• Show Date: 12/01/2019
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Gary Dybdall Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

North & South Shields Canine Society

North & South Shields Canine Society – 12th January 2019

Thank you to the committee for inviting me to judge at this friendly and well run show, the exhibitors who entered under me and to my steward Simone for keeping the ring running smoothly.


Graduate (2 entries, 0 abs)

1. Burrell’s Rossnick Zoffany’s Star. 2 year old masculine male with good length of leg and of compact proportions. OK for head, would prefer a little more fill under the eyes and a higher ear set. Square jaw and scissor bite. Strong, slightly arched neck leading into well placed shoulders and correct forehand. Straight, well boned front legs and tight, well-arched feet. Good depth of chest and moderate prosternum. Firm back, well-ribbed and strong short loin. Well rounded rump and correct tail set. Moderate stifle angulation leading into firm hocks and rear pasterns, but a little straight in hock angulation. Moved true coming and going and some tweaking of the handling of this dog would make him more competitive.

2. Toothill’s Jomiriclus Dock Of The Bay. 7 month old raw puppy who needs time. Correct colour and black mask. Head developing along the right lines, a shade light in eye colour. Scissor bite and no excessive lip. Strong, firm neck. Would prefer better lay back of shoulder and he is a little down in front pastern at present. Bone in proportion to size. Well bodied with good depth and breadth of chest. Strong, short loin and well-rounded rump leading to correct tail set. Good rear angulation but needs to firm up in rear movement. Thick, plush double coat and outgoing character. Best Puppy in Breed.

Open (1)

1. Burrell’s Leosrus Never Forget. 2 ½ year old male of good overall type and super outline with correct proportions. Rich colouring, dark pigmentation and correct thick double coat. Would prefer a little more strength in head for a male. Lovely dark eye and tight lids. Muzzle and skull in proportion, with slightly sloping stop. Wide open nostrils and tight lips. Good reach of neck leading into well-placed shoulder and upper-arm. Well-boned and straight front legs, correct angle to pasterns and well-arched feet. Moderate fore-chest, good depth and breadth of chest. Firm, broad back, strong loin and well-rounded rump. Good rear angulation, firm in hock. A little close behind but uses his rear and reaches out well in front, moving balanced in profile covering the ground with ease. Best of Breed.

Great Dane

Junior (5,2)

Two quality puppies headed this class.

1. McLellan’s Tayhamblue Show Must Go On With Anadain. Super 8 month old strong and substantial dog puppy. Very well balanced with a clean and stylish outline. Clean, masculine head all in proportion with his body. Strong jaw, scissor bite. Rich pigment, lovely dark eye and an alert yet kind expression. Neat medium ears, set high. Well-arched neck, free from excess skin. Shoulder placement OK – would like a fraction more layback which will hopefully come as he develops. Good length and angulation of upper-arm and fore-chest developing correctly. Good depth of chest and well-boned, straight front legs. Ribs well-sprung and belly well drawn up. Strong firm back and well-muscled loin leading into correct croup. Lovely thick based tail carried correctly. Moderate rear angulation and muscling up well. Moved soundly with head held high and an easy active stride. An exciting prospect and was not surprised to see in the catalogue that he is by Ch Vanmore Stop and Stare at Castleon – I can see his father’s stamp of quality. Best of Breed and Best Puppy in Breed.

2. Young & Wyers’ Geordieone Charlotten Borg. 9 Month old Stylish and elegant bitch with a beautiful shape and outline. Head developing along the right lines – would like just a little more fill under her eyes. Balanced muzzle to skull proportions. Lovely neat medium sized ears set high. Firm and well-arched neck, prosternum developing correctly. A touch up-right in her shoulder at present and hopefully this will settle as she develops. Good length of upper-arm. Strong straight front legs and bone in proportion to size. Firm back with good depth of chest and well-ribbed. Good turn of stifle and firm well let down hocks. Moved easily striding out well with an active gait. Very nice.

