• Show Date: 24/02/2019
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Colin Woodward Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

Brittany Club Of Great Britain

Thank you to the officers & committee, I was honoured to be given the opportunity to judge your open show & really enjoyed my day judging your lovely dogs. 

BIS. Yarrow Bonapartist Linnet.   

What a delightful bitch really caught my eye, shown in tip top condition. Presented a clean typical outline, appealing feminine head with a lovely soft expression good eye & ear shape, strong neck into good lay of shoulders, deep brisket, body shape good from all angles, firm topline, muscular rear quarters with moderate stifles & well let down hocks she moved soundly & briskly straight & true around the ring with grace and style.

RBIS. Graham/Denwood Bonapartist Orchid of Lyndfil.  

Another good one from this kennel, feminine head with a dark eye with soft expression with correct scissor bite, shoulders well placed, deep brisket, good bone & neat tight feet, firm topline on well developed body, strong in loin, good turn of stifle, straight & true on the move, a quality bitch.

BPIS Hayes/Wilson. Tillybirloch Otto. 

Dog of good size with a masculine head good eye colour, strong muzzle,ample reach of neck to good shoulders, balanced body, strong quarters, shown in good coat & condition, steady mover.

RBPIS Rodger Jassendue Oreo pleasing head with dark eye, correct bite, straight front limbs, broad deep chest, good strength in loin, level topline moderate turn of stifle, moved out well.

BVIS. Yarrow. SHCH Bonapartist Grande Duchess. A quality delightful bitch from this kennel they certainly breed lovely dogs, lovely feminine head, skull slightly rounded, soft expression, good neck into well angulated shoulders, deep brisket, elbows close fitting, firm level topline giving a lovely profile picture, strong quarters, she moved effortlessly around the ring with the typical brisk action, a worthy SHCH.  

RBVIS Gudgin SHCH Coxellot Chicita at Jassendue 

12 years, lovely head with good eye shape and colour, strong neck of good length flowing into good shoulders and topline, good bone & feet, moved true with such grace around the ring. 

Puppy Dog. 3.    

1 Hayes/ Wilson. Tillybirloch Otto. BPIS, 2 Rodger Jassendue Oreo RBPIS, 3 Orr Dickens Tillybirloch Omar.  

Junior 4. 

1 Robinson Tarward Our Joe.  

Just 13 months and developing well, good head shape with a nice skull & cheekbones, muscular neck, he is well angulated in front, moderate stifle, hock is straight, gave a good account of himself on the move keeping his topline. 

2 Cook Highclare Only One Avec Tailliside (A1). 

Another quality dog 13 months, good size, appealing head & eye, good open nostrils, Clean neck into moderately sloping shoulders, good legs & feet. Strong broad thighs, moderate stifle moved soundly with a free short stride, shown in good coat and condition, 3 Lay Tarward Olmo. 

Novice 2.  

1 Hayes/Wilson. Tillybirloch Otto. BPIS. 2 Hare Rochus Norman not as forward as one at present, good eye colour & expression, body well ribbed, needs to tighten in front, moderate stifle, not so positive on the move. 

Post Graduate 3. all litter mates 

1 Poole Sanbosier Naos at Laurremar Presented in hard muscular condition head has good proportions with the slightly rounded skull, lovely open nostrils, high set ears carried well, straight front limbs on compact feet, well balanced body with good length to height ratio, well coupled loin, good dense, sound easy mover with good footfall fore & aft. 

2 Stevens Sanbosier Niru not quite as forward as one but still a good shape, good proportions to head dark eye, moderate stop, ample neck into well laid shoulders, deep body with good topline & croup, moderate strong quarters sound steady mover. 3 Hayes/Wilson. Sanbosier Nevis.  

Limit 3 

1 Anderson Rochus Noble a quality dog who pushed all the way for top honours, lovely head with soft expressive eyes, moderate stop & good muzzle with no sign of being snipy , muscular shoulders, elbows tucked in, well boned limbs on good feet, deep well sprung ribs, strong well coupled loin, moderate stifle moved soundly on a short stride holding his top line well 2 Wilson Denandmeg Mill Reef a quality dog who was unlucky to meet one on such good form, balanced head shape with good width of skull and length of muzzle, dark eye with soft expression, strong muscular forequarters, deep broad, good dense coat, moved with a free easy action, 3 Samardzija Patouche Lambert. 

