• Show Date: 24/05/2019
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Pam Marston-Pollock Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

Bath Canine Society

Breed: Ibizan Hound

Bath – Ibizan Hounds 


1.Brown’s Abracadabra Rjabina de Bergerac, Upstanding,elegant lines,has all the basics of construction but a very raw 7 months and needs that time.Long,well balanced head with good strength of muzzle.Well shaped eye,ears could be larger.As I sad very raw and his front movement,needs to come to and feet to tighten.I would like a shade more length of shoulder blades,well ribbed back.Well developed hindquarters.Good Tail set.Promising Res CC. 


1.Brown’s Vladimir Rjabina de Bergerac,Very different in type to the puppy,smaller size type and heavier set,but still has a certain elegance about him.One of his attributes is the quality of his bone.Compact build and with that,much more collected both standing and moving.Balanced head but would like less definition between backskull and foreface for my taste.Large,stiff ears ,nicely set and strong underjaw.Good depth of ribbing and spring,a little long in loin which lacked rise both moving and stacked.Strong,sound hindquarters.Could easily do his job.CC. 


Taylor’s Abbotsoak Carousel,this bitch stood away from the entry.Feminine,classic outline and stron type.Loved her balanced head with keen expression,well placed ears of good size and texture.Clean lines from ears down crested neck into shoulders.Clean shoulders with good placement.Only a youngster and still has room to mature in body without thickening out and loosing her characteristic shape.Her handler needs to channel her verve into settling her on the move.She is sound but is still waiting to be taught how to be a special lady.CC & BOB. 


1.Brian’s Abbotsoak Sky of Flames at Debbiejay,well bodied bitch of good size.Feminin e without being too heavy and has a balanced head with strong underjaw.Well muscled neck,would like more angulation to both shoulder and upper arm.Well bodied with rise over the loin.Dropped away in croup a little too sharply,moved well both ways. 


1.Egan & Catchpole’s Ch.Snowlief Red Sector A,Feminine,balanced head with well placed,large ears.Long reach of neck set into well placed shoulders.Plenty of forechest.strong body and topline with slight rise over the loin.Steeper in croup and would like lower set hock to set hindquarters.Moved well. 


1.Egan & Catchpole’s Ch.Snowlief Prime Mover,Very worthy bitch that still has the edge on many for her type,shape and movement.Balanced head,like her expression,would like a shade more work in her foreface,but has good depth of chin.Large,stiff ears,good reach of neck and stable front with substance under the hand.Mature body showing long ribbing.Moved soundly with good exyension.Res.CC. 

Pam Marston-Pollock