• Show Date: 12/01/2019
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Kathy Moores Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

North & South Shields Canine Society

North & South Shields Canine Society

Open Show 12th January 2019

Shih Tzu

GD 1

1. Fairley’s Rossvale Here Comes The Sun Over Fairmere. BOB. V nice. Well grown and shown in mature coat. Lovely eye & expression. Nice head furnishings; round dark eyes and well rounded in skull.. Excellent shoulder & return of upperarm. Good rib cage and bend of stifle. Well muscled throughout. Moved soundly and typically.

Border Terrier (Dogs)

JD 1

1. Boyd’s Thornheswin New Beginning. Nice outline. Good coat texture. Well proportioned masculine head. Sufficient width of cheek & skull. Nice, expressive eye. Good topline and good strong loin. Nice length of upper & lower thigh. Moved well on good feet.

GD 1

1. Pollit’s Brackendell Rock The Boat For Vandamere JW. BOB & Group 2. Excellent head with lovely expression. Good temperament with tail wagging & held high on the move. Excellent width of skull & cheek; sufficient length of muzzle. Nice length of neck and good topline. Excellent angulation fore & aft. Good feet. Moved soundly. Coat very harsh and dense.

OD 3,4

1. Pollit’s Tyneaster Undercover Agent For Vandamere JW ShCM. Lovely head & overall shape. Nice pigmentation, expression & well proportioned head. Excellent coat quality & texture. Good ribcage going well back to nice length and strength of loin. Excellent front & rear angulation. Shown in excellent muscular condition. Moved soundly on neat feet. 

2. Lorraine & Thomas’ Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM. Another nice type with good body shape, length of neck & nice bone & angulation. Just preferred expression of winner. Moved well. 

3. Thornheswin New Beginning

Spence’s Foxwater House Of Jazz. Best Puppy & Puppy Group 3

Staffordshire Bull Terrier 

G 4

 1. Nicholson’s Northstaff Poster Boy. BOB & Group 2. Lovely dog with nice width infront. Good masculine head with lots of cheek. Nice eye shape & size. Good ears size and shape. Excellent shoulder placement & spring of rib. Good length of body; Nice bone. Moved soundly displaying parallel movement fore & aft. 

2. Manghan’s Diamondstaff Wee Mac. Lovely young dog. Excellent head, eye & expression. Nice ears. Good front with straight forelegs and excellent depth of chest. Nice width of upper & lower thigh. Moved well on good feet. 

3. Hall’s Legendstaff Sweet Lady Cum Geordiestaff. BP & Puppy Group 2. Lovely feminine, nicely proportioned head; good eye and expression. Shown in excellent muscular condition. Sufficient width of chest; correct shoulder placement, straight forelegs. Sufficient spring of rib with ribcage going well back. Nicely developed upper and lower thigh. Moved typically and soundly.

O 3,4 1 abs

1.  Wilson’s Northstaff Cupcake. Very feminine with lovely head, eye & expression and short length of muzzle compared to skull. Sufficient stop. Nice earset & carriage. Excellent width in front and good spring of rib. Nice strong loin. Good angulation fore & aft. Moved typically and soundly. 

2. Diamondstaff Wee Mac

3. Hind’s Mournestaffs Talaris

Scottish Terrier

G 2

1.  Rutherford’s Carisco Careless Whisper. BP & Puppy Group 4. Nice baby with better eye colour & forechest than 2. Good length of head. Dark piercing eye. Nice earset & carriage. Excellent lay of shoulder, return of upper arm & forechest. Good spring of rib and nice short, strong loin. Excellent bend of stifle & strong hindquarters. Moved well. 

2. Dodds’ Highland Butterfly. Nice length of head. A little timid. Good ear set. Well rounded ribcage & excellent depth of chest. Moved well. 

O 1

1. Rutherford’s Carisco Cendal Crème. BOB. Wheaten. Nice length of head with good furnishings. Dark small eye with good expression. Sufficient length of well-muscled neck. Good front & rear angulation. Well muscled and strong throughout. Nice spring of rib & strong loin. Moved straight fore and aft.

Fox Terrier (Smooth)

G 2

1. Davison’s Lizoni Hot To Trot. BOB. Very pleasing bitch. Good head of nice length. Good ear carriage. Excellent length of neck. Nice front angulation; good depth of ribcage Nice width of upper & lower thigh. Good rear angulation. Moved well on compact feet. 

2. Davison’s Agria Latin Love With Belfox. BP & Puppy Group 1. Nice baby. Super happy temperament. Good length of head. Nice eye shape & intelligent expression. Good length & strength of neck. Nice straight front, sufficient bone and good spring of rib & length of ribcage. Nice rearquarters. Good tail carriage. Moved well. 

O 1

1. L Hot To Trot

Fox Terrier (Wire)

O 1

1.  Griffiths & Maughan’s Brocolita Point Of Fire ShCM. BOB & Group 4. Nicely presented & shown in good coat of excellent texture. Nice head of good length. Small, dark, round, expressive eyes displaying intelligence. Nice furnishings. Good earset & carriage. Nice length of neck of sufficient strength. Correct front angulation. Nice depth of chest & well ribbed back. Nice length of upper and lower thigh, good bend of stifle & well let down hocks. Good tailset. Moved well on compact feet. 

