• Show Date: 03/02/2019
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Bethan Evans Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

London Reform Pekingese Association

London Reform Pekingese Association

3rd February 2019

It was such an honour to be asked to judge the breed at London Reform Pekingese Association Open

Show. I thank the Officers and Committee for the invitation and for such a special day.

Puppy Dog

1st Pearce’s Hetana Red Hot Chilli Pepper An eye-catching and very typical youngster, shows with all the aplomb of a veteran! Lovely lustrous eyes, broad nose, good nostrils and good underjaw. Well bodied, shapely and compact. Best Puppy Dog & Best Puppy in Show

Minor Puppy Bitch

1st Pearce’s Chasing Shadows At Hetana. Good flat skull and pleasing clear well shaped eyes. Good nose placement and firm underjaw wide open nostrils. Well ribbed and shapely. Correct amount of coat Moves well.

Puppy Bitch

1st Small’s Greyport Absolutely Got It At Swaggerboot A smart female with a pleasing head, lovely large open nostrils and nice finish to muzzle. Not quite as compact as the Puppy dog but very shapely and pleasing in forehand with good bone. Sound and steady on the move. Best Puppy Bitch & Res Best Puppy in Show

Junior Dog

1st Paradise & Webber’s Rickenny’s George Ezra With Shardlow Lovely dog with a good masculine head and dark pigmentation darl eyes and good underjaw. Well balanced and compact with a low solid body accompanied by good construction, correct tailset, moved with confidence. Excellent coat texture and groomed to perfection.

Res Best Dog

Graduate Dog

1st Paradise & Webber’s Rickenny’s George Ezra With Shardlow 1st in Junior Dog

2nd Pearce’s Step In Time To Hetana Good bone, well ribbed, typical shape with good topline and high set tail. Moved well.

Limit Dog

1st Walford’s Delwoins Strickly Kosher Well balanced ,with good expression, good pigmentation, nose not to short with wide open nostrils, clear  dark lustrous eyes, very good forequarters, , good spring of rib, level topline ,coat of correct texture , good tail set and carriage moved correctly

2nd Small’s Zhong Noble Count At Swaggerboor Pleasing head with nice flat skull with good nostrils and pigmentation, dark clear eyes ,  forequarters well boned broad chest and well sprung ribs ,level topline, good coat and correct hindquarters correct coat texture coat.Showed well.

Open Dog

1st Morley  & Box’s Jidoran Professor Green A top quality dog with a most pleasing head, dark lustrous eyes and good muzzle and underjaw correcxt ear set, broad chest , with good spring of ribs. Good forequarters with adequate bone, firm at the shoulder and compact shapely body, correct large flat feet, well shaped hindquarters. Moved soundly and presented in first class coat and condition.

Best Dog & Best In Show

Limit Bitch

1st Morley  & Box’s Jidoran Sox

Very pleasing in head  broad flat skull with a good mouth and nicely cushioned muzzle. Clear, lustrous eye. Thick, relatively short neck and good forequarters with adequate bone good spring of ribs. Compact and shapely with good topline and tailset. Not over-coated but with good furnishings. Shows beautifully and moves out well in typical style Res Best Bitch

2nd Walford’s Sanofu Heaven Sent At Pekesview


1st Lenton’s Livanda Cabrero At Clashda Lovely well balanced male, good expression, Head and skull fairly large, good defined stop, dark eyes good ears set of correct length , thick, short neck, forequarters of heavily boned forelegs,, distinct waist, level topline, good parallel hindquarters,. Showed well for age

Best Veteran in Show

Special Open Red or Red Brindle

1st Morley  & Box’s CH Jidoran Emma Stunning female. Beautiful head with wide open face, firm underjaw, large eyes, wide nostrils, correct shaped body with well sprung rib, correct tail set, the correct amount of coat with excellent texture. She could not be denied the Best Bitch & Res Best In Show

2nd Walford’s Delwoins Strickly Kosher 1st in Limit Dog

Special Open Fawn or Grey Brindle

1st Walford’s Sanofu Heaven Sent At Pekesview 2nd in Limit Bitch

Judge Miss B.S Evans