- Show Date: 16/02/2019
- Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
- Judged by: Helen Mansfield Contact Judge
- Published Date: 27/07/2023
St Helens & District Canine Society
St Helens & District Canine Society
16th February 2019
Thank you to the committee for inviting me to judge at this friendly show and to the exhibitors for entering some beautiful hounds. Additional thanks to my two stewards, especially Lily Burgess who did a brilliant job for her first time stewarding.
Graduate (6, 2)
1. Jones’ Jothryn Blondes Av More Fun
Balanced 12mth old fawn bitch of nice size who moved with a true accurate stride. Good head with correct expression. Nicely arched neck with good front, correct feet and pasterns. Lovely outline coming from good lay, width and good depth of brisket, nice ribbing and rise over loin. Good rear with nice second thigh and well let down. Pleased to award BOB, HG2
2. Collquitt’s Cobyco Class Affair of Khalazir
Gentle bitch of pleasing balance and size. Lovely head of nice proportions and length. Good neck showing strength with loveNice size with lovely neck and good depth, nice rise over loin and balanced rear. Moved out well but not quite as true on the away and back.
Post Graduate (5, 1)
1. Jones’ Jothryn Blondes Av More Fun
2. Disley’s Silkridge Limelight
Lovely bitch of overall nice shape and size. Good head and eye, correct ear shape and set. Nice neck leading to good balanced body of good depth and width. Correct movement coming from good balanced angulation with good lay of shoulder and well let down hocks.
Open (7, 2)
1. Clewes’ Cyangrange Latino Lustre at Shardbeck
Attractive hound with good head of correct proportions and set; dark eye. Good reach of neck leading to good shoulder placement, tight elbows, nice through the body with correct rise over the loin and correct ears eye set nice neck lay depth with enough rise. Good rear angulation and tail carriage. Very balanced with true, easy movement.
2. Brown’s Collooney Why Eye Man at Tamelden
Very balanced hound, with good movement but just a little stilted at times. Lovely male head with correct proportions with good eye and ear sets. Overall nice size, good arch of neck. Nice lay of shoulder, nice shape through the body and off the croup. Good rear angulation and shown in hard condition.
Puppy (1)
1. Jennings’ Kenaiteen Point Pleasant
Lovely sweet natured 6 month old bitch. Good head of promising proportions, nice eye shape and ear set. Nice body shape and topline with good angulation front and back, lovely feet and nice off the croup giving good tail set. Moved well as she began to settle. Pleased to award her BPIB and HPG1.
Graduate (1)
1. Parker & Stevens’ Serenaker Freezya Assets (AI)
Just 12 mth old bitch with the softest expression coming from her correct head and kind eye. Lovely strong neck, good lay of shoulder and nicely boned to excellent feet. Body of correct proportions, good topline , strong loin. Good rear angulation, well let down hocks, correct tail carriage, Moved true away and back showing drive and accuracy.
Post Graduate (2, 1)
1. Hardisty’s Eardley Alec Tricity at Blunderhall
Well made young male who moved out soundly showing good drive. Masculine head with pleasing eye. Strong neck leading to balanced angulation, good feet. Nice depth, width and length to the body with good topline and well ribbed. Good rear angulation with nice turn of stifle.
Open (2)
1. Parker & Stevens’ Serenaker Maid in America
Lovely young bitch who for me conveys the essence of the breed. Super head of correct proportions with soft expression coming from dark eye, and good ear carriage. Nice length of clean neck leading to good lay of shoulder. Nice depth of body, ribs well spring, good topline and strong through the loin. Excellent turn of stifle with well let down hock, correct tail carriage. True movement away and back and showing drive. BOB, HG1. Delighted to hear she was BIS
2. Woodcock’s Roddwood Rhea ShCM
Lovely bitch of slightly longer cast than first but much to like. Lovely expression with head of good proportions and correct eyes and ears. Neck of good length and nice lay of shoulder. Nicely developed through the body with good depth and spring of rib. Good rear angulation giving drive with true movement.