Open 5 quality dogs 

1 Coveney SH CH Tillybirloch Jem Best Dog a worthy champion, 4 years masculine head with good planes, Lively overall conformation, strong moderate neck to firm topline, mature in body with good depth and ribs, ample bone standing on good found feet, strong well muscled hindquarter with moderate stifle, coat in good clean condition, he was very sound on the move.

2 Wright Hawkwise Land Agent. RBD & very close up to one, Masculine balanced head with dark expressive eyes, high set triangular ears, clean neck, firm topline with slight slope to croupe, square in body with good depth, clean outline, sound movement. 3 Anderson SH CH Rochus Moët. 

Veteran 2 

1 Molton Patouche Acropole 14 years young good head and still retains a lovely soft expression, good clean dentition for age, deep brisket, lovely legs and neat feet, shown in good coat & condition, Steady mover.

2 SH CH Rochus Folio 9 year old shown in good condition, pleasing head with dark eyes, correct bite, a well balanced dog with Good front angles, Strong through ribs & loin, strong hindquarter he moved well. 

Special Working Dog 1 

1 Finch Jassendue Manet's Medley am Cetgueli 

head of good proportions, dark eye and good ear set, presents a pleasing profile picture, strong & well balanced body, Good bone & feet, well muscled quarters with moderate turn of stifle, dense coat, moved soundly.

Puppy Bitch 1 ABS. 

Junior 3. 

1 Graham/Denwood. Bonapartist Orchid of Lyndfil RBB, RBIS.  

2 Ryan Patouche Oriaia head with a lovely expression, correct bite, neat triangular ears,well ribbed deep body, topline firm which she held well both standing and on the move, shown in good dense coat & condition. on the good movement, 3 Southorn Rochus Nelke. 

Novice 2. 

1 Hawkwise Nugget Pretty head & expression with dark eyes, strong neck into good shoulders well balanced body with good ribs, straight front legs, moderate stifles, movement could be better, 

2 Davies Tarward Lana head & eye are of good shape, ample neck, mature body which is perhaps a tad long, coat in good order, not putting all in on the move today 

Post Graduate 1 

1 Southorn Rochus Juliet Lovely type & quality, appealing with a good dark expressive eyes, ears well set hanging close to cheeks, good scissor bite. She was balanced all through, square in body with good depth and ribs, nothing exaggerated. Lovely legs and feet, On the move she has a lovely sound free action with good footfall fore & aft.

Limit 3  

1 Gudgin Neuvelle Nariska at Jassendue 2 year old who has a well balanced outline, beautiful head properties with kindly expression, strong moderate neck, good depth & width of chest, body well ribbed with strong loin, well developed hindquarters & moderate stifle, another that sound on the moveable d we’ll handled. 

2 Ryan Patouche Jaimee, pitting hairs here and this beautiful girl pushed one all the way, 3 years again shows Lovely balance throughout, pleasing head with good eye shape & expression, good length of skull to muzzle ratio, shoulders well angulated, deep brisket well balance body with good top line, strong quarters sound on the move lovely type.   

3 Cutler Tarward Laura at Jayricnbrits 

Open 5 

1 Yarrow Bonapartist Linnet. BB BIS.  

2 Southorn Rochus Juliet a quality bitch all through, beautiful head & eye moderate stop, good scissor bite, clean muscular neck into well assembled front. Good bone on neat feet, good depth of body with strong loin, clean balanced outline, sound easy action, 3 Wilson SH CH Highclare Hellraiser at Denandmeg 

Veteran 2 

1 Yarrow SH CH Bonapartist Grande Duchess. BVIS.  

2 Gudgin SHCH Coxellot Chicta at Jassendue 

12 years with pleasing head, ears well set, good scissor bite, muscular neck to good lay of shoulders firm topline with good croup. Well balanced body, strong quarters moved ok. 

Special Working 2. 

1 Anderson Rochus Lucie, good size & shape feminine head, eyes dark with soft expression correct ears & carriage, well angulated throughout with good topline & outline, straight front limbs & neat feet, shown in good coat condition sound mover, 2 Davies Rochus Lottie litter sister to one & similar remarks apply, thought one slightly better in head and was more positive in movement on the day however was close up to one.


Judge: Colin Woodward