- Show Date: 17/02/2019
- Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
- Judged by: David Howarth Contact Judge
- Published Date: 27/07/2023
Barrow & District Kennel Association
2019 Barrow and DKA
Toy Group
Many thanks to the exhibitors for accepting me as a late substitute judge. I hope that Jane Waterfield is feeling fine. She had received a high-quality entry.
Cavalier KCS
Post Grad (2)
1 Chapamn’s Kinvaar Raindrops on Roses at Daltonian
19 months Blenheim B. Lovely head with correct bite. Presented a balanced outline when standing. Straight in front with good bone for her size. Well angulated quarters Moved well. Should go on to do well.
2 Bell’s Chistabella Only You
Longer cast than the winner and in profuse coat. This two year old has a good head with gentle expression. Good spring of rib. Super temperament.
Open (2)
1 Crane’s Cranvarl Washington
Super young Blenheim D. Lovely head with kind expression, dark eyes and well placed ears. Arched neck leads to good shoulders and a straight front. Level in topline with good rear angulation. He was presented fit and well in good condition and moved soundly to take Best of Breed.
2 Bell’s Chistabella Picasso
Lovely Blenheim of a different type. Correctly balanced head with dark eyes. Well laid shoulders. Showing well and again in first class order. Just preferred the ribs of the winner.
Chihuahua (Long Coat)
Post Grad (2)
1 Gilling’s Chanticos Mercedes of Talocan
Very much a baby of 6 months. Rounded head with alert expression and confident approach. Well angulated shoulders and level top line give a lovely outline. Still very raw but looking good.
2 Gilling’s Amarantos Lunar Eclipse of Talocan
This 2 year old was not showing herself to advantage today. Lovely head with alert expression and good ears. She was in lovely coat and condition but tucking herself up on the move.
Open (2,1abs)
1 Gilling’s Vikkilous Fabulous Flavia of Talocan
Mature and in decent coat. Lovely head with dark eyes and rounded skull. Good layback of shoulder. Strong quarters with good rear angulation, she has a good tail set and carries it correctly. Best of Breed.
Chihuahua (Smooth Coat)
Post Grad (3)
1 Rushton’s Keenaughts Only Tom
I really liked the balance and outline of this 13 months D. Rounded head with good eyes. Level topline and well-set tail. Moving really well from well developed hind quarters. Best of Breed.
2 Charlton’s Jenabeck Starlight
Just 6 months. Feminine with good head and well angulated at both ends. She has a positive attitude and should come on nicely. BP then on to Puppy Gp 3.
3 Wilcox’s Bramerita Talulah Truffle
Open No Entries
Chinese Crested
Post Grad (2)
1 Routledge’s Tasnim De Sothis Para Pufflepaws
Just 12 months, feminine through with balanced outline. Good head with good length of muzzle and sweet expression. Well proportioned body with good depth to chest for the age. Well rounded quarters showing plenty of turn of stifle. Moved soundly and truly. Best of Breed and later Group 4
2 Davies’ Moulain Ink Spot over Aliped
Also 12 months, not yet as forward as the winner but lovely headed and straight in front, elbows nicely tucked in. Once settled moved well.
Open (4,1)
1 Davies’ Aliped Jilly Miss Behavin
3 years, well balanced in body with well developed quarters and lovely angulation. Pleasing to go over with well laid shoulders. Moved honestly and true both ways.
2 Marsh’s Vanitonia Sea Pearl for Sandgrown
Age defying 12 year old powder puff. In superb coat and condition. Still showing muscular quarters with good bend of stifle and hocks are well let down. Looked well.
3 Davies’ Aliped Just Miss Taken
Post Grad (1)
1 Lanson’s Cantoverde Royal China
Sweet 21 months B. Lovely head proportions with good eyes and intelligent expression. Well placed ears of good size. Good length of body. Enjoying herself and moving enthusiastically.
Open (2)
1 Lanson’s Cantoverde Captain Casper
Brother to previous winner. Super head with dark eyes. Well set ears of good size giving that typical expression. Firm in body with good angulation. In super coat and condition Best of Breed.
2 Davies’ Budbelle Brandy Butter at Aliped
Fit and active veteran. Alert and using ears well. Lovely ears. Well boned with sloping shoulders and well bent stifles. Attentive and moved away well.
Puppy (4,1)
1 Cawthera Purdy’s Lirevas Quadrophonic
Struck me at first glance and impressed on close inspection. Very forward 8 months in super coat and presenting a beautiful outline. Compact and short coupled with a lovely head. Clean eyes and well-constructed body. Short in back with good angulation. Moved really well especially when viewed from behind. Turned out if first class order. Best of Breed Group 2 and won the Puppy Group.
2 Charlton’s Vibrek’s The Ewok
Not as forward as the winner but showing promise. Lovely head with alert expression and dark in eye. Short in back and well angulated quarters. Moved straight. Should go on nicely.
