• Show Date: 17/02/2019
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Carol Marsden Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

Ashton-Under-Lyne & DKA(Inc Manchester Toy Dog Society)

Ashton-Under-Lyne & District Kennel Association – Open Show

17th February 2019

Old English Sheepdog Puppy

 No entries

Old English Sheepdog Graduate (2,1)

1. Harley’s - Allhart Fallen Angel – 2yrs bitch nice head and good eye colour and shape. Excellent coat top and under with good feel. Nice steady movement.

Old English Sheepdog Open (3,3)

1. Oake’s - Bovaron Charisma at Ambleoak – 3yrs bitch Good proportions in body and height. Head square. Coat good and clean. Good away and back and sound with good topline. BOB

2. Simpson’s - Holanja Florence First Lady – 2 and half yrs bitch. Shorter in body than first. Good head and eye. Coat quite coarse. Good movement in all directions.

3. Gould’s – Sutranzo Moments of Magic

Pembroke Corgi Puppy (1,1)

1. Irving’s – Twinan Shake the Tree –7mths bitch excellent breed type great head and eye colour and shape. Good breast and fore angulation. Strong topline. Good tail carriage. Excellent away and back good in all directions. BPIB – Puppy Group 2

Pembroke Corgi Graduate

 No entries

Pembroke Corgi Open (1,1)

1. Irving’s - Twinan Tight Squeeze – 13mths bitch again excellent breed type great ear carriage and positioning with great expression. Excellent front and breast bone prominent with good brisket and body. Great bone moved with ease in all directions – BOB – Adult Group 1 – pulled out in the shortlist of four for Best in Show.

Cardigan Corgi Puppy

No entries

Cardigan Corgi Graduate

No entries

Cardigan Corgi Open (1,1)

1. Irving’s - IR CH Pi-et-ra Borntobe Rumba for Trefillo at Twinan – 4yrs Bitch Brindle good front head good with attitude. Good length of body and moved will in all directions BOB

Bearded Collie Puppy

No entries

Bearded Collie Junior (1,1)

1. Dodgson’s - Nellbrook Dark Illusion at Wreckinroc - 18mths on the day bitch excellent head and expression. Steady gait excellent away and back and condition of coat great but with age hopefully will body up but still early for her – BOB – Adult Group 3

Bearded Collie Post Graduate (1,1)

1. As above

Bearded Collie Open (1,1)

1. Dodgson’s - Caldermist Locked in a Kiss – 4yrs bitch nice head and eye. Good away and back slightly rolling over back on gait excellent muscle. Close for BOB

Border Collie Puppy (3,3)

1. Barratt’s - Beardsworth Mini Girl – 8mths bitch. Nice rear angles good coat, good body proportions good head and expression moved well in all direction - BPIB – Puppy Group 4

2. Morton’s - Bordadale Gladiator – 10 and half moths Dog – Nice head and angles to the rear. Good movement but slight steep croup

3. Charlesworth’s – Ginnylands Friday Feeling

Border Collie Junior (1,1)

1. Morton’s - Bordadale Galdiator – as above

Border Collie Post Graduate (2,2)

1. Charlesworth’s – Beesting Last Fling at Ginnylands – 2yrs dog good natured excellent bone and substance in body and coat. Moved with purpose in all directions

2. Leathbarrow’s – Flintash That’s Amore – 2 and half yrs bitch. Disappointing coat condition should have more undercoat. Slight bone and a quiet temperament. Moved okay.

Border Collie Open (5,3)

1. Davies’ – IR CH Rogansrock a Dream Come True at Bleakside – 3yrs dog. Great coat and substance. Good length of body. Good firm cheeks and ear leather. Nice short hock with good angulations. Steady mover BOB

2. Baldwin’s – Caleykiz Vision In Black – 3yrs bitch Good head slighter in bone than first but okay overall. Good movement in all directions.

3. Barratt’s - SH CH Starside Sadie of Pendleway.

Shetland Sheepdog Puppy (1,0)

 No attendees

Shetland Sheepdog Junior (1,1)

1. Gamble’s - Solyric Original Gold – 17 mth bitch. Good ear carriage and good depth of leather – planes of head correct and eyes deep in colour and good shape. Coat of good depth and texture. Moved okay in all directions

Shetland Sheepdog Post Graduate (2,0)

 No attendees

Shetland Sheepdog Open (3,1)

1. Gamble’s –Solyric Inaugural Gold – 17mths dog, brother to Junior and like too peas out of the pod but the dog just had the edge in the challenge same comment apply. Well-proportioned head and body with excellent coat and texture. Moved with purpose and sound BOB

Rough Collie Puppy (1,1)

1. Boyle’s - Barrenclugh Moon Magic – 8 mths fawn dog, Nice Head and ear carriage, hope his manhood develops but still a baby. Nice bone would like a bit more length of body. Good profuse coat. Okay in movement. BPIB

Rough Collie Junior (3,3)

1. Beard’s – Maysinder Empress of India – 13 mth bitch tricolor. Good rear angles good head and ear position and erection. Steady mover.

2. Boyle’s – Barrenclough Golden Linnet – 15 mth bitch good head with good ear carriage. Profuse coat and good substance.

3. Garside’s – Barrenclough Golden Lilly

Rough Collie Post Graduate (2,2)

1. Boyle’s – Barrenclough Hear of Gold JW - 15 mth bitch. Good coat, slightly short in body. Head correct. Sound in all directions.

2. Pointon’s – Aldreenn for Your Eyes Only – 2 yrs bitch, large in size good coat and moved adequately

Rough Collie Open (2,2)

1. McCormack & William’s – Lynmack Tommy Hilager By Oleyda – 3 yrs dog, Excellent coat condition and presentation. Head correct in proportion and depth with great ear carriage. Excellent body proportions height to length. Moved away and back soundly with good gait covering ground. BOB – Adult Group 4

2. Boyle’s – Barrenclough Golden Linnet – see junior above

AVNSC Pastoral Puppy (2,2)

1. Biuck’s - Thornshoun Little Queen – 9 mth bitch Australian Shepherd. Great attitude. Good bone with good proportions natural dock. Good head and eye position with good leather ears. Moved with ease and sound – just make sure doesn’t go to hyper as she tends to start to hackney but when settled could see the reach and drive. BAVNSC – BAVNSCP – Adult Group 2 and Puppy Group 1 and BPIS.

AVNSC Pastoral Post Graduate

 No Entries

AVNSC Pastoral Open

No Entries

Thanks to the committee for the appointment and to the exhibits for entering – I thoroughly enjoyed the day

Carol Marsden – Blacktors & Avanti