• Show Date: 09/02/2019
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: FELICITY SNOOK Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

West Midland Terrier Society


PUPPY (3) Three lovely puppies, all from the same litter. On the day, the dog out shone his sisters. 1. Bamsey’s Holbam Celtic Wizzard. 8 months old and really enjoying his day out. With a true ‘daredevil’ attitude, naughty but lovely tempered. Good size and well balanced. Well-proportioned long head, with flat skull. Dark almond shaped eye, giving a keen expression, full of naughty intelligence. Wonderful well set ears, set high on his head with tips correctly pointing to the outer corner of his eyes. Good slope of shoulder, powerful chest measuring to elbow. Moderate length of back, with ribs well ribbed back, good tail set. Strong hindquarters with powerful hocks, giving him good drive for one so young. Strong, round feet. Excellent colour of coat, of harsh, wiry texture. Undercoat will come with age. Slight fringe developing at the side of the neck. BEST PUPPY & BEST OF BREED. 2. Williamson & Ruffles’ Holbam Celtic Erin. Not a lot to choose between these two very promising sisters and on the day Erin presented herself better. In fact, I see I placed them the other way round when judging them last, but I am sure they will often change places. Superb outline and well balanced. Good ear carriage and head. Nice straight front legs with excellent pasterns. Strong, straight back. Well-muscled hindquarters. Good tail set, carried correctly. Excellent movement. Harsh coat coming through. 3. Redman’s Holbam Celtic Little Minx.

POST GRADUATE (2) 1. Simons’ Saredon Red Berry. Nice mature dog, for his age, with good outline, balance and overall presence. Masculine head with lovely dark eye and keen expression. Ears set high on the head, falling forwards to the outer corner of the eyes. But I would prefer better placement. Straight front, with good lay of shoulder and deep chest. Good depth, nicely boned, firm and strong topline, well-muscled loin and good tail set. Shown in lovely harsh, wiry coat with undercoat. Moved very well with strong rear drive.

OPEN (4) 1. Brookes’ Ch Turith The Lawyer at Zetamaz ShCM. An old favourite of mine and now a worthy champion. Won on head and ear carriage. A very handsome dog, beautifully balanced, a true showman. Good dentition, long head with flat skull, small dark correct shaped eyes. Super V shaped ears, set on skull correctly. Good neck & lay of shoulders. Nice straight front legs with good bone. Well ribbed with strong short loin, level back and muscled hindquarters. Lovely harsh coat of good colour. Moved out OK. RESERVE BEST OF BREED. 2. Atkin’s Holbam Celtic Summer ShCM. Very close decision between 1st and 2nd, but the bitch had to give way to the dog in the end. .Good head of good length, with keen expression and neat ears. Excellent neck and shoulders. Nice front, correct length of body, strong and straight with a good tailset. Strong and muscular hindquarters. A joy to go over and really beautifully presented in wonderful condition and correct coat. Nice small round feet. Excellent movement. 3. Ruffles’ Holbam Celtic Whisper at Ruffmar JW ShCM. Mother of the lovely puppies, who have done her proud.


PUPPY (2) 1. Gee’s Watercroft to Coin a Phrase. A 10-month-old red and a star in the making! Excellent overall type, small and compact, with loads of personality. Very good proportioned head with broad skull, correct bite and defined stop. Well placed ears, used well. Dark oval eyes, giving super expression. Good neck and shoulders. Straight, short, powerful front legs. Compact body, level topline and well sprung ribs. Well muscled hindquarters, with good turn of stifle. Nice neat feet. Good tailset. Hard, red coat. Moved extremely well with drive, flexing well at stifle and hock. Presented and handled very well. BEST PUPPY. Pleased he went RESERVE BEST PUPPY IN SHOW. 2. Hadfield’s Belleville Born to be Free. Nice head and expression, of good breed type. Nicely made compact body, level topline. Good angulated hindquarters, moving well. Correct tail set and coat.

JUNIOR (2) 1. Gee’s Watercroft Treacle Pudding. Lovely head, well placed ears, oval, dark eyes with plenty of expression. Short, powerful, straight front legs. Compact body with level topline and well sprung ribs. Good turn of stifle, but not as much muscle as some. Good coat. Moved very well. RESERVE BEST OF BREED.

OPEN (2) 1. Gee’s Watercroft Pop Picker. A lovely example of a Norfolk Terrier, great overall size, shape & type. A terrific showman. Superb, well proportioned, broad head, excellent ears and carriage, dark, oval eyes. Good bone, correct neck into well placed shoulders. Nice straight front legs. Compact body, level topline and well sprung ribs. Tailset good, although carried right over the back. Nice neat feet. Super hard, wiry coat. Moved very well, with plenty of drive. Presented and handled to perfection. BEST OF BREED, not surprised she went RESERVE BEST IN SHOW. 2. Hadfield’s Belleville Born to be Free. Repeat.


PUPPY (1) 1. Hayes’ Ragus Seven Jumps. A very nice puppy with loads of personality. Well proportioned head with wide skull and defined stop. Small, oval eyes with good expression. Erect ears, well placed. Compact body with level topline. Well set tail. Broad, strong and muscular hindquarters with good turn of stifle. Good hard, wiry coat with undercoat. Moved well. Should have a bright future. BEST PUPPY & RESERE BEST OF BREED.

JUNIOR (2) 1. Hitchen & Lumpkin’s Ch. Kreatin Extra Treat. Discovered she was a champion, at such an early age and not surprised. Excellent example of the breed, beautifully balanced and a delight to go over. Well proportioned head with wide skull and well placed erect ears. Strong muzzle with perfect bite. Good shoulders and neck. Level topline and long ribcage. Nice tail set, but carried a little over the back. Standing straight in front on super feet and nicely angulated hindquarters, with plenty behind the tail. Moved extremely well, with hocks flexing. Good hard, wiry coat with undercoat, finished the picture. BEST OF BREED & SHORTLISTED IN BEST IN SHOW.

POST GRADUATE (1) 1. Hayes’ Ragus Seven Jumps. Repeat.

OPEN (2) 1. Hayes’ Ragus Seven Jumps. Repeat. 2. Hayes’ Ragus Fabulous Clown ShCM. Quite different to his kennel mate. Excellent personality and character. Well proportioned head and general outline. Appeared higher in leg and longer bodied. Level topline and well set tail. Nice neat feet. Coat OK. Not really his day, not moving that well or having the body of my 1st placed. The exhibitor advised judges tend to like one or the other and I preferred the bitch. Felicity A. Snook JUDGE