• Show Date: 03/01/2019
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Rob McLeod Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

Boston & District Canine Society

Breed: Shar Pei

Shar Pei

JD (1,1)

PGD (1,0)

1 & RBD Grimshaw’s Sharpuggles Spanish Rider. Presented a square outline. Head of good size, fairly broad and nicely padded muzzle. Dark eyes. Ears small and well placed. Nice bone and tidy feet. Strong neck, adequate depth of chest, correct topline, good tail set. Nicely muscled quarters. Moved quite soundly and presented a nice outline.

OD (2,1)

1 & BD Bayliss’ Tianshan Miracle Maestro. Liked his shape and size. Well balanced masculine head. Nicely padded muzzle. Neat ears and well shaped almond eyes. Good bone and nice feet. Good depth of chest. Topline when moving in profile was good but at times when standing lost the desired dip behind the withers and rise to loin. High set tail. Moderately angulated and well muscled quarters. Smart brisk free movement. Presented in nice condition.

PB (4,0)

Pleasing class of youngsters

1 & BP Sutherland’s Witchgait Just One Slice. Square outline. This red girl has a well proportioned head, excellent small ears, darkest of eyes, good bite. Nicely boned and with tight feet. Moderate, strong neck going into a nicely ribbed body for age and correct topline. Good tail set. Moderately angulated rear. Moved well with light easy action and good head carriage providing pleasing profile.

2 Fewkes’ Jatinker Make A Memory. Liked her feminine outlook. Pleasing head, dark eyes, neat ears and nice width of jaw. Nice bone and feet ok. Nice length of neck, a fair rib and good top line. Nicely angulated rear. Pleasing light smooth gait, not quite the rear action of 1.

3 Grimshaw’s Sharpuggles Maggie

JB (4,1)

3 offering differing virtues

1 & RBB Morris’ Ashowai Ready To Boogie. At 14 months is maturing well. Well balanced head. Excellent small ears, dark almond eyes, nice width of muzzle. Good bone and tight feet. Good depth and breadth of chest for age and desired topline. Highset tail, good coat texture. Well muscled moderately angulated quarters. Free, true, smooth action.

2 Grimshaw’s Hafferlaffen Moonlight Shadow At Sharpuggles. Pleasing head proportions, eyes could be a tad smaller, nicely padded muzzle. Good bone and tidy feet. Strong neck going into a nicely ribbed body with desired depth. Good topline, high set tail. Nicely muscled quarters. Sound movement although a tad close behind.

3 Ramos’ Peipals Great Expectations

PGB (2,0)

1 Grimshaw’s Sharpuggles Spanish Lady. Good make and shape. Prefer a slightly smaller head for balance. Excellent ears, dark eyes and good pigment. Well boned and tight feet. Good neck, nicely ribbed body with correct topline. Well muscled and angulated quarters. Free positive action although a tad close behind.

2 Fewkes’ Coatakinti Stolen Kisses At Jatinker. Overall balanced spoilt by lack of neck, she also had more wrinkle than my ideal especially on her rear legs. Good ears and dark almond eyes but would prefer a little more width to muzzle. Nice bone. Nails need attention. Nice rib, tail set a tad low and would prefer a little more rear angulation. Moved quite freely and nicely handled.

OB (2,0)

2 nice examples offering differing virtues

1 & BOB Sutherland’s Ch Witchgait Secret Keepsake. Judged her as a puppy and liked her then, 2 years or so on and she has matured into a well balanced example of the breed. Lovely feminine head with super neat ears and dark eyes. Adequate width of muzzle, nicely padded. Best of fronts and tight feet. Medium neck. She carries herself so well and has a degree of elegance in profile. Nice depth of chest and correct topline, high set tail. Nicely muscled quarters. Precise accurate free movement. Delighted to see her later go G3. 

2 Bull & Warren’s Ch Zaralee Hussell And Bussell With Starferry (Imp Ire). Slightly heavier girl although well balanced. Lovely dark almond eyes and excellent ears. Head of good proportions. Good bone and tight feet. Strong neck, good rib, desired topline and high set tail. Well muscled quarters. Smart free movement but lost a little in profile.

SBB (2,0)

1 Jatinker Make A Memory

2 Coatakinti Stolen Kisses At Jatinker

Rob McLeod (Dunline)(Judge)