• Show Date: 17/02/2019
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Leanne Muir Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

Llynfi Valley Canine Society

Weimaraner - SP Y (3,2) 1 Burgess – Greyspirit Rock Star from Hantzburg JW – 18month male, masculine head, strong neck of moderate length. Good front angulation and straight forelegs. Well-proportioned body with deep chest and well sprung ribs. Moderately angulated rear with no exaggerations. Level topline which was held on the move. Showed an exuberant nature while moving in profile but remained parallel when seen up and back. This young man was a challenge for his handler today but just oozes quality that couldn’t be denied BOB. PG (1,0) 1 Thomas – Gunalt Sugar Plum at Rhydawel – 2yo bitch, lovely feminine head with expressive eyes, strong neck placed well on laid back shoulders, good angulation to forequarters with deep chest and well sprung ribs. More compact throughout but with enough length to body. Just tended to drop topline when stacked and in profile movement. Parallel front and back when seen from rear. O (3,2) 1 Burgess – Gunalt Rock Out with Hantzburg ShCM RL1 P-BEG EX – 6yo male, masculine head with an almost regal expression, strong moderately long neck set into nicely laid back shoulders, good angulated forequarters, deep chest and well sprung ribs with a good amount of length to his body. Nicely angulated rear quarters with nothing overdone. Held level topline on the move and parallel when seen from rear. Junior Handling - JH 6-11 (3,0) 1 Ellis Rees – An accomplished young handler who showed a great rapport with his dog. He performed his movements neatly and with ease with straight lines and tight corners while keeping the correct pace for his dog. He shadowed his movements correctly when stacked keeping on the correct side of his dog throughout and showed the teeth expertly and confidently. Well Done, a very polished exhibit. Best Overall Handler. 2 Llinos Aur Thomas – A lot of the comments above also apply to this young handler, she performed her movements neatly, keeping straight lines and tight corners. She was very gentle when stacking her dog and showed the teeth expertly. On the move, she remembered to remain on the opposite side of her dog, switching hands confidently. Just needs to take care when stacked, to move (shadow) while the judge walks around her dog. JH 12-16 (3,2) 1 Mikayla Jones – A well-presented confident handler who manoeuvred her young charge around the ring without fault. She had a lovely rapport with her dog and did not get flustered when it fidgeted or moved. Just calmly restacked and gave praise. On the move, she kept her lines straight and corners tight, changing hands confidently to avoid coming between myself and her dog. Just needs to take care when stacked on the table, to move (shadow) while the judge walks around her dog although I understand this was difficult today with an inexperienced puppy. Whippets SP Y (3,0) 1 Snelgrove, Kamasal Starlight Rascal at Huntinghill – 13month fawn bitch. Feminine head with a very sweet expression, and correctly folded rose ears, elegant neck slightly curved flowing into well laid back shoulders, lovely top and under line for one still to mature fully. Moderately angulated to rear with no exaggerations. Well-muscled throughout. Lovely free action in profile and tidy up and back when seen from rear. One I have admired from the ringside for a while now and she didn’t disappoint, BOB. 2 Russell, Lawrence Von Anluna’s to Arjuna (imp) – 15months fawn parti male. Masculine head with a kind expression, elegant long neck with well laid back shoulder, straight forelegs with slightly sloping pasterns. Topline slightly curved over a strong loin and a lovely underline. Moderate rear angulation with no exaggerations, hocks well let down. Well-muscled throughout. Parallel front and back when seen from the rear, a lovely exhibit, just felt he needed to relax a bit when seen on profile movement. 3 Mainwaring, Dowdrogo’s Scarlet Prince G (1,0) 1 Mainwaring, Dowdrogo’s Scarlet Prince - 7month brindle male of a taller frame. Masculine head with a kind expression. Moderately long neck. Slightly more upright through his shoulders and pasterns than I would have liked. Well sprung ribs and a strong loin showing a curved topline. Good depth to chest and lovely tuck up. Good bend of stifle with strong well-muscled thighs. Moved well when seen from the rear. BPIB O (2,0) 1 Russell, Glantam Genesis at Arjuna - 2yo fawn male. Masculine head with kind expression, fine rose ears, elegant neck flowing onto well laid back shoulders, good depth to chest, with well sprung ribs. Lovely topline with slight curve over the loins and a definite tuck up. Good bend to stifles and well defined second thigh. Good bone, without appearing heavy built. Moved out well in profile and parallel front and back when seen from the rear. Shown in excellent condition. 