• Show Date: 27/01/2019
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: EDWARD Forsey Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

Chichester & District Canine Society



J (3,1a) 1. Simpson’s, Simberger Festive Spice, twelve month old bitch dark oval shaped eyes and alert pendant shaped ears of medium size. Scissor bite. Broad chest of good depth to elbow, height at withers slightly less than length of body, well boned legs with slight slope to pastern and tight round feet. Level topline with slight rise over croup. Tail length to hock, moved around the ring at a good pace, slightly close moving at the rear when moving away.

2. Chambers, Melspury Wight Mermaids, 8 month old bitch who still has a lot of growing to do. Dark oval shaped eye giving a playful expression, moderate stop. Arched neck flowing into a level topline with slight rise over croup. Chest of good depth but still needs time to mature in breadth. Proportionately sized round feet which still need to tighten, nice side gait but another that is slightly close moving at the rear. BPIB

PG (2) 1. Woodbridge’s, Dacfolk Kenwyn, compact bitch towards the lower end of the size range. Scissor bite, equal length of muzzle and skull with moderate stop, dark eye, well feathered pendant shaped ears set on high. Breadth and depth of chest proportionate to size, good front angulation with good bone on straight legs with tight round feet. Held a level topline on the move, short strong coupling, moderate turn of stifle.

2. Cleary’s, Mystic Charm Ginger Heaven for Benellieson two year old bitch larger in stature than 1st, Scissor bite, muzzle tapered and slightly longer than length of skull. Dark oval eyes with soft expression and tight eyelids. Strong neck, good height at withers with chest to elbows. Would prefer slightly more breath to chest. Good bone on straight legs. Moderate rear angulation and straight hocks, tail to hock and well furnished, preferred movement of 1st.

O (3, 2a) 1. Simpson’s, Simberger Red Hot, 4 year old bitch with a nice dark mask on a well-proportioned feminine head, dark oval eyes and a moderate stop, good length muzzle with a roman nose. Strong neck flowing into withers with good arch, well laid shoulder with good length to upper arm, legs straight and of good bone, feet tight and facing forwards. Reasonable depth and breadth of chest, body slightly longer than height at withers, level topline with strong loin and broad croup. Moderate turn of rear stifle and strong hocks, moved with purpose around the ring with reasonable extension and drive, BOB