• Show Date: 17/02/2019
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Colin Woodward Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

Matlock & District Canine Society


Working Group. 

1 Springthorpe Millthorpe Mr Rochester JW. Newfoundland, 2 years well grown young dog, good broad head tight eyes of good shape, deep stop & good muzzle, body mature with great ribs, good depth and width in brisket, firm topline & strong muscular loin, fabulous bone and large webbed feet, strong hindquarter, movement was a joy to watch so sound & effortless keeping a good topline, coat in excellent condition and beautifully presented, a super dog and was pleased to award him BOB & Group 1  

2 BODLE Debbollinby Just Kruzin' Into Kitarn Leonberger, delightful 2 year old male, appealing head with soft yet cheeky expression from his lovely eye colour, dark mask & correct scissor bite. Lovely arched next into well laid shoulder & deep brisket, Well boned limbs on neat feet, clean outline, he was very sound on the move with good footfall, well handled.

3 Hemmings/Radford. Luftez Astronomy SHCM. Dobermann, Quality 3 year old, shapely head with good length of muzzle, dark expressive eyes, reachy neck flows into firm topline and good shoulder placement, Strong hindquarter with good muscletone, moved with purpose on an easy stride.

4 Moss Chantavory Burning Sun Rottweiler. 

13months and maturing nicely, masculine head without coarseness, good strength in muzzle, straight well boned front, well rubbed body with string loin, powerful mover.  

Puppy Group.  

1 Cameron Camnoire Ghost Kato Newfoundland. 

Wow what a delightful bitch of 9 months. Feminine but strong, a Lovely example of the breed, beautiful head and dark expressive eyes, strong neck, chest & ribs well developed, striking outline, movement was sound, she had the reach in front & drive behind to cover the ground well, super presentation, Hope she as a bright future. PG1.    

2 Allen Zimavolks Force Awakened. Siberian Husky. 

Just 8 months lovely type with a good head shape, well balanced all through, good legs & neat feet, quarters well angulated, very collected on the move with a good stride in front, well handled, quality puppy.

3 Miles Jaybiem Modus Operandi, Bernese Mountain Dog, Good overall balance, lovely head & eye, correct dentition, Strong bone on good feet. Muscular neck to good front assembly, deep brisket, firm topline, strong hindquarters, once settled moved well. 

4 Wilkinson Megaimar The Mockingjay Rottweiler.

10 months, pleasing head, strong jaw & good scissor bite, muscular neck, firm topline, balanced in height to length, moved ok but not so positive as the winners.


Junior 1 King Lilbox King Of Dreams. BOB. 

15 months male, lovely head shape with dark eye expressive eyes, neck of good length and slightly arched, chest well developed for age, elbows tucked in, lovely clean outline & tailset, muscular hindquarters moved well.


Puppy 1 

1 Hickling Supetas Under The Spell Of Evalesco. BP. 

Bit unsettled on the day, pleasing head & eye, body & ribs developing well, ample bone on good feet, reds time.

Junior 2. 

1 Frost Zeegeez Walks in Beauty. RBOB lovely type of bitch just 16 months good head & length of skull to muzzle, ears well set, strong jaw, firm well conditioned body with a good topline and tailset, coat in gleaming condition, move well with good reach & drive. 

Open 1 

1 Hemmings/Radford. Luftez Astronomy SHCM BOB G3.  


Puppy. 2. 

1 Wilkinson Megalmar The Mockingjay. BP PG4. 

2 Moss. Chantavory Pot of Gold. 

Not as forward as one at present but a pleasing puppy, good head & eye colour, strong clean neck, body developing nicely with lovely ribs, shows lots of promise, moved well.

Junior 1 

1 Moss Chantavory Burning Sun. BOB. G4. 

Post Graduate 1 

1 Moss. Blushing Bacardy at Chantavory.

Feminine head with good pigmentation, good length of neck into well placed shoulders, clean outline, strong well boned limbs on good feet, muscular hindquarter, moved soundly with purpose. 