Dachshund (Smooth-Haired)
Open (1)
1. Paget & Carroll’s Lauralee Oscar Wild at Marvale
Though he stood alone there was a lot I liked about this upstanding male. Super head with good eye and earset. Strong neck leading to good front assembly with nice lay of shoulder. Stood over a lot of ground with correct depth to body and nicely ribbed. Good rear angulation, very balanced through out and moved with drive round the ring but did not seem so happy in the group. BOB
Dachshund (Min Smooth-Haired)
Graduate (1)
1. Jennings’ Ayseebee Diamond Sky
Pretty bitch with nice head of good shape. Enough length to neck with nice lay of shoulder. Proportionately correct throughout with nice length and strength to loin. Good rear angulation and moved out true and freely.
Post Graduate (1)
1. Jennings’ Duddondax’s Judge Jude For Jenivon
Nice red male with good head of nice length, dark eye and good ear set. Good length of neck leading to nice front assembly. Correct depth to body, good level topline and coming nicely off the croup. Very sound mover showing plenty of drive.
Open (1)
1. Paget & Carroll’s Marvale Master Of Disguise
Masculine dog with a lovely correct head, good eye and ear set. Good neck and front assembly with good lay of shoulder. Proportionately good depth and length to body, nicely ribbed and strong through the loin. Good rear angulation and moved very true with excellent drive. BOB HG4
Puppy (3, 1)
Two very raw puppies at just 6 months old and both showing individual breed type with the Ridgeback just scoring on movement at this stage.
1. Kehoe’s Anzacol Amazing Alika At Redcrown (Rhodesian Ridgeback)
Lovely feminine head of good lines with correct eye shape and ear set. Nice length of neck leading to good lay of shoulder. Nice through the body for age with good topline and good arch of loin. Excellent rear angulation with nice turn of stifle. Moved very true for age. BP.AVNSC, HPG2
2. Heritage’s Inayaah El Iraja At Jazzmeenah (Imp NDL) (AI) NAF TAF (Afghan Hound)
Beautiful correct feminine expression. Head of good length set on long neck of strength. Nice long shoulders with good angulation. Nice shape to body with level back. Good length to hocks with correct angulation for age. Moved nicely and was enjoying her first show experience.
Graduate (2)
1. Porczynska’s Diamondridge Destiny Child (Rhodesian Ridgeback)
Nicely balanced strong bitch of good shape. Nicely proportioned head with good ear and eye set. Long neck conveying strength leading to good topline and correct rise. Nice lay of shoulder, good feet, good infill, nice depth and width. Nice rear angulation with well let down hocks. Able to manage the ring well to give a lovely effortless true stride showing reach and drive in each class Best.AVNSC HG3
2. Kehoe’s Affrhoda Ons Meisie Kya For Redcrown (Rhodesian Ridgeback)
A very honest hound with a lovely feminine head. Super expression coming from good eye and ear set. Lovely long neck, nice lay of shoulder and nicely made through out, well ribbed with good topline and nice rise to loin. Sufficient rear angulation. Moved out well.
Post Graduate (4)
1. Porczynska’s Diamondridge Destiny Child (Rhodesian Ridgeback)
2. Smith’s Hyndsight Timespace at Julam (Deerhound)
I really liked this male and felt in a different environment he would have been hard to beat. Lovely true expression with good proportions, dark eye and correct ear folds. Strong long neck leading to well laid shoulder Good depth and length through the body with good strong topline coming nicely through the loin and over the croup. Moved very true.
Open (6, 1)
1. Porczynska’s Diamondridge Destiny Child (Rhodesian Ridgeback)
2. Bendle’s IR CH Blevwil Galipette (Basset Fauve de Bretagne)
Lovely feminine head and expression with correct eyes and ears. Arched neck leading to nice front assembly and good lay of shoulder. Nice shape through the body from good depth, width and length. Nice topline and adequate rear angulation. Good side gait but not as true fore and aft.
1. Parker & Stevens’ Serenaker Maid in America (Beagle)
2. Jones’ Jothryn Blondes Av More Fun (Whippet)
3. Porczynska’s Diamondridge Destiny Child (Rhodesian Ridgeback)
4. Paget & Carroll’s Marvale Master Of Disguise (Dachshund (Min Smooth-Haired))
1. Jennings’ Kenaiteen Point Pleasant (Beagle)
2. Kehoe’s Anzacol Amazing Alika At Redcrown (Rhodesian Ridgeback)
Judge: Helen Mansfield (Shingwidsi)