• Show Date: 02/03/2019
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Jill Cross Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

Guildford & District Canine Society

Guildford & District Canine Society Open Show 2nd March 2019 Ardingly

Report for Hound Group

My thanks to the exhibitors and to my Steward, Martin, for enduring a draughty, chilly day and for keeping everything running so smoothly.

Hound Group

This was a nicely filled group and was headed by:

HG1 Rubicon Red Dothe Right Thing Royaal Pearl (imp MNE) ShCM, solid Rhodesian Ridgeback bitch with a gorgeous outline displaying all the breed characteristics and not putting a foot wrong in this lovely group, carried herself beautifully around the very ample spaced ring; full report appears in the breed class report.

HG2 Linklees Lyric ShCM, Beagle, compact tri-coloured bitch, happy and alert, moving so soundly here; full report in the breed class report.

HG3 Delandmar Greta Garbo, Mini S/H Dachshund; see Puppy Hound Group report

HG4 Nightwind You’re My Kind of Crazy (imp DEU) Afghan Hound, well presented black male, elegant head, keen eye looking very proud and moving with great enthusiasm here.

Hound Puppy Group

This was a very nice group of puppies

PG1 Delandmar Greta Garbo, Mini S/H Dachshund, lovely black/tan of some quality, impressed for head shape which was lean without losing any strength, dark eye, lovely length of neck fitting nicely into well laid back shoulder, very good prominent forechest with elbows fitting nicely, good feet, level topline, well proportioned length and excellent ribcage, nicely rounded rump, good hocks, glossy coat, moving with purpose and good ground clearance, well done.

PG2 Blandings Eyes On The Prize, Whippet, elegant brindle bitch, lean feminine head of good length, dark oval eye, good strength of jaw, arched long neck to well placed shoulder, straight forelegs, correct feet, good depth and nicely tucked-up, slight arch over loin, showing strength from angled hindquarters, moving with good action.

PG3 Jamarqui Alchemy Annie, Borzoi, lovely type of bitch deserving of her place here, see AVNSC for full report.

PG4 Coachbarn Crier, Beagle, happy youngster of good promise, please see Breed class for full report.


Puppy (3)

1. Parsons Jamarqui Alchemy Annie, very promising red/white Borzoi bitch nicely balanced throughout. Feminine long lean head with good scissor bite, small ears, good length of neck to well placed clean shoulder, finely boned, good pastern and feet, very good deep brisket & ribcage for age, with gentle rise over the back to well angled quarters, low set tail thick coat. Has a great deal of promise, moving well with easy action. HPG3

2. Lewis’s Blue Fairy’s Ticket to Ride to Concara’s Olphae (imp USA) Otterhound, very appealing roughly coated hound with very nicely balanced head & good expression, dark eye hidden under a mountain of hair, strong neck nicely placed shoulder, good in front and plenty of depth in body, slightly angled rear, moving off on strong hocks, nicely handled. 3. Lewis’s Olphae Charman, Otterhound

Junior (5) 1abs

1. Marshall’s Soufriere One Vision BGV (Grand) free moving roughly coated medium sized bitch with good overall shape. Domed head, dark eye, decent stop & square muzzle, construction fore and aft was good, longish back, level topline, tail carried well and outline held on the move, very happy disposition.

2. Moulding’s Nykarth Perfect Moment BGV (Petit) nicely proportioned with good outline on the stack holding topline well, good temperament but was not moving quite in harmony here today.

3. Lewis’ Olphae Charman

Post Graduate (7) 1 abs

1. Rimell’s Donskoi Vesna at Borodino, Borzoi, typy red/white bitch looking impressive on the stack, heavily coated, lean long head, good overall shape, shoulder placed well, ribbed back well with great depth, would prefer slightly more arch over topline, good rear angle and muscle, strong low hocks. Came into her own when moving and covered a huge amount of the ring with no effort at all however needs to check her slightly when coming directly towards as this becomes erratic.

2. Ulyatt’s Fernlark Legend of Cornhaze, Saluki smartly turned out grizzle male, good overall breed type and liked him very much & thought he would be my winner. Balanced head, dark eye, lightly fringed ears, good neck to well placed shoulder, straight front, legs held well underneath him in profile, very good depth and fill-in from the front, good length of back, very gentle rise over strong loin to moderately angled quarters, feathered tail held low, moving soundly but ideally needed much more lightness to his footfall.

