• Show Date: 17/01/2019
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Stephen Bardwell Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

Manchester Dog Show Society

Breed: Pekingese
  Manchester Championship Show 2019
Judge: Mr Stephen Bardwell
BEST OF BREED : 3733 EASDON, Mr A & MARTIN Mr P Yakee The Aristocrat
Dog CC : 3733 EASDON, Mr A & MARTIN Mr P Yakee The Aristocrat
Res Dog CC : 3746 SHAW, Mr J & McNAMARA Miss C Pekehuis Super Natural For Lynbank Bitch CC : 3737 EASDON, Mr A & MARTIN Mr P Klerkshof Lulu At Yakee
Res Bitch CC : 3738 EASDON, Mr A & MARTIN Mr P Yakee Stood In Snow
Best Puppy : 3745 PARADISE Mrs J L Rickenny's George Ezra with Shardlow
Best Veteran : 3756 WILSON Mr G C & Mrs G Corges Golden Amy
Class 927 PD (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3745 PARADISE Mrs J L Rickenny's George Ezra with Shardlow Pleasing width with broad, firm under jaw and good size to round dark eyes giving pleasing expression. Good broad front with strong bone and fitting neatly to fairly well sprung rib cage. Good body shape and nicely defined hindquarters. Mature coat of coarse texture. Pleasing dignified style on the move. B.P.
2nd: 3750 THOMAS Mrs A Meritorous Billy Joe. Promising baby, attractive head with broad proportions round expressive eyes, nice underjaw and evident muzzle and good nose pad but not quite as well placed as 1st. . Promising body with heavy bone and well sprung rib cage. Nice waist and defined hindquarters. Moved with a typical style.
3rd: 3743 OADES Mrs B Brentoy Max Power Res: 3754 WATERS Miss J Jadape Potter
Class 928 JD (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3733 EASDON, Mr A & MARTIN Mr P Yakee The Aristocrat Excellent flat topskull and well set ears, shallow proportions with good width to muzzle, lovely expressive eye and neat finish to face. Solid bone and broad front with well-placed elbows, fair spring of rib, good waist, well set tail and coarse top coat. Moved with a very typical action with good width coming and going. C.C. B.O.B
2nd: 3747 SHAW, Mr J, YAU, Mr A & MEE Miss W J Pekehuis Sorcerer Very attractive youngster, scores well for size, excellent eye and pleasing head with good width to firm underjaw, but not quite as shallow as 1st at present. Well made body with good front and hindquarters, well set tail and moderate coat with good mane and feathers and good on the move.
3rd: 3758 WILSON Mrs G Mezrab Pillow Talk with Sherrldene:
Class 929 PGD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3744 OADES Mrs B Zhong Noble Khan By Brentoy Very nice dog with good width of face, flat topskull and open features with expressive round eye. Good substance and tidy front and hindquarters, good spring of rib and waist, and high set tail. Moved well coming and going with nice typical style.
2nd: 3739 HARBRON Miss S Bratilda Starman Sh.CM Mature dog with good width to shallow head and pleasing nose pad. Fair bone and rib cage with good coarse texture to coat. Not quite as strong in front as 1st and so not moving towards as well.:
Class 930 LD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3751 THOMAS Mrs A Meritorous Perfect Ilusion . Glamorous dog with good size to round eye fair width to topskull, large nose pad and good width to underjaw. Good spring of rib and substance, level topline, high set tail and coarse coat texture. Nice style on the move.:
Class 931 OD (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3746 SHAW, Mr J & McNAMARA Miss C Pekehuis Super Natural For Lynbank Lovely dog of pleasing size. Well proportioned head with expressive eyes and good nose pad good top skull and ear set and firm jaw with neat finish to face. Good width to front with compact body and good waist and hindquarters. Pleasing coat
and typical on the move. RES C.C
2nd: 3735 EASDON, Mr A & MARTIN Mr P Ch Klerkshof Desert Star At Yakee Masculine dog, with lovely width of shallow head, good size to eye and broad underjaw, but not as neat in finish to face as 1st.. Broad front with solid bone with nice waist and hindquarters and coarse textured coat. Moved well until the final go round when he decided demonstrate his independent spirit.
3rd: 3734 EASDON, Mr A & MARTIN Mr P Ch Yakee Now We're Talking Class 932 VD NO ENTRIES

