• Show Date: 23/02/2019
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Cath Moffat Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

Sutton Coldfield & District Canine Association


Puppy 3(1)

1. Palmer’s Red Devil Aus Dem Elbe-Urstromtal for Hazyland. Lovely young male of 7 months with sound body proportions. Masculine, balanced head with kind expression. Good shoulder placement, depth of chest, shape and outline. Presented in first class condition, RBOB, BP, PG2.

2. Castle’s Molyneux Run for Home. Another promising puppy of 7 months, lovely in profile. Feminine head with endearing expression, good pigment. Correct body proportions, she looked well moving in profile. Strong top-line and well muscled throughout, presented in beautiful condition.

Junior 1(0)

1. Deakin’s Holanja Goody Too Shoes at Darwillow. Really liked this young lady of 17 months, lovely feminine head with excellent pigment. Pleasing shoulder placement and sound top-line, she was a super picture all round. In excellent coat of good quality, especially at this young stage. Presented and handled to perfection, pleased to award her BOB & G1.

Post Graduate 1(0)

1. Halladay’s Designer Girl Jazzy Sassy. 20 month old bitch who I considered not as good in body proportions as my BOB. Feminine head with lovely expression. Good depth of chest and developed bone. Not quite as accurate on the move as my other exhibits.


Post Graduate 1(0)

1. Holden’s Ochre’s Vanilla Spice at Woodhawk. 3½ year old bitch of nice quality with lovely temperament, she clearly enjoyed being shown. Feminine head with keen expression. Body proportions were good but would like a slightly stronger top-line. She moved out obediently and showed some nice reach and drive. Loved the banter between handler and his dog, an endearing attitude, BOB.


Puppy 1(0)

1. Mottram’s Mybeards Zoom. Promising bitch puppy of 6½ months, aptly named! Appealing in head with lovely feminine expression. Lovely shape and outline with good depth of chest, correct body proportions with quality coat developing well, when settled she showed some true and accurate movement. Presented in beautiful condition, BP.

Post Graduate 1(0)

1. Furzland/Clarke’s Mybeards Kracker. 2½ year old male with masculine head and kind expression. Good shape with fair angulation, sound top-line and well muscled rear. When settled, he showed some fair movement. Currently quite out of coat.

Open 3(0)

A lovely trio in this class.

1. Mottram’s Ch. Mybeards Dreamz. 4 year old quality male with lots of appeal. Loved his shape and outline both moving and standing, extremely well balanced. Masculine, kind head with the most endearing expression, good depth of chest and correct body proportions. He moved soundly with true reach and drive in all directions and was presented in excellent coat, saddened that he was unable to stay and compete in the group. BOB.

2. Shrieves’ Mybeards Hope. Lovely feminine bitch of 2½ years who appealed on many levels. Lovely outline standing and moving in profile. Most feminine of heads with soul searching expression. Not quite as settled on the move as 1 today but turned out and presented in beautiful condition. RBOB.

3. Mottram’s Mybeards Frappuccino.


Puppy 5(0)

1. Shrieves’ Winarose Wanderin Star. Loved this young Catalan Sheepdog of just 6 months, very appealing in head with gorgeous expression. Lovely angulation front and rear with correct body proportions. Moved well with purpose and confidence, coat in excellent condition. AVNSC (P) & PG3.

2. Croft’s Kistelek Princesss Leia. Very feminine Hungarian Puli of 8 months. Appealing head, she moved well when settled into her stride. Good body proportions with pleasing angulation. Lovely coat, which is developing well. Presented in beautiful condition.

3. Garratt’s Kistelek Cee Three Pee Oh.

Junior 1(0)

1. Wilenczyc’s Nellinka Christmas Khaos at Kashiba. 14 month GSD male proving a real handful for his owner, clearly he required more space to show his abilities. Strong, masculine head with kind expression. Looked well gaiting in profile but would like a more positive rear action when moving away. In excellent coat and presentation.

Post Graduate 4(1)

1. Cowley’s Somogyi Betyar Bodza at Kashbeluli (imp Hun). Lovely Hungarian Puli of 3½ years. Very feminine head with darkest of eye, gorgeous expression. Excellent pigment and presented in first class condition. Moved well, handled and presented to perfection.

2. Sisley-Smith’s Tabanyaruu Qtamo Onni. Eye-catching 2 year old Finnish Lapphund with lots of presence. Masculine head and good body proportions, he was turned out in beautiful fit and well muscled condition.

3. Gwilliam’s Kazaura’s Forever And A Day.

Open 3(0)

1. Cowley’s Callendu Despicable Me at Kashbeluli ShCM. Loved this well balanced and beautifully presented Hungarian Puli of 5 years. Full of presence, he commanded the ring, excellent top-line and good angulation, he was a pleasure to assess. Masculine head and excellent pigment. Lovely typical movement for this breed, BAVNSC & G2.

2. Stonton’s Ch Arnscroft In Di Ana Jack. Very smart Norwegian Buhund, alert with lots of expression. Beautifully angulated and lovely masculine head. Good body proportions, he moved with purpose and drive. Presented in tip-top condition.

3. Vines’ Ch Ailort Highlander at Parvodene JW ShCM.

PASTORAL GROUP: Old English Sheepdog, Hungarian Puli, Bearded Collie, Rough Collie

PASTORAL PUPPY GROUP: Australian Shepherd Dog, Old English Sheepdog, Catalan Sheepdog, Bearded Collie.