3 Holroyd’s Kelembra Lady of Desire
Post Grad (4)
1 Norman’s Zolotoy Lepestok Ot Alin Nezhnaya Orchideya of Alexiasdream
Balanced and well coated 17 months D. Masculine head with intelligent expression. Straight front legs and good angulation front and rear. Moved straight and true especially going away from me. Another good one.
2 Cawthera Purdy’s Lirevas Dancing on Attitude
A lovely girl also of 17 months and in good coat and condition Lovely head with dark eyes and good ear placement. Small cat like feet. Balanced in body with good angulation. Close up. Just preferred the movement of the winner today.
3 Norman’s Pomstyle Vivat Sweet Dream of Alexiasdream
Open (4)
1 Norman’s Alexiasdream Is Fabioso
This 2 year old presented a lovely outline. Correct in head with good eyes and ears. Well made all through with lovely lay back of shoulder. Short in back and presented in first class coat. Moved well enough.
2 Cawthera Purdy’s Lirevas Tickles Her Fancy
Another good one. Spoiled for choice here. Super head with short neck set into nicely sloping shoulders. Well rounded in ribs. Lovely feet. Close up.
3 Charlton’s Linkies Ace of Spades at Kizziepom
Post Grad (4)
1 Edwards’ Gordon Von Termal Mopsco
21 month D of lovely type and well put together. Well proportioned head with good width of front, cobby body with level topline, strong quarters. Had the edge over some promising youngsters on maturity.
2 Hill’s Anzhela Heaven on Earth with Calaquendi
Beautifully headed 8 months with good neck and sloping shoulders. Good topline. Strong quarters enabling correct movement. Best Puppy and Puppy Group 2 Should go on to do well.
3 Stuart and Ward’s Nina Von Termal Mopsco
Open (5,2)
1 Edwards’ Rhodenash Livin A Dream
Won a super class here. Really liked this 2 year old. Round head with short, square muzzle. Strong well boned legs. Well laid shoulders, level topline with good tail set. Cobby in body. Moved tidily and looked the part. Got better as the day went on. Best of Breed. A pleasure to award her the group. Looked well in the Best In Show line up. Well Done.
2 Hill’s Anzhela Heaven on Earth with Calaquendi
Second in the previous class.
3 Robinson’s Tsuselena Continental
Puppy (2)
1 Hudson and Steele’s Jap Chin Threadgold Minniehaha
Lovely headed girl with dark eyes and well placed ears. Decent neck, straight front legs. Good rear angualtion giving a free and straight, true movement. Should mature nicely. BP and Puppy Group 3. Should go on to do well.
2 Crane’s Jap Chin, Sleepyhollow Electra of Cranvarl
Not as together as the winner as yet. Only 7 months and lots to like here. Good head and eyes. Correct bone. Well turned stifles.
Post Grad (3)
1 Lister’s It Greyhound, Florita Favianna
Just out of junior and really coming together. Refined head giving a picture of elegance. Well placed ears and neck of good length. Well angulated shoulders. Good depth to her body and firm in topline. Correct set on of tail. Well proportioned quarters. Hocks well let down. Moved steadily and precisely .
2 Crane’s Jap Chin Cranvarl Truly Scrumptious
So good to go over. Really pleasing in head with dark eyes. Well put together through with strength in her quarters. Moved straight and true when seen from any direction.
3 Dowson and Wood Dowson’s Jap Chin Anbarees Kung Fu Panda Among Blynblay
Open (6,1)
1 Lister’s Italian Greyhound Revillo Allegro
Another good looking one from this kennel. Elegant in head with well-shaped eyes and correct ears. She has a long clean neck and sloping shoulders. Good depth to her chest. Strong over her quarters, she presented a super picture. One I really liked. Best NSC and Group 3. Well done!
2 Crane’s Jap Chin Cranvarl Le Mistral
Mature B of top quality. Well balanced head with enough width but not coarse. Dark eyes. Good neck leads to decent shoulders and feathered legs. Well turned stifles leading to positive movement. In good order.
3 Holliday’s Bolognese Belstown Merlau Blackbird
Toy Group
From a strong line up I shortlisted four and decided on the Pug as my winner, closely followed by the Pom puppy, It Greyhound and Chinese Crested
Puppy Group
Another lovely line up led to the Puppy Group going to the Pom, and then to the Pug, SC Chi and the Jap Chin
AV Toy Veteran (8,3)
The five present were really good specimens on their breeds and in super condition. A pleasure to judge.
1 Bell’s CKCS Lanola Savilla of Chistabella
Quality Blenheim. Pleasing in head with good neck and shoulders. Correct front assembly. Balanced in body presented a super outline.
2 Gilling’s LC Chi Ch Vikkilous Perfect Pasha of Talocan
Lovely type with quality head and well made through, In lovely coat and condition.
3 Gilling’s LC Chi Karelee Jack Daniels of Talocan
David Howarth