3. Edmond’s Elclass Lady Diane

Post Graduate (2,1)

1. McLellan’s Roucandane Phoenix Rising at Anadain. Another lovely puppy bitch. Head developing along the right lines. Would prefer a better eye set and a little more width between the eyes. Lovely neat medium sized ears set high. Well-arched neck and pronounced forechest. Would prefer better shoulder placement, but good length and angulation of the upper-arm. Well-boned and sturdy bitch. Chest nearly reaching the elbows, good breadth of chest. A little longer caste and slightly falls off the croup. Balanced movement in profile, a little untidy coming towards but moves true going away. Nice firm hocks and in good condition.

Open (3,2)

1. Young’s Geordieone Maisie’s Pride ShCM. 4 yr old feminine bitch, mother of second in junior. Very stylish and elegant in outline. Pretty head, skull and muzzle balanced and in proportion to body. Kind eye and enough breadth to muzzle. Would prefer a slightly stronger under jaw and a little less lip. Firm, well-arched neck. Would prefer better layback of shoulder. Ok for upper-arm. Straight front legs, enough bone for size. Feet a little hare-like and would like a little more depth of chest. Compact in proportion. Firm, well-arched loin. Correct croup and good rear angulation. Moves out well, really using her rear with certainly a spring in her step and firm in hock.


Junior (1)

1. Hall’s Mayosea Mirror of Success. 10 month old brown dog puppy of good size and substance. Lovely dark colouring and thick plush coat and well-feathered legs. Eyes a shade light and muzzle could be broader and shorter. Good breadth of skull and slightly sloping stop. Scissor bite and ok for lip and flew. Broad skull and medium size ears set correctly. Shoulder placement ok but would like more layback. Good depth and breadth of chest. Broad back and well-bodied. Ok for proportions. Lovely rounded rump and correct tail-set. Good rear angulation, short rear pasterns but needs to firm up in hock and rear movement. Could be cleaner coming towards but extends well in profile. Handled sympathetically. Best Puppy in Breed.

Open (2)

1. Adair’s King of Helluland Love Actually at Darebear (Imp SVK) JW ShCM. 22 month old typey bitch. Strong, short muzzle, slightly sloping stop and broad skull. Lovely neat small ears which are set well back. Strong square jaw, scissor bite, but would prefer just a touch less lip. Good reach of neck, firm and muscular. Shoulder placement ok, would like a little more fore-chest which will hopefully come with age. Strong bone, straight front legs and nice tight feet. Good breadth of body and depth to chest. Would just prefer a little more leg to balance her length of body, but ribs extend well back and firm in loin. Lovely rounded rump and good rear angulation. I really love the way this bitch uses her rear, really driving from her firm hocks and muscular hind limbs. Moves ok coming towards and extends well in profile with an active and easy ground covering gait. Fit for function. Best of Breed.

2. Black’s Camnoire Crush Blackcoast JW ShCM. 2 year old substantial bitch with good length of leg and lovely overall breed typical outline. Presented immaculately. Head improving with age, muzzle broadening and good breadth to her skull. Would prefer better eye and ear set. Scissor bite, but again a little too much lip for me. Good reach of neck leading into acceptable shoulder placement. Would prefer a little more fore-chest. Straight, strong front legs and nice tight feet. Enough bone for size. Good depth of chest and firm broad back. Well-muscled loin – if a little long. Smoothly rounded rump and correct tail-set. A little straight in rear angulation, firm in hock and parallel rear pasterns. Moves with an easy gait for such a strong bitch with a balanced stride extending in profile. A little lack lustre on the move today. Would make a good brood bitch.


Graduate (1)

1. Hudson’s Susie Se’s Miss World. 6 month old Brindle puppy bitch with a quality head and expression. Strong, square underjaw. Nice neat ears set high. Dark eye with nice tight lids. Good depth of stop and short broad muzzle. Lovely rich pigment and colouring. Firm and strong well-arched neck. Would prefer better shoulder placement, but ok for upper-arm angulation and length. Well boned with strong straight front legs, up on her pasterns and tight well-arched feet. Fore-chest developing well. Good depth of chest, extending to the elbows and well-ribbed. Muscular loin but I would not want her any longer in body. Good rear angulation and short, parallel rear pasterns. Firm in hock and well-muscled. In good condition. A little wide coming towards, but moves with an active and easy gait really driving from her rear. Best Puppy in Breed.

