• Show Date: 17/01/2019
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Tom Mather Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

Manchester Dog Show Society

Breed: Coton De Tulear

Manchester Championship Show 2019 Coton De Tulear BEST OF BREED : 3129 MURRAY Mrs J A Happypaws Carefree Sh.CM Best Dog : 3136 WATSON, Mrs M & DISNEY Miss E Petit Casson's Omega At Happypaws Res Best Dog : 3128 MURDOCH, Mr J K & HIRST Mrs M W Cotonalba Geary Sh.CM Best Bitch : 3129 MURRAY Mrs J A Happypaws Carefree Sh.CM Res Best Bitch : 3133 TRICKETT Mrs P Happypaws Going Places Best Puppy : 3126 MURDOCH, Mr J K & HIRST Mrs M W Cukoton White Magic Jinx For Cotonalba Class 801 PD/B (7 Entries) Abs: 4 1st: 3126 MURDOCH, Mr J K & HIRST Mrs M W Cukoton White Magic Jinx For Cotonalba. Very smart and typical in outline. Good skull, well pigmented eyes, very good forehand. Well ribbed with with slight rise to the loin and well set tail. Sound and free moving. Very good coat texture. Best Puppy. 2nd: 3132 SCOTT Mrs J & Mr S Cukoton Bewitched. Feminine and most attractive with great depth of pigmentation, good head proportions. Neat feet with black nails and pads. Moved out well with a flowing easy action. Not quite the coat texture as yet of the winner but very promising. 3rd: 3123 LAWSON Mrs C Rishlyns Outlander Class 802 JD/B (5 Entries) Abs: 2 1st: 3125 MORSY Mrs L Happypaws In The Loop. Good head properties with expressive eyes and excellent pigmentation. Moderate neck, typical body with well muscled loin. Moved out really well and his coat is full and supple and stands away from the body. 2nd: 3132 SCOTT Mrs J & Mr S Cukoton Bewitched 3rd: 3134 WATSON, Mrs M & DISNEY Miss E Happypaws In The Pink Class 803 PGD/B (9 Entries) Abs: 2 1st: 3133 TRICKETT Mrs P Happypaws Going Places. Reserve Best Bitch. Typey and very well balanced with good depth of pighmentation, most attractive head and expression with dark, well-spaced eyes. Excellent tailset and carriage. Sound and active on the move. 2nd: 3121 HANSON-NEW Mrs C & Mr C Melrakki Miki Rona. Shown in excellent coat and condition, good skull and eyes, very good depth of pigmentation. Well bodied and moves out well to best advantage. 3rd: 3131 PECKETT Mr I M & Mrs L D Cotonkiss Petite Power Class 804 OD/B (5 Entries) Abs: 2 1st: 3129 MURRAY Mrs J A Happypaws Carefree Sh.CM. Best Bitch and BOB. Feminine, typey and well made with good pigmentation, expressive eyes and slightly rounded skull. Very good forehand with well laid shoulders and tight, well padded feet. Typical body with good loin and well set and carried tail. Good coat texture and presented to best advantage. 2nd: 3136 WATSON, Mrs M & DISNEY Miss E Petit Casson's Omega At Happypaws. Best Dog. Masculine with real depth of pigment, good eyes, moderate neck and good body with moderate tuck up and slight rise over the loin. Moved well with a fluid, easy action. 3rd: 3128 MURDOCH, Mr J K & HIRST Mrs M W Cotonalba Geary Sh.CM. Reserve Best Dog. Judge: Tom Mather