• Show Date: 03/03/2019
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Helen Upton Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

Coventry & District Gundog Society

Coventry and District Gundog Society  

Sunday 3rd March 2019  

Miss H A Upton  



English Setters  

Puppy (4:0) 

1st BUMBLECORN ASH OF TATTAY – 6 month old Tri dog, balanced with nothing over exaggerated on him, he of course needs to mature but he is just right for his age. Lovely head of correct proportions with a typical gentle English expression, long neck leading into good shoulder placement, short in back with correct tail set, correct depth of chest but still needs to spring his ribs at this time. Good front and rear angulation. Moved well holding topline and wagging his tail all the way round. One I will be looking forward to seeing how he matures. BP. 

2nd SAMELEN BLUES AT ALOLFRANA – 10 month old, who is more mature than 1 and presented in fuller coat, however preferred the balance of 1. Masculine and full of substance however I would prefer a shorter length to body. Nice head with a gentle expression, stronger in his rear angulation than fore, handler needs to make sure she doesn’t over stretch him. Moved ok once settled.  


Junior (7:2) 

1st VICTORIAVIEW HOLLYHOCK, an orange belton bitch, pretty head of correct head proportions, clean neck, leading into well placed shoulders, correct length of body, right amount of rib for her stature, good depth of brisket. Straight in foreleg, good amount to forechest and elbows close to body. Good bend of stifle and correct length from hip to hock. Moved well in the class and pushed hard for best of breed however she decided that she had done enough of moving by the time it came to the challenge. RBOB  

2nd RAVENSETT SEVILLE AT GWITHIAN, an orange belton dog of 16 months old, masculine head with nice expression, well boned and presented in good coat and condition. Stronger in rear angulation than fore. Moved well once he got his act together. I preferred the cleaner front assembly of 1 today.   


Post Grad (7:2) 

1st PHENSET FIREFLY, Orange belton bitch, completely balanced and very typey for breed. Presents a clean outline, correct in size and presented in lovely coat and condition. Pretty bitch with soft expression, nice length to neck which flows nicely into correct shoulders and a level topline. Plenty of rib room and ribs well set back, with correct length to body. Good front and rear assembly which she used to her advantage on the move, she moved gracefully around the ring using her tail as she covered the ground with ease. BOB.  

2Nd BRAMSTORM OBERON, Orange Belton male, masculine in stature. I would prefer a little more work to his head, well bodied and presents balanced outline. Good depth of chest and forechest, elbows tight and standing on nice tight feet. Moved ok, but would like to see more driving action, handler could help this by moving him out on a longer stride.  


Open (0:0)  



Puppy (1:0) 

1st BAREVE BY THE BOOK, a 6 month old bitch, who I would of taken home, another cracker from this kennel. Pushed hard for best of breed just couldn’t get her act together on the move with change of handler. Nothing over exaggerated on this bitch presents a well balanced outline. Pretty head with the mischievous expression, correct neck leading into well laid shoulders, forelegs straight. Well ribbed up for one so young, and good amount of tuck up. Strong in rear, well muscled thigh with good bend of stifle and well let down hocks standing on nice tight feet. Moved well and at right pace for her age. RBOB and BP.  

Junior (2:0) 

1st BEECHILLAWNAMARILLO STRLIGHT OF SHIROSTAR, a larger bitch than I would prefer but nonetheless balanced in outline. Pretty head of correct proportions, eyes soft in expression and correct oval shape. Still a youngster and needs time to body up and spring her ribs, correct front and rear angulation, handler needs to remember not to over stretch her as loses the rear angulation which she does have. Moved well covering ground easily.  


Litter brother to puppy winner, 6 month old and one that was thoroughly enjoying his day. Preferred the balance of 1 today but I can see that this boy has some growing to do which will balance him out. Masculine head with the loveliest of expressions, plenty of bone for one so young, well ribbed up and full of muscle. Moved well once settled. One I will be looking forward to seeing as he grows up.  

Post Grad (1:0)  


Open (1:0) 

1ST BAREVE BRONWREN , a 17 month old bitch well balanced, full of substance and presented in correct coat and condition. Excellent head with the right amount of furnishings, lovely soft expression.  Good amount of bone standing on good feet, well muscled neck of correct length, leading into good shoulder placement, well ribbed up, muscular back, strong over the loin, correct tail set, well muscled thigh with good bend of stifle. Moved well, just misses that little bit of sparkle (enthusiasm) which I’m so used to from this kennel. BOB.   

Irish Red and White Setter  

Puppy (0:0)  

Junior (1:0)  

1st LAOIREBAY MONTE CARLO, Raw in type but only 17 months old, presents a completely balanced and clean outline. Masculine head with mischievous expression, clean neck of correct length leading into well laid shoulders, good depth of brisket, would prefer slightly more spring to rib but still young. Good front and rear angulation, lovely bend of stifle and well let down hocks. Once he settled he moved with purpose, holding his top line and slashing his tail as he covered the ground with ease.  I would like to see him body up and needs a few more clothes to complete the picture. BOB.  

Graduate (0:0)  

Open (1:0)  

1st ROMAUNT BLOOMIN GRAND AT FORESTPOINT, a 3 year old substantial male, presented in good coat and condition. I would prefer a cleaner outline, he is stronger in his rear than fore. Masculine head of correct proportions with a gentle expression. Good amount of spring to rib and deep in brisket, level topline and correct tail set. Moved well, but would like to see more driving action from the rear. I preferred the balance and front assembly of the BOB winner. RBOB 


Champion Stakes  

It was a great honour to judge this class and I thank those who brought their wonderful champions out for me.  

1st SH CH VIZSLANYA VIVMANY BY HIGHFORCE JW SHCM SHCEX, 4 Year old bitch so typical of breed type, correct in size, well balanced and presents a clean outline. Pretty head with lovely expression, clean neck and proportionally muscled for her conformation, Front and rear angulation correct and used to advantage on the move, where she covered the ground with drive and enthusiasm, also nice to see she held her topline and tail set on the move.  

2nd SH CH HIGHCLARE FLAMING NORA, a bitch of 11 years old, presented in excellent condition, hardly a grey hair on her and she out moved some of the youngsters in the class.  A pretty bitch full of substance and correct in size, standing on tight feet. She presents a balanced picture, well muscled throughout with plenty of heart and lung room, short in back with strong well muscled loin. Moved with purpose and character around the ring.