Cairn Terrier

G 1

1.  Dodds’ Birselaw Ruby Slipper. BOB. Very nice bitch with lovely temperament. Pleasing small black, shiny eye. Good width of skull & nice ear set & carriage. Good front with straight legs, well boned. Excellent depth of chest & spring of rib. Good width of upper & lower thigh. Nice topline & tail set. Good coat texture. Moved soundly. 

Manchester Terrier

O 1

1.  Walshaw’s Janmark Back T Black. BOB & Group 3. Nice head with wedge-shaped skull, dark, shiny eye & good expression. Nice earset & carriage. Good lay of shoulder, nice bone & lovely straight front. Excellent depth of chest & spring of rib. Nice topline with desired slight rise over the loin & correct tail set. Good length of upper & lower thigh. Moved well on good feet with well-arched toes. Coat of good colour and markings throughout.

Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier 


1. Ward & Walker’s Eblanhalls A Fine Half. BOB. Good length & width of head. Nice eye colour & expression. Good length of neck & shoulders with good return and length of upperarm. Sufficient bone. Nice spring of rib; would prefer a more level topline. Good rear angulation & well let hocks. Tends to roach back on the move. Nice coat colour & texture. 

Skye Terrier

O 1

1. Ch & Ir Ch Harrison’s Knowelspring Jail House Roc For Trenson ShCM. BOB. Shown in lovely coat & muscular condition. Beautiful outline with good length and strength of level back. Nice strength of muzzle; good expressive eye and dark open nose. Nice earset & carriage; nicely furnished. Excellent muscular front & good forechest. Good strong rear angulation. Level topline held well on the move.

Bedlington Terrier

J 1

1.  Walshaw’s Janmark Kirksyde Sapphire. BOB & BP. Nice baby. Lovely length & shape of head. Nice eye shape & colour. Good ‘horseshoe’ front. Good lay of shoulder and nice depth of chest. Desired slight rise over loin and complementary tuck-up of underline. Good length of upper & lower thigh. Nice croup & tail set. Good coat texture & colour. Moved well with typical spring, on well-shaped hare feet.

AV Terrier

P 5

1.  Agria Latin Lover With Belfox

2. Legendstaff Sweet Lady Cum Geordiestaff

3. Dixon’s Otterpaws Lyin’ Eyes.

G 5

1.  Legendstaff Sweet Lady Cum Geordiestaf

2. Birselaw Ruby Slipper

3. Lorraine’s Raleniro New Rose

O 3, 2 abs.

1.  Highland Butterfly.

Veteran 7, 2 abs

1. Ch & Ir Ch Knowelspring Jail House Roc For Trenson ShCM

2. Hall’s Rekrahstaff Miss Attitude Cum Geordiestaff. Lovely 12 year old. Nice head, eye & expression. Nice ear set & carriage. Good strength of neck. Nice bone, spring of rib & depth of chest. Moved soundly. 

3. Thomas’ Raleniro Lady Esquire ShCM

AV Stakes

AV Puppy Stakes 19, 11 abs

1. Kent & Sutton’s Jacalous Fire N Ice At Lyfearon (Siberian Husky) Nicely grown. Lovely head, eye & ear set and carriage. Excellent coat & condition. Good angulation throughout. Moved soundly. 

2. Gullon’s Barnfall Goodtime Gary (Min Pinscher). Very nice outline. Lovely head with sufficient stop. Excellent ear shape & carriage. Good front, nice feet & excellent depth of chest for age. Moved well. 

AV Junior Stakes 3, 2 abs

1. Lorraine’s Otterpaws Take It Easy With Raleniro (Border Terrier). Good quality coat, pleasing head with good width of skull and nice earset. Open nose, dark eyes. Sufficient length of neck. Correct topline & good front and rear angulation. Moved soundly on compact feet. 

AV Graduate Stakes 7, 2 abs

1. Bird & Caden’s Molton Mr Blue Sky. (Shetland Sheepdog). Nice head, eye & expression. Sufficient strength in under jaw. Excellent lay of shoulders and return of upperarm. Good bone. Nice spring of rib going back to strong loin. Good angulation fore & aft. Moved well. 

2. Palmer’s Dreamist Rock N Rye At Colmeir (Cocker Spaniel). Pleasing outline. Excellent bone. Masculine head, eye & expression. Excellent spring of rib. Good topline & bend of stifle. Moved well on tight feet. 

3. Pocklington-Hall’s Merlin Do Cabal Dob Choupos (IMP) (Basset Fauve de Bretagne).

AV Open Stakes 13, 7 abs

1. Hall’s Kenquince Pisconia of Cynami ShCM. (Rhodesian Ridgeback) Lovely bitch with pleasing head of sufficient strength, good eye & expression. Nice width of skull. Good ear shape, size & set on of ear. Shown in well muscled condition. Nice length & strength of neck. Good front & rear angulation. Nice depth of chest & strong loin, and correct topline. Good ridge containing two identical crests. Moved well on compact feet with well-arched toes.

2. Eilbeck’s Cherimae Sensation (Yorkshire Terrier). Very pretty bitch with nice outline. Dark round eye. Nicely shaped skull and muzzle of sufficient length. Good topline & well angulated throughout. Fine silky coat of good length, texture and colour. Moved really well with lots of drive. 

Kathy Gorman