Open 1 

1 Wilkinson Megalmar Hubble Bubble strong male with good proportions, lovely head, dark eye, strong bone on good feet. Good outline, correct height to length ratio, strong topline, Moving a tad wide in front.

Bernese Mountain Dog. 

Puppy 1

1 Miles Jaybiem Modus Operandi. BP PG3.  

Post Graduate 1 

1 Watson Jesterbrock Alpine Glory at Stepdashar. 

Strong dog of 3 years with a lovely head shape dark expressive eyes strong neck into good lay of shoulders, elbows well under his deep chest, good body for age, long loin with clean underline. Hock well let down & muscular hindquarter, rear action let him down today.

Open 2 

1 Miles Jaybiem My My My JW. BOB Quality bitch who has a well balanced typical headpiece & expression, strong sturdy outline that is also elegant & feminine. Good front & strong quarters, tight feet on well boned legs, sound strong mover, Shown in good coat and condition,

2 Granger Orlando Bloom at Jaybiem JW, SHCM 

5 years male, pleasing head & eye strong neck into good shoulders, body deep and well ribbed, level topline, not matching one on the move.


Puppy 2 

1 Cameron. Camnoire Ghost Kato. BP, PG1. 

2 Adams. Rodiveco Red Rum Not as forward as one at present, needs to develop more all through, strong legs on good feet, coat in good condition

Junior 3. 

1 Leech Mileoak Sansa Stark. RBOB. 

Wow 14 months old bitch who entered the ring & owned it, super head and eye colour with a lovely soft expression, good stop & correct scissor, stands four square on super legs and feet, strong neck shoulders well tucked in elbows, good depth of chest, level topline & strong loin. Her presentation was first class Hindquarter strong her movement is free & easy & sound pushed for BOB all the way must have a bright future. 

2 Cameron Camnoire Ghost Kato. 

3 Leech Camnoire Halo Nandobears 

Post Graduate 4 

1 Leech Mileoak Sansa Stark RBOB 

2 Burton Vodahond Against All Odds quality dog of 3 years owns a lovely head with a gentle expression from his dark eye, deep chest, his forelegs are straight & flat, strong loin, quarters well muscled with good turn of stifle, shown in good coat & condition moved well. 3 Chapple Femme Fatale Bear Mountain at Peakcharm (Imp) 

Open 4 

1 Springthorpe Millthorpe Mr Rochester. BOB G1.  

2 Burton Merrybear Freddie Mercury another lovely exhibit from this kennel, 5 years male, pleasing head & super dark eye giving him a soft expression strong muzzle. Well balanced front with good depth of brisket forechest, clean outline with a firm topline, strong powerful quarters giving positive action on the move, shown in super coat and condition. 3 Lindley Sensitivity Bliss Nikita at Lindgreave (Imp) SHCM 


Puppy 1 

1 Byrne Harpan Charlotte Bay Canadian Eskimo Dog. BP. needing time and more confidence to get herself together. Pretty head of good shape, dark eye, balanced length of muzzle, ok for bone, her movement was a bit erratic. 

Post Graduate 1 

1 BODLE Debboilinby Just Kruzin into Kitarn BOB G2.  

Open. 1 

1 Roe Echodream Athena GT Schnauzer RBOB.   

Just 2 years with a lovely feminine head with a dark eye & alert expression, ample length of neck into well laid shoulders, chest deep, clean outline, tail well set on with good carriage, firm rear angulation giving sound action, lovely harsh coat. 

Veteran 2 

1 Tinker Dreamcatcher Ace of Spades at Lolotea Siberian Husky BVET 10 years, handsome head dark eye good length of muzzle correct scissor bite. Good length of neck into well placed shoulders. Retains lovely legs and feet, pleasing outline, sound mover, shown in good coat condition, a credit to the owner.

2 Butler Arcticdawns Free And Easy At Kaytoo. Alaskan Malamute, 12 years well made bitch with a feminine head & expression, full dentition, strong in forehand & hindquarters good in outline, not quite as positive as one but for age was good.