and typical on the move. RES C.C
2nd: 3735 EASDON, Mr A & MARTIN Mr P Ch Klerkshof Desert Star At Yakee Masculine dog, with lovely width of shallow head, good size to eye and broad underjaw, but not as neat in finish to face as 1st.. Broad front with solid bone with nice waist and hindquarters and coarse textured coat. Moved well until the final go round when he decided demonstrate his independent spirit.
3rd: 3734 EASDON, Mr A & MARTIN Mr P Ch Yakee Now We're Talking Class 932 VD NO ENTRIES
Class 933 PB (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3742 MORLEY, Miss E L & HITCHCOCK Mr R Greyport Rosebud At Lizlanmor Lovely alert expression with lustrous dark, round eye and feminine proportions to flat head, well set ears and firm underjaw. Good width of front, ribcage still to drop a little, compact build with good topline and tail set and promising coat. Moved well both ways, with a nice roll.
2nd: 3740 HYDE Mr G Londer Lady Alice Promising bitch, with broad shallow head proportions, round dark eye and good nose pad. Good width to front, pleasing weight of bone and good topline and tail set, nice hindquarters and promising coat. Lacked confidence on the move.
3rd: 3741 MCNAMARA Miss C L Lynbank Rikki Orangi:
Class 934 JB (4 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 3736 EASDON, Mr A & MARTIN Mr P Yakee The Debutante Well proportioned shallow head with expressive eyes, good nose pad and broad firm underjaw. Good width to front with good weight of bone and neat well fitting elbows. Well sprung rib cage with good waist, high tail set and nicely defined hindquarters. Positive typical action on the move.
2nd: 3748 SHAW, Mr J & MEE Miss W J Pekehuis Morgana Quality bitch whilst a little less mature than 1st. good envelope shape to head, lustrous eyes and feminine expression. Well made body, but still to drop a little in rib, good topline and tailset and well defined hindquarters. Pleasing texture and volume of coat and moved with a positive typical gait.
3rd: 3755 WATERS Miss J Londer Lady Mary
Class 935 PGB (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3732 DEBENHAM Mr & Mrs M & C Jidoran Fly With Me To Yingu Mature bitch with a well proportioned head and lovely eye. Good weight of bone and pleasing size to rib cage nice waist and tail set. Could be tighter in front and so move better coming towards.
2nd: 3757 WILSON Mrs G Mezrab Miracle Sunrise of Sherrldene Pleasing bitch with feminine expression, broad topskull and muzzle and expressive eyes, but I’d like a larger nose pad. Very good to go over with lovely solid build tidy front and nicely defined hindquarters. Good coat and moved with a positive typical gait.:
Class 936 LB (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3737 EASDON, Mr A & MARTIN Mr P Klerkshof Lulu At Yakee Quality bitch with flat top skull well set ears, shallow head, firm underjaw and good size to eye and nose pad. Broad front with well fitting forequarters nice rib and waist, well defined hindquarters and coarse coat. Moved well coming and going with a very typical action. C.C
2nd: 3753 THOMAS Mrs A Meritorous I Love My Life Top quality bitch with a shallow head firm underjaw and nice eye giving feminine expression whilst not quite as open in features as 1st.. Good width to front, well fitting forequarters, pleasing weight of bone and nicely defined hindquarters. Moved strongly with a pleasing roll.:
Class 937 OB (4 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 3738 EASDON, Mr A & MARTIN Mr P Yakee Stood In Snow Top quality bitch with lovely shallow head, flat topskull and bright expressive well spaced eyes and good nose pad giving delightful expression. Fair width to front, tidy forequarters and high set tail. Positive and typical on the move and good coarse coat whilst not at its best. RES C.C.
2nd: 3749 SHAW, Mr J & MEE Miss W J Ch Pekehuis It's Simply Magic Quality bitch with good topskull, well set ears good underjaw and finish to face and round dark eyes, but not quite matching the expression of 1st for me. Well made fore and hind quarters good weight of bone. Scored well for quality coat and fringes and on the move
3rd: 3729 BLAKEWAY Ms H Goldpeke Tapestry of Life at Bellablake Res:
Class 938 VB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3756 WILSON Mr G C & Mrs G Corges Golden Amy 10 years old with pleasing shallow head and good eyes. Nice firm forequarters, good topline, high set tail and nicely defined hindquarters. Very dignified on the move. B.V.: