• Show Date: 13/01/2019
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Huw BISHOP Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

Welsh Kennel Club

Welsh Kennel Club Open Show

13 January 2019

My thanks to the officers and committee for their invitation and warm hospitality, also to my stewards for their invaluable assistance and to all the exhibitors who entered and made for such an enjoyable day. I was delighted with the line-ups for the group, with final decisions made on strong and driving movement. I was particularly pleased that the Group 1 winner was awarded Best in Show.

Spaniel (Cocker)

Puppy 2.0

1. Craig’s Alisma Amiable. At just over 6 months, compact and stylish, pretty in head through good front and lovely shape overall. Well angled front and rear and moved really well for a youngster. BP PG2

2. Craig’s Alisma Andersun. Litter brother to 1. Correct head and pleasing expression. Good front and shoulder placement but looser on the move – didn’t have the rear drive of 1, but this will come with maturity.

Junior 1.0

1. Stafford & Fuller’s Cassom Mary Poppins at Dizneestar. Nicely made, compact and well presented. Really sweet expression. Clean chiselled head Correct front, moderate and muscular neck . Well sprung ribs and gently sloping topline. Moved well and confidently and challenged strongly for bob.

Graduate 1.1

Open 2.1

1. Harvey’s Tomerine Super Trooper Sh.CM. Maturity really stood out, well balanced and compact. Correct head, lovely eye expression showing a kind and intelligent alertness. Well-developed chest and deep brisket. Muscular and wide hindquarters driving forward and covering the ground with ease. BOB

Retriever (Golden)

Puppy 6.0

1. Joy’s Chaleur Understudy for Shardonell (ai) (Imp)Aus. Won this class on movement which was straight and true. Lovely appealing and balanced head and expression. Body developing nicely showing off his outline. Has lots of time on his side to mature. BP

2. Rees’s Catenae Darling Buds of May Again, so much to like about this youngster. Stands and shows to advantage. Such an appealing and kind head balanced and well chiselled, no coarseness at all. Good bone, well laid-back shoulders. Preferred the movement on 1.

3. Rix’s Gowergold Jack Pot

Junior 2.0

1. Joy’s Chaleur Understudy for Shardonell (ai) (Imp)Aus

2. May’s Ramchaine Triple Strike of Cherrygold. Delightful girl, lovely head with a soft expression, dark eye and good pigment . Tight feet and good depth of chest for her age. Well laid shoulders, decent topline and rear angulation. Driving movement, a little slower than 1 today.


1. Coulstock & Williams’s Cwmtaff Jack the Lad at Pantegparish. Balanced dog, clean lines fitting the standard well and combining strength and power with that symmetrical and kind appearance. Strong and muscular loin and legs. Well let down and straight hocks. Powerful and good driving movement – true in front and rear. BOB

2. Williams’s Thornywait Full Monty at Trebettyn. Another upstanding dog in profile. Correct head and expression. Dark eye. Good reach of neck into well laid shoulders. Good angles front and rear, tight feet. Movement was ok but not as long in stride as 1.

Open 3.0

1. Purnell’s Catenae A Sky Full of Stars at Saffrio. Well built throughout and presents a flowing and clean outline standing and on the move. Good head with typical outlook, reach of neck and shoulder . Well bodied and pleasing outline. Sound on the move.

2. Nicholls’s Largymore Youre My World JW ShCM. Another nice example of the breed. Pleasing head and eye and stands on good legs and feet. Good body shape and well-rounded hindquarters. Could not match the movement on 1 today though.

3. Rees Catenae Amazing Grace JW Sh CM

Retriever (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling)


1. Johnson’s Stellenbosch Alameda of Tarnalkers (ai) Liked him for size and type. Kind expression, good lay of shoulders, nice depth of chest and strong rear quarters. Moved soundly. BOB

2. Johnson’s Tarnlalkers Perfect Pink. Nice bitch to go over. Kind eye and expression overall. Ample ribbing. Needs to strengthen rear quarters, then her movement will be sounder. BP

3. Tarnlalkers Red Hefin

Irish Setter

Junior 2.1

1. Lewis’s Quenshs Dream a Dream. At just under 12 months, presented a lovely feminine example. Kept her well-balanced structure on the move which was sound. Deep chest and correctly narrow in front. Long and muscular hindlegs used well on the move. BP


1. Jones’s Gwendariff Pink Floyd Fine and upstanding in profile and on the move. Such a rich colour. Correct head, neck and shoulders, deep and sloping. Well sprung ribs and firm topline. Movement was exceptional – free flowing and driving forward showing total co-ordination. BOB

2. Mugford’s Lynwood Abracadabra JW. Feminine of good make and shape. Pleasing head and eye with typical outlook. Good front assembly, depth of chest . Firm body. Preferred the movement of 1 today.

3. Childs’s Anlory Tamhil

Open 2.1

1. Childs’s Tredura Val Verdi. Stood alone, well made and presented a balanced picture. Good front assembly standing on good legs and feet . Well-sprung ribs, firm streaight topline sloping gently downwards. Movement was ok.


Graduate 2.0

1. Masson & Glover’s Janeva Regal Lily. Pleasing and biddable expression. Well balanced. Correct head eye and ear set. Well laid-back shoulders, well-sprung ribs falling away at muscular loins. Nice deep chest. Good angulation. Moved soundly.

2. Cooper’s Trosnant Cider with Rosie. Pleasant head with correct finish to foreface and correct ear set. Cortrect front assembly, muscular and unexaggerated in rear angulation and slightly arched loins. Preferred the head of 1 today. BP

Open 2.0

1. Rose’s Didanflight Roller Blade. Well-proportioned. Correct head with kind expression. Long muscular neck with no throatiness. Enough for-chest. Good bone and tight elbows. Strong, muscled and well-angulated rear quarters with driving movement in profile with tail carried level with back. Liked him a lot. BOB G2

2. Cooper’s Trosnant Cider with Rosie.

Retriever (Flat Coated)

Open 5.4

1. Thomas’s Vynesbrook Hammer to Fall at Graylswater . At just under 12 months, pleasing to the eye. Well-balanced standing and good on the move. Good head with the required proportions. Kind eye with lovely expression. Muscular hindquarters and true movement. BOB BP

Spaniel (American Cocker)

Open 5.0

1. Roberts ‘s Veltuds Buff Hello Bill from Adiaha Sh CM. Such a stylish and well-balanced example of the breed. Full of quality, refined and well-chiselled head. Excellent ribbing and top-line slope just perfect. Good rear angles, strong, well-let down hocks. A powerful and impressive mover covering the ground with ease. BOB

2. Bedding’s Sanparti’s Getting Jiggy Vigie With It (Imp Fin) This will be one to watch! Such a smart puppy with a nicely developing head and muzzle at 8 months. Long and muscular neck, free from throatiness. Deep, clean shoulders, straight forelegs. Back sloping evenly. Well angled hindquarters. Considered strongly in the challenge. BP PG1

3. Edwards’s Afterglow Dancing Brave Sh CM. Best Veteran

Spaniel (Welsh Springer)

Graduate 6.1

1. Worth’s Sarabande Lord Of the Dance (ai) JW. Took my eye as soon as he entered the ring and retained it both for the class and the challenge. Loved his overall size and balance. Masculine head with a kind dark eye. Long clean neck set well into sloping shoulders and flowing through his top-line to the tip of the tail. Well boned and angulated fore and rear quarters which he used to drive purposefully around the ring covering every inch of ground. BOB G1 BIS

2. Worth’s Sarabande Dance to the Rhythm (ai) JW. Litter sister to 1 and again, a shapely and feminine example of the breed. Balanced head shape, good length of neck flowing nicely into sloping shoulders firm top-line and well-set tail. Kept this lovely profile on the move too, which was sound and true,

3. Jenkins’s Cwmbeili Morgan

Open 4.1

1. Worth’s Sarabande Man In The Mirror (ai) JW Sh CM. Liked his overall size, substance and masculinity. Well held top-line, deep ribcage, good bone and nice tight feet. Wide, strong and muscular rear quarters, well let down hocks. Moved well.

2. Williams‘s Isfryn Spot The Difference at Trebethyn. Slightly taller than 1 but of good proportions and balance. Alert to his handler, he has a masculine head and a clean neck of good length. Well boned legs on to tight feet. Moved well, covering the ground. Just preferred the overall outline of 1 today

3. Rees’s Hudolus Rhys Henllys At Typica Sh CM

Hungarian Vizsla

Open 1.0

1. Allen’s Afanleigh Rumble Red Stood alone but a good breed example. Correct proportions, good head, squared and tapering muzzle. Strong muscular neck into well laid shoulders. Well-muscled back and hind quarters, angled correctly. Moved soundly around the ring covering the ground well. BOB

Any Variety Gundog

Puppy 5.0

1. Rix’s Gowergold Juke Box Jive Lady (Golden Ret). This girl was such a joy to go over. Such a sweet and alert expression on a head completely in proportion to her overall size. Biddable and intelligent. Excellent ear-set and eye, good reach of neck, deep chest and excellent front and rear angulation. Moved well.

2. Fishlock’s Afanleigh Anna (Hung Visz) So much to like about this one. So nice to go over. Strong well-made front and lovely side profile going around the ring. 1 had the clear edge on movement though.

3. Simpson’s Ekkolander Dark Madness at Leriton (Large Munsterlander)


1. Jones’s Alkimadus Gwn Ben y Gardigan JW Sh CM (Am Cocker) Well proportioned. Correct head with kind expression. Long muscular neck with no throatiness. Enough fore chest. Good bone tight elbows. Strong, well angulated rear quarters with driving movement in profile with tail carried on a level with back. Liked her a lot.

2. Lewis & Bullock’s Trimere Total Obsession With Trixhund Sh CM (ESS) Very appealing and kind head. Good in shoulder placement, fore chest and width of chest. Well laid back, sloping shoulders – lovely front angulation. Well bent stifles showing definition at the hocks. Moved purposefully around the ring covering plenty of ground.

3. Edwards’s Afterglow Dancing Brave Sh CM (Am Cocker)

AV Not Separately Classified

Graduate 10. 4

1. Martin’s Laoireboy Steel Blue Ocean At Shannonstyle (Irish R&W Setter) Stood out as alert and intelligent. Correct head balance in proportion to body. Strong neck of correct length. Good shoulders, sloping nicely into a deep chest. Strong back with correct topline. Rear angles nicely formed with strong and well-muscled thighs.

2. Lewis ‘s Belton Pearls A Kind Of Magic (Imp) (Eng Setter) Very appealing and kind head. Good in shoulder placement, fore chest and width of chest. Well laid back, sloping shoulders – lovely front angulation. Well bent stifles showing definition at the hocks. Moved purposefully around the ring covering plenty of ground.

3. Lewis & Bullock’s Trixhund Creg Ny Baa (ESS) PG3

Open 6.1

1. Lewis & Bullock’s Trixhund’s Talking Obsession JW Sh CM (ESS) Upstanding, dignified dog, in proportion, well balanced, and presented a picture of strength and activity with no trace of coarseness. Strong neck leading to well-laid shoulders. Eyes full of intelligence and alertness. Good angulation front and rear. Strong mover too and won this class easily. A well-deserved BOB G3

2. Dooner’s Tynsil Vera. (GWP) Gave a good first impression of alertness and energy. Clean cut head with long sloping shoulders. Adequate muscling front and rear. Moved well but preferred the driving rear movement of 1 on the day.

3. Burford’s Pingarypoint Eye Candy JW (GSP)

Gundog Group

1. Sarabande Lord Of The Dance (WSS)

2. Ridanflight Roller Blade (Pointer)

3. Trixhund Talking Obsession (ESS)

4. Carpenny Velvet At Sheenaron (Lab)

Gundog Puppy Group

1. Sanparti’s Getting Jiggy Vigie With It (Am Cocker)

2. Alisma Amiable (Cocker Spaniel)

3. Trixhund Creg Ny Baa (ESS)

4. Daisypatch Jelly Tot (Lab)

Gundog Veteran

Afterglow Dancing Brave (Am Cocker)

Huw D Bishop