. Little to separate these two but just preferred the head of 1st.

3rd James' Tsarmont Lakeside Star

Yearling Bitch 10 (1abs) 

3 very nice girls headed this class.

1st Robbins & Rowark's Quakerhall Lady Bountiful By Brekswood JW

A super girl who is really starting to mature. Super angulation & balance all through with lovely easy striding front movement pushed along from strong rear quarters. Nicely proportioned head with sweet feminine expression & dark eyes. Strong reachy neck onto correctly angulated shoulders with good length to upper arm. Nice amount of forechest with deep well ribbed chest of good width with good substance all through. Short coupled body & good turn of stifle with nicely muscled thighs. Like to see her free stood as it shows off her perfect balance to perfection. Had to settle with RBB today but a very exciting future to come.

2nd O'Gorman's Terra Di Siena Are You With Me Berrymeade (Imp Esp)

Nicely made bitch in good coat & condition. She excells on the move showing lovely reach & good driving action from her rear. Smaller framed than winner but she too shows nice balance. Attractive feminine head, nicely balanced, with good width & depth to muzzle, kind dark eye of correct shape. Good length of neck onto a lovely level topline & correct tailset which she kept on the move. Correctly angulated shoulders with good layback. Good depth to chest & short coupled body with a nicely turned stifle, hocks well let down on good feet.

3rd Booth's Rocamoka Wind Dreamer

Graduate Bitch 11 (2abs) 

1st Smith's Goldmarker Luminara

This rich dark coated golden girl ticked all of the boxes today. Super balance & outline, text book construction with free, easy movement & power from behind. Pretty feminine head with nice dark eye of good shape. Strong neck of good length onto super level topline & tailset. Super layback of shoulder with good length of upper arm. Good depth of chest, nicely boned legs of good length complimenting her overall balance. Ribs well sprung & short in loin. Nicely turned stifle with good second thigh, hocks straight on good feet. In lovely coat & condition all through. Liked her ring presence, exuberance & her will to please her handler. Delighted to award her Best Bitch, Best of Breed.

2nd Foreman's Putjade Purpleheart For Ambersun

Another very nice dark golden girl who was today sadly lacking a little in coat & body & not as mature as winner. Attractive feminine head with good expression from dark eyes. Super length of neck with nicely constructed forehand, chest of good width with legs straight on neat feet & good pasterns. Nice spring of rib & short coupled with a good turn of stifle. Very nice movement at just the right pace allowing her to reach out from the front.

3rd Russell's Rosinante Crystal Clear

Post Graduate Bitch 9 (3abs) 

1st Wheeldon & Hurry's Catnnels Creme De La Creme JW

Like this girl a lot as she shows effortless movement with lovely sound reachy strides, a joy to watch. Quite a slender girl but one who is so lovely balanced with a super length of neck onto dead level topline & correct tailset which she kept on the move. Nicely angulated shoulders with good width to chest and nicely boned legs of good length. Good spring of rib & short in loin with a good bend of stifle & strong hocks well let down. Attractive head with ears well set, kind dark eye of good shape. In lovely quality coat and muscular condition. Have judged her before as a junior and glad she is maturing well. Her day will come.

2nd Jolly's Leititia Anzhelika

Different type to 1st. Short coupled heavier built pale coated bitch who stood foresquare. Well boned & mature all through with good front angulation, good depth of chest & nice amount of forechest. Ribs well sprung & a good turn of stifle. Nicely chiselled head of good type with appealing expression. Moved out well.

3rd James' Tsarmont Lakeside Star

Open Bitch 8 (1abs) 

1st Robbins & Rowark's Largymore Lilygloves Of Brekswood

Lovely dark bitch of very nice type. A little longer cast in body but she has lovely angulation both front and back. Clean reachy neck onto a dead level topline with correct tailset. Mature in body with a good spring of rib. Straight forelegs of good length with ample bone on good feet. Lovely head of good type with nice balance & proportions. Nicely muscled all through. Super forward reach on the move & strong rear action. Just lacking in a little coat & feathering today.

2nd Falconer's Siatham Kall Me Madam

Liked this girl a lot. Pretty head with lovely soft expression, kind dark eyes & pigment. Good reach of neck onto nicely laid back shoulder with good return of upper arm. Good depth & width to chest with correct length of leg. Nicely boned & good feet & pasterns. Short coupled with a nicely angulated stifle, straight hocks with well muscled quarters. Sound on the move with a good stride. Coat of good condition, had to give way to maturity for 1st. Liked her a lot & will watch her with interest.

3rd Mell's Meloak Lily The Pink

Judge Lesley Layland