• Show Date: 02/03/2019
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: christine morgan Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

Guildford & District Canine Society

A.V. Imported Breed Register

1. About A Girl The Winter Souls To Shadowshack (Imp Esp) White Swiss Shepherd Dog. What a little cracker! So balanced in outline, very pretty wedge shaped head with classic chiselling. Sparkling white double coat and moves with an easy ground covering gait. BAVImp and BAVImp puppy

2. Khyannes Triton At Canemamans (Imp Hun) Braque D’auvergne. This is a very good dog and when he gets his act together on the move he will do well but he is young and was enjoying himself. He has the desired robustness in body with good depth of brisket and his head is well balanced and very typey. Res BAVImp.

Spaniel (Cocker)


1. Pinkmoon Pippin By Beechtops. 7 mths black bitch with a well developed skull, tight eye, long low set ears, well laid shoulders, deep brisket and slightly low set tail which she carries rather too high on the move. Her movement is true though and she covers the ground well BPIB.

2. Fernstone Lapis Lazuli. Rather difficult to assess as she was uncooperative on the stack but she has a pretty head and is square in outline.


1. Zakova Sunburst. Stunning outline, very clean over neck and shoulders, big ribs, well developed quarters and thickly padded round feet. He has a very handsome head with lovely chiselling below his eyes. His movement is smooth and easy with good drive and a lashing tail. RBOB.

2. Eastonbavent I Have A Dream. Rather immature and what a fidget! But she has a good head, decent bone, well developed chest and well set tail.

Post Grad

1. Rojoys Chase The Dream JW ShCM. She is a good size, is balanced with substance and has a square shape to her body. She is well angulated front and back and has wide well muscled quarters. Feminine well chiselled head with low set ears and a kind eye. Moves very well with a great tail action.

2. Serci After Dark At Shadow Amor Of Chamford (Imp Srb). He doesn’t have the forward reach of the winner but he presents a strong and sturdy outline backed up by a big strong bum.

3. Beechtops Golden Ticket


1. Manchela Hugo Boss JW ShCM. One I have judged before apparently and looking at my critique from last time I am delighted that I found him again. He oozes type and quality and is so square, sturdy and compact in body. He has the loveliest square finish to his muzzle, well developed skull, enough stop, expressive dark brown eyes and classic chiselling. Clean in back skull his neck is muscular and fits smoothly into his well laid shoulders. He is well off for bone and has wonderful cat like feet with thick pads. His coat is flat and silky with just enough feathering. He is joyous to watch on the move, carrying a level topline and he really drives from behind with an ever wagging tail. BOB. Group 1 and BIS. Congratulations.

2. Zakova Sugar Plum. She has a very pretty and appealing head, is compact and sturdy and is in lovely coat and condition. Not as settled on the move as the winner but nevertheless has a merry and busy action.

3. Suvern Softly Spoken

Hungarian Vizsla


1. Bluemoves Dakota. She has a pretty head with lean cheeks and clear median line set cleanly into muscular neck. Well laid shoulders and level back. Best mover in the class.

2. Karrouki Wildfire. He was fidgety when stood and doesn’t have the front movement of the winner but he has a decent forehand and wide quarters.

3. Alamyjoules Count Laszlo

Post Grad

1. Karrouki Wildfire. Much more settled in this class.

2. Russetvalley Red Kite. Rather upright in upper arm but is well muscled and has good first and second thigh development.


1. Karrouki Windfire JW. Lean and noble head of good proportions, expressive eye of good shape, good front and rear angulation and moves well. BOB

2. Karaszy’s Glorious Legacy. Lovely wedge shaped head with clear median line and noble expression. Doesn’t have the return of upper arm of the winner. RBOB.



1. Gunalt Lustrous. Alone but so lovely. Beautifully straight front, so well ribbed back, firm loin, good depth of brisket, fabulously well turned stifles and so moderately angulated. Her head is beautiful with a wonderfully aristocratic look and long ears. She has strength in neck and in general presents a picture of strength and vigour. She moves with such reach and drive keeping her topline and carrying her tail on a level with her back. BOB.