3. Taylor & Lynch’s Gaeltarra Eirann Watson (imp NLD) Irish Wolfhound

Open (9) 1abs

1. Pateman’s Gaeltarra Eirann Galen (imp NLD) Irish Wolfhound of 14 months; upstanding male with lovely balanced outline, no trace of coarseness despite his size, head was strong but lean and well balanced, dark eye, very good jawline, lovely length of neck to perfectly placed shoulder, very good front, straight forelegs, good depth to chest, nicely angled hindquarters and well muscled. Rough, harsh coat, still needing to develop fully as he is young, but can really move and covered the ring easily with long strides, very sound, liked him. Best AVNSC and only just missed out in the Hound Group placings.

2. Eardley’s Ryazan Perdita of Hillowhawks ShCM, Borzoi, at the other end of the scale this was a 7 year old bitch of most lovely type, have judged her a couple of times previously and done her well. Feminine and breed typical red/white, well constructed throughout, moving with long raking strides here but slightly down on pastern on this surface. Res.Best AVNSC

3. Ulyatt’s Fernlark L’Aunisien in Cornhaze, Saluki


Puppy (1)

1. Kimber’s Coachbarn Crier, appealing tri-coloured bitch of just 6 months. Most lovely disposition, good domed head shape, good ears just the right amount of stop, deep muzzle and clean flews, good strong neck, well placed shoulder, round bone, nice compact body, nicely angled hindquarters, tail held aloft on the move, promising youngster. HPG4

Post Graduate (6) 2abs

1. Roberts & Spearing’s Linklees Laurina, Res.BOB liked the head & expression on this one and it was a close call in the challenge. Tri colour of smart compact appearance, good in front and nice depth just below elbow, using those strong hocks to advantage and moving off well.

2. Kimber’s Coachbarn Celeste well proportioned head although a fraction looser in eye, good neck to well placed shoulder, nice round bone & straight front, deep sturdy body marginally longer cast than 1, good strong second thigh, straight hocks, tail set well, moved with enthusiasm.

3. Hills Donay Faith

Open (7)

1. Roberts & Spearing’s Linklees Lyric ShCM, most lovely compact shape to this bitch, feminine with good shape to head, depth to muzzle, nice stop, good neck to well set shoulder and good front, strong compact body to nicely angled quarters, tail held up well and moving so soundly with purpose, best mover here. BOB, & HG2

2. McBain & Stevens Bondlea Layman masculine with good head properties, liked his overall compact shape and he had a good front , nice firm, deep body below elbow, level topline strong quarters and good tailset. Handler got the best out of him on the move but couldn’t quite match 1 on this occasion.

3. Hills Donay Fraser JW

Rhodesian Ridgeback

Puppy (2)

Tricky class, liked both of these.

1. Parker’s Kiromol As You Like It with Azuli, nicely proportioned bitch pale red/wheaten colour, good width to her flat skull & strength of muzzle, very strong front and rear quarters, very good ribcage and strongly muscled over loin. Scored well in this class with her forward free movement, nice puppy with appeal.

2. Parrish’s Rottzridge Me And My Girl, very attractive deep solid red bitch, lovely strong yet feminine head, dark eye, strong neck to correctly placed shoulder, good front & rear, well filled front & good depth, topline good, a shade longer cast, just needs to get to grips with her movement to get to her full potential.

Junior (3) 1abs

1. Kiromol As You Like It with Azuli – repeat of Puppy Class winner.

2. Ferris’s Mirengos Moringa good head shape & good expression from those eyes, clean in neck deep body and slightly wider in front movement, good turn of stifle, muscular, nice overall shape.

Post Graduate (3) 2abs

1. Mirengos Moringa – as 2nd in previous class

Open (3) 2abs

1. Larkin’s Rubicon Red Dothe Right Thing Royaal Pearl (imp MNE) ShCM, cracking hound with no trace of coarseness, very feminine in head, good width to skull, good eye, strong muzzle and good scissor bite, length of neck was good and muscular to well placed shoulder, good strong forelegs and depth of brisket, strong topline and well muscled loin, angled hindquarters, very balanced bitch throughout, ridge down the back with equal crowns. Not only did she look the part standing, she came into her own on the move with good purposeful stride, didn’t but a foot wrong and looked as is she would carry on forever. BOB and HG1.

Jill Cross