• Show Date: 16/02/2019
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Caroline Rees Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

National Working & Pastoral Breeds Society

National Working & Pastoral Breeds Society Open Show 16/02/19

Judge Caroline Friend-Rees (Amical)


Junior D/B 3/1 1st & Best of Breed Mrs P & Mr GJ Leech’s Mileoak Sansa Stark Exciting young bitch with a beautiful head and expression. Lovely strong neck into well set shoulders and level topline. All in proportion and with ample bone and substance.

2nd & Best Puppy in Breed Mrs P & Mr GJ Leech’s Camnoire Halo Nandobears Very pretty puppy bitch yet still with required bone and substance. Broad head with dark eyes and strong short muzzle. Super outline and sound mover.

Post Graduate Dog 3/1 1st Ms G Giambona’s Thickish Newfoundland Magic of Oz for Trinashores Masculine male of good size and shape. Lovely dark eyes and broad head. Level topline and well ribbed with strong muscular loins. Large well shaped feet. Just needs to settle on the move.

2nd Mrs Z Pascoe & Mr A Courage’s Camnoire Charge Large male with plenty of bone and substance. Lovely strong neck and good double coat. 

Post Graduate Bitch 3 1st Mrs P & Mr GJ Leech’s Mileoak Sansa Stark As the junior class. 

2nd Mrs C Chapple’s Femme Fatale Bear Mountain at Peakcharm (Imp) 2 year old bitch with lovely head and expression. Of good size and shape. Shown in good coat and condition. Moving well. 

3rd Mrs P & Mr GJ Leech’s Camnoire Halo Nandobears

Portugese Water Dogs 

Junior D/B 1st , Res Best of Breed & Best Puppy in Breed Mr B Williams & Mrs A Carter’s Rarjo Red Hot Mama Stylish young bitch so well made with excellent strength in front, well angulated hindquarters and correctly carried tail. Movement you could watch all day.

Post Graduate D/B 2/1 Mrs B Hand’s Melfield Spindriff Madsway Pretty bitch with a lovely head , good depth of chest, firm topline and moderate tuck up.

Open Dog 1st & Best of Breed Mr B Williams’ Ch Rarjo Quicksilver Quality male with large well proportioned head, dark eyes and well defined occiput. Short strong muscled neck and well laid muscular shoulders. Excellent body proportions and well angulated strong hindquarters. Lovely moving male with correct tail carried correctly.

Open Bitch 3/2 Mrs J Pike & Miss A Pike Ch Breezelyn Amber Pretty 2 year old bitch with dark eyes and rims, well proportioned head and strong muzzle. Well defined occiput, short strong neck, strong boned and well muscled front, Well angulated strongly muscled hindquarters and excellent tail set and carriage.

Welsh Corgi (Cardigan)

Junior D/B 1st & Best Puppy in Breed Miss EF Eby & Mrs M Taylor’s Kilvroch Cariad Lovely brindle bitch with good head and expression. Well laid shoulders, moderately broad chest and prominent breast bone. Firm topline and good tail set.

Post Graduate D/B 1st Miss EF Eby & Mrs M Taylor’s Kilvroch Cariad As previous class

Open D/B 4/2 1st & Best of Breed Mrs K M Irving & Miss T J Irving’s Ir Ch Pi-et-ra Borntobe Rumba For Twinan Of Trefilio (Imp|) Quality 4 year old bitch with head of good size and shape . Muscular neck into well laid shoulders. Level topline and well angulated hindquarters. Moving with good reaching action on the front and power from the hindquarters.

2nd & Res Best of Breed Mrs HM Head’s Kilvroch Mystikos for Millermead JW Strong bitch with ample bone and substance. Well sprung ribs, level topline and strong well angulated hindquarters 

Welsh Corgi (Pembroke) 

Junior D/B 1st & Best Puppy in Breed Mrs K M Irving & Miss T J Irving’s Twinan Shake The Tree Very pretty bitch with lovely head and expression. Neck of good length, closely fitting elbows and well laid shoulders. Good ribs and level topline. Strong well angulated hindquarters and straight hocks. 

2nd Mrs S Harrison’s Haresfoot Cora 16 month old bitch with a lovely feminine head of good size and proportions but would not use her ears today. Good length of neck and level topline.

Post Graduate D/B  1st Mrs S Harrison’s Haresfoot Cora As previous classn

2nd Mrs J M Thomas’s Ermyn Summer Rose Feminine bitch with a lovely well proportioned head. Good forequarters and level topline with strong well angulated hindquarters. 

Open D/B 7/2 1st & Best of Breed Mrs K M Irving & Miss T J Irving’s Twinan Tight Squeeze Lovely type bitch with foxy head, dark eyes and well set ears. Good front with prominent breast bone and well laid shoulders. Level topline and strong hindquarters. Excellent movement. 

2nd Mr W & Mrs BA Aylott’s Barwal Blazing Desert Handsome male with lovely head and expression. Well proportioned body and level topline. 

3rd Mrs S Harrison’s Haresfoot Zebedee 

Hungarian Puli 

Junior D/B 3/1 1st Mr J & Mrs M Whitton’s Bubbleton Don’t Burst My Bubble with Vaucluse(Imp) Very promising puppy with pretty head of good size and proportions. Dark eyes , good pigment and bite. Correct front and rear construction with firm topline. Lovely typical movement. 

 2nd Mr & Mrs NW & SM Croft’s Kistelek Princess Leia Fiminine bitch with pleasing head and expression. Dark eyes and correct mouth. Firm topline and high set tail. Needs to settle. 

 Post Graduate D/B 4  1st Mrs LJ & Mr KD Cowley’s Somogyi Betyar Bodza at Kashbelull (Imp) Well made bitch with lovely square outline. Clean balanced head and sound typical movement 

2nd Ms J Owen’s Magikus Draco Malfoy 2 year old white male of good shape. Larger than 1. Excellent balanced construction and good sound movement. 

3rd Mr A Henshaw & Mr M Gardener’s Magikus Belatrix Black

Open D/B 5. A class full of quality with some very tough decisions. 

1st Mrs C Knights Ch Weetoneon Polly Flinders Quality bitch Stylish mature bitch of good size and shape. Lovely feminie head with dark eyes and lively expression. Moderate neck, firm topline and balanced angles . Beautifully presented in full corded coat. Sound brisk movement.

2nd Mrs LJ & Mr KD Cowley’s Callendu Despicable Me at Kashbelull ShCM Lovely black male of good type, all in proportion with excellent outline. Good head and skull with correct mouth and pigment. Shown in excellent condition 

3rd Mrs C Knights Enter Suzy Q Vom Mullersgrund to Weetoneon (Imp)