• Show Date: 02/03/2019
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Caroline Rees Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

Ashton In Makerfield Canine Society

    Ashton –In-Makerfield Canine Society Open Show 2nd March 2019 

Judge Caroline Friend-Rees (Amical) 

Bearded Collie Limit 1st & Best of Breed Mrs L Dodgeson’s Nellbrook Dark Illusion at Wreckinroc. Lovely feminine bitch of good size and shape. Excellent head and expression. Level topline and Shown in good condition. Pastoral Group 4 in an quality group. Open 1st Mrs L Dodgeson’s Caldermist Ramrod ShCM 6 year old bitch shown in lovely full coat but needs to settle on the move. 

Border Collie Limit 1st Miss J Baldwin’s Caleykiz Vision in Black. Very pretty bitch with dark oval shaped eyes and balanced skull and foreface. Good front assembly, deep chest and firm topline. Moving with lovely free amooth ground cover strides. Open 1st & BOB Miss J Baldwin’s Melneg Magic Mystery at Breevana Smart 5 year old bitch. Correct head with dark oval eyes and good dentition. Strong mascular neck into Shoulders well laid back. Firm topline and Balanced hindquarters. Moving tirelessly around the ring. 

Collie (Rough) Junior 4/4 1st Mr & Mrs Savage’s Peblu Gold Reflection at Savataurus. 17 month old male of good size and shape. Lovely head and expression with dark eyes and correct ears, good length neck and firm topline.2nd Mrs Garside’s Barrenclough Golden Lily. Lovely feminine bitch with head and body in proportion . Flat skull and dark almond shaped eyes. lovely sound mover.3rd Mr, Mrs & Mr Jones’ Brooklynson Black Diamond with Dancol Limit 4/11st & Best of Breed Mr Mills’ Lynmack Sweet Amber. Smart feminine bitch with head and body in proportion. Correct head with flat skull, dark almond eyes set obliquely and good dentition. Good length of neck into well angulated sloping shoulers and firm . Sound mover2nd Mr, Mrs & Mr Jones’ Brooklynson Black Diamond with Dancol. Masculine male shown in good coat and condition. Correct front assemble and firm topline. Moving better in this class to previous class. 3rd Mr, Mrs & Mr Jones’ Ingeledene Dare Dream with Dancol Open 3/11st Mr A Mills’ Lynmack Starman. Masculine male with lovely arched neck and good topline. Correct head proportions, dark eyes and correctly set ears. Shown in excellent coat and condition.2nd Mr, Mrs & Mr Jones’ Ingeledene Dare to Dream with Dancol. Heavier in build to 1. Fully matured 6 year old masculine male. Lovely dark almond shaped eyes, head and skull in proportion and correct dentition. Shown in full coat.Feet were a little flat and pasterns a little lose. 

Samoyed Junior 1st Mrs Kirkwood, Mr & Mrs Gwynne’s Vandreem Imperial Katriona Very pretty bitch with lovely head and expression. Good bone, arched neck, firm topline and strong hindquarters. Limit 1st Ms Thomas’ Nikara Secret Agent. Male of excellent breed type. Good head and lovely brown almond shaped eyes. Firm topline and moving well.Open 1st & Best of Breed Ms Thomas’ Zeelukzak Om Shanti ShCM. Beautiful bitch with excellent bone yet still feminine. Good head and skull proportions with correct mouth. Well set ears, good reach of neck into correct front assembly and firm topline. Moving with lovely reach and drive. She looked lovely in a quality Pastoral Group finishing Group 2 2nd Mrs Rogers Ward’s Vandreem Imperial Meredes at Shellourer. Lovely moving bitch with good bone . Arched neck into well laid shoulders and firm topline. Not as balanced at 1. 

Lancashire Heeler Puppy 1st & Best Puppy in Breed Mr & Mrs Simpson’s Princess Pollyanna From Simonsville 6 month old very smart bitch puppy. Well balanced head and lovely expression. Made so well with excellent front assemble, firm topline and balanced rear anglation. Pleased to award her Best Puppy in Breed and Pastoral Puppy Group 1. 2nd Mr & Mrs Lawrences Hoscar Ellis’s Eddie. Masculine male puppy good size and shape . Lovely dark eyes and good expression. Moving well. Junior 1st Mr & Mrs Simpson’s Animalcompaniets Valperez, Strong masculine male with lovely head and parallel planes. Correct length of neck into well laid shoulders, Firm topline and balanced hindquarters. Lovely brisket movement.2nd Mr & Mrs Lawrences brinscall Moors Bertie Lighter framed than 1 . Good head and all in proportion with body. Dark almond shaped and eyes and good expression. Limit 1st Mrs & Mr Erwin’s Hoscar Border Breaker Lovely feminine bitch of good shape and size. Head and skull in proportion to the body and parallel planes. Natural, free brisket movement. 2nd Mrs Duxbury’s Ronleydon Tillys Gold. 5 year old bitch with good head, dark almond shaped eyes and well set ears. Firm topline and strong hindquarters but carrying a little too much weight. Open 1st & Best of Breed, Mr & Mrs Simpson’s Ch Coppercoats Cruiser Among Simonsville JW (Imp) Smart male shown in hard condition. Good head and expression. Excellent front assemble, firm topline and balanced hindquarters. Lovely mover. 2nd Mrs Duxbury Ronleydon Little Minix 5 year old bitch with lovely feminine head, dark eyes and correct ear set and carriage. Good front assembly and firm topline but would benefit from losing a few pounds. 

