• Show Date: 02/03/2019
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Adrian Bicknell Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

Guildford & District Canine Society

Guildford and District CS 2.3.19 


AVNSC Utility 


1. Mr & Mrs Chambers Musigue Born Legacy (German Spitz Klein). A well made youngster with a square outline. Pleasing head with clear dark eyes and correct bite. Well set ears, correct neck and good shoulders. Balanced and moderate in angulation and well bodied. Moved very well. Best AVNSC Puppy and Puppy Group 1. 

2. Mrs S Grimshaw Sharpuggles Maggies (Shar pei). Compact bitch with typical expression clear dark eye excellent bite and pigment well placed ears lovely harsh coat in wonderful condition correct topline and tailset moved well. 

3. Mr & Mrs & Miss Healey & Wheaton Hebemor Ruby Tiger from Acinonyx. (Dalmatian). 


1. Mr & Mrs Chambers Musique Adira (German Spitz Klein). Pretty feminine head, correctly-shaped dark eyes, good ears and excellent pigment. Good size, medium build with good length of neck, square body, level topline and correct tailset. Moved well. 

2. Mr Radosz Redtone Capo Di Tutti FCI ( Akita). Still very much a youngster with maturing to do. Good head type. Perfect dentition, dark clear eyes and well-set ears.  Strong neck leading to correctly angulated front. Straight legs with tight feet. Correct topline and tuck up and moderate rear angulation. Thick dense coat, excellent tail set and moved well.  

3. Mr M Danila Evforce Candy Crush Saga (Bulldog).  

Post Grad 

1. Miss Wheaton Buffrey The Last Word at Acinonyx (Dalmatian). Correct head type and good ear set. Correct amber eye with good pigmentation. Well arched neck into defined withers, nice deep chest with well sprung ribs. Correct topline which was held on the move.  Res Best AVNSC 

2. L&M Hughs Xingbao Midnight Magic (Chow Chow). Good head type and pigment, well balanced, clean dark eyes, lovely broad flat skull good reach of neck, well bodied with a high tail set. Just needs more confidence.  


1. Mr & Mrs & Miss Bull & Warren Ch Zaralee Hussell and Bussell with Starferry (Imp EIRE) ShCm (Shar pei). Lovely outline, nothing exaggerated in any way. Lovely head and expression. Correct shaped eyes, ears correctly placed, dark solid pigment and correct bite. Strong straight front, soundly made, moved well. Best AVNSC Utility Group 2 

2. Mr & Mrs Chambers Musique Quilo (German Spitz Klein). Good head with moderate stop, dark eyes, nice shaped ears and excellent pigment. Good topline and tailset moved true. 

3. L&M Hughes Chowetha Rose Gold at Xingbao (Chow Chow). 



1. Mrs L Lampen Quest For Gold Du Monde D’Elias at Rosco. Very nice young male, excellent head type with correct ears, eyes and bite. Good strong neck well arched and correct length. Good shoulders and front, good depth of chest with good spring of rib. Strong topline which he held on the move. Correct rear angulation with good movement showing powerful drive. BOB 

2. Mr & Mrs Gee Saturnsrings Galaxy at Jaminic. Correct head type and proportions, good broad muzzle with a correct bite. Strong arched neck and correct front with a good depth of chest. Strong level topline. Good angulation, moved with drive and purpose. BP 

3. Mr & Mrs & Miss Todd & Smith. Islekeepers Octipussy. 

Post Grad 

1. Mrs L Lampen Roscos Centre Stage. Correct strong head displaying breadth, nice dark eyes with a broad muzzle and correct bite. Well arched strong neck leading into well p-laced shoulders. Correct spring of ribs and a correct firm topline. Correct rear angulation and moved with drive. 

2. Mrs I Ras Suenomia Chica. Nice feminine head with good clear dark eyes, good bite and strong muzzle. Nice neck and shoulders, good front and topline and rear angulation. Needs to mature, moved well. 


1. Mr & Mrs & Miss Todd & Smith Pleats Surprise Attack for Delarhia. Correct head type, good length of neck and good spring and depth of rib, strong level topline, well set and carried tail, good bone with tight feet. Well balanced and powerful dog. Res BOB 

Pyrenean Mountain Dog 

Special Yearling 

1. Mr & Mrs Tadd Kricarno Katchmeifyoukan. Correct head and eye, with correct pigment. Good front and rear angulations with good muscle tone. Moved well with good reach & drive. Res BOB 


1. Ms & Mr Dearman & Henson Shiresoak Nanook at Pyrekees. Good head type with correct gentle slope from skull to muzzle. Clear dark eye and correct bite with correct set ears. Correct reach of neck and lay of shoulder. Good topline which was held on move. Good depth of chest and spring of rib, well muscled rear which showed his balanced movement BOB. 

2. Mr & Mrs & Ms Tadd & Horwood Kricarino Krystal Kopykat. A good sized girl, with a correct pleasing head with a gentle slope. Correct bite and pigment, clear dark eye. Good front assembly and level topline. Moved well. 

Utility Group 

1. Mrs T Short Araki Turn Back Time at Parkmist ShCm.  A well-presented and very sound dog, correct dark eyes, good stop and correct bite, good reach of neck into well laid shoulders, nicely ribbed up, good rear angulation, correct tail set and in excellent coat. Moved with ease showing drive and reach which won him the group. 

2. Mr & Mrs & Miss Bull & Warren Ch Zaralee Hussell and Bussell with Starferry (Imp EIRE) ShCm (Shar pei). Lovely outline, nothing exaggerated in any way. Lovely head and expression. Correct shaped eyes, ears correctly placed, dark solid pigment and correct bite. Strong straight front, soundly made, moved well. 

3. Mrs J Whitehead Rhubisk Neala Pure Magic JW. A well presented feminine bitch in excellent coat and condition. Very pleasing head with a kind expressive eye. Good forechest with moderate bone and typical feet. Good topline, moved well. 

4. Mrs Yorke Minfaa Dancin Cheek To Cheek at Middletune. Typical head, lovely eye shape and colour. Good square, broad jaw creating a lovely expression. Well arched neck flowing into well laid shoulders. Very good forechest and ribcage. Good topline and well set tail showing a lovely outline. Well angulated rear. 

Utility Puppy Group. 

1. Mr & Mrs Chambers Musigue Born Legacy (German Spitz Klein). A well made youngster with a square outline. Pleasing head with clear dark eyes and correct bite. Well set ears, correct neck and good shoulders. Balanced and moderate in angulation and well bodied. Moved very well. 

2. Mrs & Mrs Yorke & Keree – Bartolo Middletune Flame of Gold. Broad, round head with a good width to muzzle. Large dark round eyes. Neck nicely arched. Good lay of shoulder and strong muscular short legs, correct body proportions with a good broad deep chest and a level topline. Short straight muscular hindquarters. Good reach in the front with good drive. 

3. Messrs Brooks & Cairns Corursus Under The Ivy. Good head nice clear eyes, and correct bite and ear carriage. Correct neck leading to well placed shoulders, typical front and chest but with no exaggerations. Good topline and spring of rib, correct rear angulation. 

4. Mrs White Lasang Dancing In The Sky. Correct shape and well made, good head with correct eye, nice front, good angulation front and rear. Correct body proportions with a correct topline and tail set, good turn of stifle. 


Judge Adrian Bicknell