2 Mainwaring, Dowdrogo’s Scarlet Prince. Dachshund Mini Smooth J (6,0) 1 Beach, Riowood Arizona – 8month brindle male. Well balanced head with alert expression, high set ears, long elegant neck set on broad, well laid back shoulders, prominent breastbone, good depth to chest and well ribbed. Good length to body with a level topline which was held on the move. Moved well coming and going. 2 Miller, Beachdax Mr Miller – 8month black and tan male. Balanced head with a sweet expression, high set ears, strong neck of good length set on well laid back shoulders, good depth to chest and well ribbed. Strong rear showing correct angulation, Well-muscled throughout. A little longer in body than 1 but retained a level topline. Moved well coming and going. Was a close decision. 3 Dunhill, Hollybirch Golden Sun at Gelljam G (6,1) 1 Beach, Beachdax Red Hot Blaze – 10month red bitch. What a lovely girl this is, well-proportioned head, not too broad across skull, dark almond shaped eyes with the sweetest of expressions. High set ears and complete scissor bite. Muscular neck of good length, slightly arched, flowing into broad shoulder blades set at the correct 45-degree angle. Prominent breastbone, good depth to chest with ribbing well back. Level topline with slight arch over strong loins. Rear angulation strong, with straight hocks. Loved the ground clearance this girl showed when she moved out with purpose and drive in profile. A complete package who I will watch with interest. BOB, BPIB and delighted to see her take G1 and PG1. 2 Lewis, Trixhund Bring Me Luck – 17month red bitch. Balanced head with an alert expression and dark eyes. Long neck flowing into good set, angulated shoulders. Prominent breastbone with deep chest. Level topline over well sprung ribs. Short, strong loins and muscular thighs. Shown in lovely condition. Moved with drive in profile and correct action when viewed from the rear. Another close decision, just preferred the rear angulation of 1. 3 Beach, Beachdax Diamond Diva O (5,1) 1 Beach, Izia Klara Difino (Imp) – 2yo red bitch. Nicely balanced head, not too broad, with alert expression, high set ears, strong elegant neck set on broad, well laid back shoulders, prominent breastbone, good depth to chest and ribbing of good length. Good length to body, and well angulated rear. Level topline shown on the move, tended to drop this a little while stacked. Moved well coming and going. 2 Zaivej, Redgi Prado Sybella – 3year old red bitch. Smaller frame than 1 but remains balanced throughout. Kind, intelligent expression to eyes, long neck on well laid back shoulders, good angulation to front and rear. Deep chest with good length to well sprung ribs. Moved out well in profile showing drive from the rear. 3 Mills, Oniasid Pussy Galore Dachshund Mini Wire G (2,0) 1 Mills, Tythe Black Pearle at Oniasid – 2yo bitch. Balanced head with alert expression, high set ears, long elegant neck set on broad, well laid back shoulders, prominent breastbone, good depth to chest and well ribbed. Nice amount of bone and substance. Good length to body with a level topline which was held on the move. Nice amount of ground clearance. Coat harsh with dense undercoat. Moved well coming and going. BOB 2 Lewis, Ravensbeech Raindance at Trixhund – 6month bitch. A promising youngster who was abit overwhelmed at her first show, I’m sure the confidence will come. A nice head, not too broad in skull, with kind expression to dark eyes. Good length to neck. Well placed shoulders, nicely angulated forequarters with good bone to legs. Nice depth to chest and ribs going well back. Short through the loin. Good angulation to rear with strong thighs. When settled, moved well. BPIB O (2,0) 1 Miller, Palsuz Easter Bon-Net – 3yo bitch. Feminine balanced head with almond shaped eyes and strong jaw. Strong, slightly curved neck into well laid back shoulders, and prominent breastbone. Good depth to chest and ribbing well back. Level topline with slight curve above short strong loins. Well angulated rear with strong thighs. Showing good ground clearance, moved with purpose around the ring. Shown in good condition with a harsh coat and dense undercoat. 2 Howells, Fallowmill Indian Runner – 18months bitch. Nicely put together bitch of a different type to 1. Smaller frame all over, feminine head, good reach of neck of moderate length, well laid shoulders with nicely prominent breastbone. Good depth to chest and ribbing well back. Angulated rear with excellent muscle which allowed her to move easily with good drive. Just preferred the length and substance of 1.

Leanne Muir