German Shepherd Dog Puppy 1st & Best Puppy in Breed Mr Turner’s Ylanris Paprika of Tasella. Pretty young bitch with lovely head and expression. Dark almond shaped eyes and correct dentition. Excellent bone and substance. Strong neck into excellent shoulders and front assembly. Well angulated both front and rear. Moving with good reach and drive. Pastoral Puppy Group 2 in a quality group. Limit 1st & Best of Breed Miss Marsden & Mr Robinson’s Avanti Virtue. Impressive feminine bitch with lovely head and expression. Good bone and very well balanced throughout. Well angulated, good depth of chest and tight elbows. Firm back and well set tail. Lovely prowerful moving bitch with good reach and drive. Could not deny her Pastoral Group 1.Open 1st Mr Turner’s Tuna Com Mit Tasella ShCM. Strong well muscled yet still feminine bitch. Well angulated both front and rear. Strong neck of good length, and good topline 

A/V N.S.C Pastoral Puppy 1st & Best Puppy AV NSC Pastoral Australian Shepherd Miss Bluck’s Thornshavn My Little Queen. Very pretty bitch puppy with good bone and substance for her age. Head in proportion to body with lovely expressive eyes . Clean neck into well laid back shoulders and firm level topline. Strong hindquarters. Sound moving puppy. Pastoral Puppy Group 3. Junior 1st & Best AV NSC Pastoral Shetland Sheepdog Miss Gamble’s Solyric Inaugurl Gold JW. Stylish male of good size and shape. Excellent head of good proportions and expression. Good angulation both front and rear. Sound movement and shown in excellent coat and condition. Pastoral Group 3 in a strong group.2nd Mrs Hawkins Glamour Aussies Addicted to You (Imp Hun) Australian Shepherd. Masculine male with good neck and firm level topline. Strong hindquarters and compact feet.Limit 1st Mr, Mrs & Miss Samuel’s Oberitz Upponalle Finnish Lapphund. Strong Masculine male with pleasing head and lovely oval dark eyes. Balanced front and rear anglation. Broad, strong topline and deep brisket and slight tuck up. Sound moving male. 2nd Mr & Mrs Savage’s Willowthorn Kobalt Star By Savataurus JW JUN CH Shetland Sheepdog, 2 year old Male with lovely refined head and dark almond shaped eyes. Level topline and chest down to elbow. Moving well with ground covering strides and driving from the rear. Carrying his tail a little high .Open 1st Mrs, Mr & Mrs Irvine, Gillies & Shorewheeler’s Kimura’s Vera with Tapui (Imp) Norwegian Buhund. Smart feminine bitch of excellent proportions. Loved her balanced head with dark lively eyes and well placed ears. Lean medium length neck, moderate angulation both front and rear with short strong topline and tail set high and tightly curled.2nd Miss Haddock’s, Miss Atomic Bomb Elvikam (Imp Pol) Austrialian Shepherd. Strong yet still feminine with good eye and expression. Clean neck with well laid back shoulders and firm level topline. Moving with lovely free easy strides. 3rd Mr, Mrs & Miss samuel’sBridus Ukkonen ShCM Finnish Lapphund. 

Pastoral Group Group 1 German Shepherd Dog Miss Marsden & Mr Robinson’s Avanti Virtue,  Group 2 Samoyed Ms Thomas’ Zeelukzak Om Shanti ShCM                                                           Group 3 AV NSC Pastoral Shetland Sheepdog Miss Gamble’s Solyric Inaugurl Gold JW             Group 4 Bearded Collie Mrs L Dodgeson’s Nellbrook Dark Illusion at Wreckinroc. 

Pastoral Puppy Group 1 Lancashire Heeler Mr & Mrs Simpson’s Princess Pollyanna From Simonsville.                                                                                                                                                         Puppy Group 2 German Shepherd Dog Mr Turner’s Ylanris Paprika of Tasella.                             Puppy Group 3 AV NSC Pastoral Australian Shepherd Miss Bluck’s Thornshavn My Little Queen