• Show Date: 03/02/2019
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Leanne Challands Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

Coventry Cocker Spaniel Club

Coventry cocker spaniel club

3rd February 2019

Special awards

Judge Leanne Challands (Annilann)

I’d like to that the Coventry cocker spaniel club for inviting me to judge the special awards at this show. I really enjoyed judging these classes and was very happy with my final 3 class winners. The committee and my stewards looked after me very well and the food was lovely. Well done on a lovely show with a brilliant atmosphere.

Special puppy award D/B (6,2)

1st Miss D & Mrs S Young, Canyonn Could it Be Magic. Lovely Black Bitch, beautifully presented, with a very feminine head, nice dark tight eye, square muzzle and distinct stop, ribs well sprung for age with short loin, well rounded rear with good bend to stifle, feet neat and tight, level topline and good tail set, well balanced compact bitch with that wagging tail showing the typical bustling movement.

2nd Miss H Hill, Princehill Shining Star. Very sweet compact bitch with a pretty head and gentle expression, muscular moderate neck into well laid shoulders, good spring to rib for age with short loin wide & firm, well rounded muscular rear, moved well.

3rd Miss JE & Miss ENT Corcoran, Troverothway Upon a Star.

Special Post Graduate award D/B (5,2)

1st Mrs CA West, Sheigra Simply a Star JW. Very pretty black bitch with flat silky well feathered coat, Skull well developed & cleanly chiselled, eyes tight with that gentle expression, ears set well with level of eye, well developed chest, deep in brisket, strong straight boned forequarters, well rounded muscular rear with good tail set & that beautiful bustling merry cocker movement.

2nd Mrs JA & Miss EM Jarman, Acquelin Elektra. Sweet headed bitch, moderate muscular neck, chest well developed, ribs well back with a short loin, level topline, moved well with a merry wagging tail.

3rd Mr E Aykroyd, Clydesian Belladonna.

Special Open Award D/B (6,1)

1st Mr AM & Ms JE Jones & Simmonds, Shenmore She’s the One. Beautiful blue roan bitch, prettiest of heads with an intelligent, gentle expression, cleanly chiselled skull, square in muzzle with distinct stop, moderate well muscled neck, clean in throat, chest well developed, ribs well sprung reaching to a short loin, forequarters short and well boned, level topline, a well muscled, rounded rear and such beautiful ever wagging merry cocker movement.

2nd Mrs H Hill, Olibond Sunshine Girl at Princehill. Pretty bitch, well chiselled skull with a distinct stop, forequarters straight and strong, moderate neck into well laid shoulders, level topline, well muscled rounded rear with good tail set, so merry on the move with a tail that didn’t stop wagging.

3rd Mrs MA & Miss HJ Simpson, Evaremoc Dark Diamonds.