• Show Date: 24/02/2019
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Hazel Fitzgibbon Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

Cheltenham & District Canine Society

Cheltenham and District CS 24 February 2019

Rough Collie

It seems weight is a problem in the breed at the moment. Active pastoral breeds should not carry excess weight.

Junior (3,1)

1. Flint; Highnol Flaming Heart

Presenting a lovely profile, well coated and confident. Good bite but still a long expressive head. Lovely ear set and well used. Excellent reach of neck and shoulder. Moving out truly in both directions and covering ground well. ResBOB

2. Beaden/Arrowsmith; Saganan Blue Diamond

Expertly prepared blue merle but lacking some undercoat. A longer profile than 1. Pretty head piece and well carried ears. Moving truly with a lot of drive. Seemed to gain in confidence on the move.

Post Grad (5,1)

1. Highnol Flaming Heart


2. Saganan Blue Diamond

3. Repeat

4. Skinner; Samhaven Time is Money with Nikal

Open (5,1)

1. Wright; Pelido David Weir

Good sized male whose scores highly on the move. Good outline but easy to be detracted by his white collar which is well above where his shoulder actually lies, thus making him look a little stuffy in neck, which he is not. Masculine head but long and with good work in it. Lovely overall conformation and moving out well with a balanced gait and good reach and drive. BOB

2. Skinner; Nikall It’s Gud to be Back

Older male built on a smaller scale to the winner. Lovely head and expression with well placed almond eyes. Good topline and moving out freely. Does not need more weight.

3. Davis; Beldones Baby Love (taf)

French Bulldog

Puppy (8,5)

1. Brooks/Cairns; Corursus Under the Ivy

A sound puppy. Expressive head and well open nostrils. Good ear set. Good for tail. Not quite the rear action of 2 and the rib needs to develop a little more. However a moderate puppy who retains breed type and has good feet. BP and ResBOB

2. Dawson/Payne; Eastonite Honey Man

Very masculine outlook. Shorter coupled male with large head and well spaced ears. Good body and quarters. Moving out with a typical roll.

3. Ellis/Clay; Houpette Carlo Eastonite

Junior (2,1)

1. Corursus Under the Ivy


Open (2,0)

1. Smith. Xentique B’Witched for Taffique JW

Brindle with a most gorgeous head and melting expression. Lovely eye set and no white of eye showing. Enough muzzle and open nostrils. Lovely in profile with good back and spring of rib. What I was looking for today. Moving freely and well handled. BOB

2. Brookes/Cairns; Corursus Life can be so nice. JW ShCM

Again a lovely head and eye. Standing rather longer than 1 in profile. Moving out freely. Lovely feet

Lhasa Apso

Puppy (1)

1. Harris; Vonstry Black Brigade

Lovely Apso baby with a good profile. Moving out well and with confidence. Good for rib and topline and well prepared. BP

Post Grad (3,2)

1. Nickerson; Vonstry Ellie May

Well presented cream with dense pigment. Lovely head and expression. Well set on tail. Moves out freely with drive.

Open (3,1)

1. Hart; Anjesics Kingsmaker of Khazedel JW

Loved this one. Very typical in profile and tail set. Well proportioned head and lovely eye. Strong neck and well placed elbows. Moved out soundly with enthusiasm. BOB

2. Harris; Vonstry Legend

Well coated but not the overall proportions of 1. Topline tending to rise when standing but settles on the move. A confident and sound show dog.

Tibetan Terrier

Nearly all had a scissor bite; the lack of under jaw and the resulting expression seems to be starting to be a problem.

Puppy (1)

1. Thomas; Pet Pursuit Gathering Storm (imp Fin)

Very nice puppy. Strongly built with lovely reach of neck and shoulder placement. Still growing into those very large feet, a bit. Moving out with precision and showing good drive. Well set tail. BP

Junior (1)

1. Green; Verony Dal Passato

Black male, Well grown on and with bone correct for size. Good topline, well kept on the move. Tail needs to settle

Post Graduate (2,1)

1. Green; Verony Vista La Luce

Very feminine and very sound bitch in athletic condition, but very fit with good muscle. Good profile and well set tail. Moving out very well. Res BOB

Open (3)

1. Thomas; Int Ch Layoli Dazzled by Smoke ShCM Be Jr Ch

Solid chap to go over. Good reach of neck, well set shoulder and well placed elbows. Moving out very well with good topline and tail set. Excellent bone and rib. BOB

2. Whitman; Kipukyi Snoqualmie Legend

A veteran in prime condition. Good outline and moving out with lovely side gait. Head has good overall proportions but shape suffered due to teeth issues. But a lovely and stylish dog.

3. Moore; Incalux Much Ado about Jaxtzu ShCM

Judge; Hazel Fitzgibbon 5/3/2019