Open (2)

1. McVay’s Olleyville Mr Magoo at Lochbunart. 2 year old brindle male with a stylish outline. Rich colouring and pigment. Deep stop, short muzzle and strong jaw. Would prefer better eye shape. Nice high set neat ears. Strong muscular neck, well-arched. Well-laid shoulders and well-angulated upper-arm of good length. Straight front legs, well up on pasterns. Tight, well-arched feet. Would like a little more depth to chest and ribs to extend further back. Muscular loin. Correct croup and well-angulated stifle. Sound male, clean coming and going and active and easy balanced gait in profile. Well-muscled. Best of Breed.

2. Hudson’s Forever La Rose in Red. 6 month old puppy bitch similar in make and shape to her litter sister in the previous class. Similar comments apply. Alert expression with high-set ears, deep stop and nice dark eye. Muzzle a touch long. Firm, well-arched neck. A little forward in shoulder placement and would prefer more angulation to the upper-arm. Straight front legs, enough bone for size and nice tight feet. Good depth of chest, well-ribbed and firm in loin. Could be cleaner coming towards, but sound easy and active movement in profile and in rear. Stylish bitch puppy.

Siberian Husky

Junior (2)

1. Kent & Suttons’ Jacalous Fire N Ice at Lyfearon. 8 month old puppy bitch of lovely type and shape. Fox-like head and pretty expression. Alert ears and correct set. Tight almond-shaped eyes. Scissor bite, refined muzzle. Well-arched neck, well-laid shoulder, slight angulation to upper-arm. Bone balanced for size, tight feet. Lovely shape and outline but would not want any longer in body. Firm, well-muscled loin and correct slightly sloping croup. Good rear angulation and short rear pasterns. Moves very true and clean coming towards, balanced and active stride in profile. Would like a touch more drive and extension from the rear but firm in hock and parallel. Best Puppy in Breed.

2. Steadman & Waterfields’ Atomic Bomb for Gercekask. Well-proportioned puppy. Well-arched neck and ok for shoulder placement. Straight front legs and tight well-arched feet. Good depth of chest. Well-ribbed and short muscular loin. Difficult to fully assess this typically stubborn puppy, would benefit from some ringcraft. Moved OK once settled.

Graduate (2)

1. Kent & Suttons’ Jacalous Fire N Ice at Lyfearon – See first in Junior.

2. Kent & Suttons’ Vukasin A Song of Ice and Fire at Lyfearon. 3 years old pretty bitch of nice type and of good proportions. Feminine head and alert ear-set. Good eye shape and good pigmentation. Well-arched neck. Shoulder placement and overall forehand ok. Straight front legs, enough bone for size and nice tight feet. Chest ok, firm in body and loin. Well-angulated rear. Moved true coming towards but would prefer stronger hocks and rear movement.

Open (2)

1. Kent & Suttons’ Aspen Ranger Wilderness Spirit at Lyfearon. Loved him. Quality male of good size and proportions. Super outline and good for overall breed type. Correct double, medium length coat of lovely colouring. Strong head, just a touch strong in muzzle for me. Lovely dark almond-shaped eyes, alert ears set high. Strong neck of medium length. Shoulder’s well-laid and good length of upper-arm. Lovely prosternum, good width and depth of chest, well-ribbed and strong well-muscled loin. Firm topline, slight slope to the croup and correct tail-set. Good rear angulation and strong firm hocks set low to the ground. Moved soundly and efficiently with an easy and effortless gait, clean from all angles. Best of Breed.

2. Kent & Suttons’ Jacalous Fire N Ice at Lyfearon

Gary Dybdall BVM&S MRCVS (Rodiveco)