• Show Date: 27/01/2019
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Graham Hart Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

Border Counties Gundog Club

Critique for

Border Counties Gundog Club


Firstly I must thank the officers and committee for the invitation to judge at their lovely show. A special thanks to the two lovely ladies for stewarding so professionally for me. The show had fantastic hospitality and a friendly atmosphere, such a privilege to be asked to judge at their show.  Secondly a huge thank you to the exhibitors who entrusted my judgement and allowed me to go over their lovely dogs.

Irish Setters. P(6,4) – 1. Richardson’s Gwendariff I’m Fool Proof. Lovely boy with substance, outstanding outline, having good shape to head with correct set to ears, good dark well shaped expressive eye, plenty of well sprung rib ranging from well set laid back shoulder, good front construction with good angles from withers, point of shoulder through to elbow, good top line and tail set well muscled in 1st and 2nd thighs, good in rear angulation, moved well in a noisy environment. BPIB. 2. Barker’s Danaway Tilly at Flinthill. Very sweet youngster with good expression, nice shape to head with good ear set, good through neck to well laid shoulder, neat front construction, steady topline to good set on to tail, good angulation to rear, coat in lovely condition, moved well. J (3) – 1. Lucas’s Kerryfair Love on the Rocks Amberlight. Large substantial boy of just 12 months, good shape and dimensions to head, neck strong slightly arched thickening to shoulder, which were good, even and well laid back, sound construction to front assembly, plenty of well sprung rib, strapping 1st and 2nd thighs, plenty of good coat, moved soundly with reach. 2. Greens Braidmount Dreamed a Dream for Glencarron. Lovely young bitch with good overall proportions, good in shoulder from nicely arched neck, head form of good type with quizzical loving expression, good front assembly, rear quarters of very good proportions with adequate muscling to thighs, coat in good condition, moved well and kept a nice outline. G (6,1) – 1. I & J McNeil & Boyd-McNeil’s Glennlokhen Deveron. Charming bitch with a melting expression, full of fun. Good overall out line which was held on the move. Well put together at the front with tight tidy feet all round, good and sound in chest well sprung for lung capacity, rear angulation sound with good tone to 1st and 2nd thighs. Moved comfortably with purpose and drive. 2. As 1st from Junior class. L (3,2) – 1. I & J McNeil & Boyd-McNeil’s Gwendariff Gonna Go For Gold at Glenlokhen. Although stood alone in the class, what a presence he portrayed. Good outline which never faltered, dimensions to his front angulation was good, excellent placement of shoulders from strong neck across the top line to well set on tail, nicely rounded  croup giving the eye a clean line down well angulated rear quarters, well muscled toning to both 1st and 2nd thighs, nicely tucked up at the couplings, gave the outline that little bit of wow, on the move it all came together, built right –move right, on clean tidy tight feet he glided. BOB and RBIS. O (3) – 1. Lucas’s Bardonhill Eternal Flame Among Amberlight JW. Well balanced dog with strength in form, overall outline was good, nicely formed head of good proportion, nice dark eye, shoulder placement was good well laid back giving nice angulation to front package, strong across the top to good tail set, ample angulation to rear quarters with sound tidy feet all round. Coat condition was good, presented well, moved with drive and determination. 2. Tupper & Rosie’s Staratlanta Elliott ShCM  Profuse in coat that was in good condition, good in shoulder well laid back, strong neck slightly arched, head of good scope and to type giving a longing expression, feet good tight and tidy, nice rear package, moved well keeping a nice topline.

Spaniel (Irish Water). J (2) – 1. Hacket’s Curlyco My Hot Rockstar. Good outline with nice rib, rounded and deep. Coat in good condition nicely dense and tight, and of a nice rich dark colour. Head to type, low set ears, eyes dark and of good shape. Strong neck well arched set into well laid shoulders, forequarters good with adequate space between front legs, which were straight and sturdy. Strong in bone throughout. Good short level topline, sound couplings nice and wide. Well angulated at the rear with well muscled 1st and 2nd thighs. Feet, rounded and well spread. Moved easily and with out effort. BOB.  2. McCallum’s Weemaes Wonderful Remark. Close to 1 with a defined quality outline, head to type with good proportions and well set features, well presented front assembly with width and substance to chest, nicely rounded and short. Well boned throughout with no coarseness or exaggeration. Nice rear with good angulation well toned muscling. Coat in good condition, and of a nice rich colour. Moved well and with ease. G (2) – 1. As 2nd in Junior, McCallum’s Weemaes Wonderful Remark. 2. Cunningham’s Foulby Fidelma of Elvandar. On the stack presented a lovely outline, Coat crisp and tight in good condition. Neck arched nicely into good shoulder, topline short and level. Sound front construction, chest/ribs nicely rounded and with depth. Couplings/Loin short, strong and with depth. Nice rear angulation, strong in muscle tone. Feet nicely rounded. Good clear movement, presented well.

Judge Graham Hart.