• Show Date: 07/03/2019
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Michael Parkinson Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023


Breed: Spaniel (Cocker)

Crufts 2019 Cocker Spaniel Bitches

Crufts is “The Greatest Dog Show in the World”, I feel truly honoured to have Judged my breed and I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. Some classes had real depth of quality which inevitably meant that some quality bitches were sometimes not rewarded with a prize card. One of my concerns for the breed at the moment is tail carriage, the standard states “Set on slightly lower than line of back. Must be merry in action and carried level, never cocked up”. At times I had to overlook this fault due to other overwhelming good points, and even though it is not a health issue, it is an undesirable fault in my eyes and in our very competitive breed it did affect some of my placings. 

Veteran Bitch (19)

1st Ellison’s SH CH CANIGOU STORYTIME AT WITHIFLOR JW 9 year old red that has always been a favourite of mine and is still looking great. One of the best that this breeding has managed to produce. Combines excellent substance along with femininity. Strong legs and great feet. Good width of forechest with big ribbed body and substantial hindquarters. Sound lively mover. All credit to this exhibitor for keeping her in such fine order. Best Veteran in Breed.

2nd Whitham’s ARRIFANA ATHENA 7 year old black that presents a very well balanced clean outline. Good length of neck flowing beautifully through well placed shoulders. Very neat legs with thickly padded neat feet. In glorious, full, very well presented coat. Moved soundly with drive keeping a good topline. 

3rd Hutchings’ BEECHTOPS DOUBLE TAKE JW 8 year old black with a very sweet feminine head. Lovely eye and expression. Big ribbed body leading to well rounded hindquarters. Merry and sound. Shown in very good coat and condition. 

Minor Puppy Bitch (4)

1st Grice’s BY DESIRE FOR KYNA 8 month old striking blue roan with a wonderful temperament, full of life, putting her owners handling skills to the test. Very pretty head and expression. Lovely make and shape with a big ribbed body for her age and showing a well balanced outline. Good angulation to hindquarters that allows her to really power around the ring. Very exuberant tail action. First class presentation. 

2nd Craig’s ALISMA AMIABLE This Kennel has always managed to produce such a very consistent type of blue roan, short and square in outline with lovely heads and free from exaggerations, this 8 month old is no exception. Sound merry mover with good body properties. Presented and handled in this breeders own incomparable style.

3rd Pretty’s LENRONES'S LETS TWIST AGAIN Chocolate roan with pleasing head and expression. Neck flowing smoothly through well placed shoulders. Good width of forechest. Well ribbed body. In good coat and condition. 

Puppy Bitch (12)

1st Todd & Rahman’s ZHERIDONS CHINESE WHISPERS Absolutely adorable blue roan of just 9 months. Prettiest of heads with lovely kind eye and sweet expression. So well balanced with good length of neck which flows well into a square compact body. Neat front. Great potential and she clearly enjoys every minute of showing. Sound, merry, enthusiastic movement. Presentation and handling was first class. Strongly considered for Best Puppy Bitch but was beaten by her more mature black kennel mate.

2nd Williams’ AMAROANNE ATHENA AT WILMERELLA Good type of blue roan carrying ample body. Feminine head and expression. Neat legs and feet. Short and square outline. Lovely big bum. Very well presented.  

3rd Ray & Challands’ ZHERIDONS CHARLIES ANGEL AT ANNILANN litter sister to the winner and similar remarks apply but at present not as forward. Moved soundly and happily when settled. In splendid coat and condition. 

Junior Bitch (21)

1st Whiting’s ANNILANN MISS ZING 16 month old blue roan of great quality and type. Excellent forehand construction. Lovely legs and feet. Strong in body leading to well conditioned hindquarters. Super sound movement coming, going and in profile, showing a good topline and tail carriage. Strongly considered for the RCC.

2nd Costa & Cayuela’s CHOCOBLUE WAIT A MINUTE PLEASE [ATC AV03151ESP] Very Cockery 12 month old blue roan. Sweet feminine head with good dark eye and lovely expression. Excels in forechest, upperarm and her big ribbed compact body. Well rounded firm backend. Sound merry mover. Excellent handling and presentation. 

3rd Whitham’s ARRIFANA CASSINI 15 month old black & tan. Rich tan markings with lovely eye and pigmentation. Good reach of neck and well placed shoulders. Very neat legs and feet. Presents a well proportioned, well presented picture of good balance. Shown in gleaming coat and condition. Sound. 

Yearling Bitch (23)

1st West’s SHEIGRA STARS IN HER EYES JW 19 month old black of good type. Very appealing head and expression. Good strong neck. Well made throughout. Short deep body. Sound merry mover when settled but with a mind of her own she does give her handler a hard time. In good quality coat which is presented, like all this breeder’s exhibits, in the natural, time honoured way. 

2nd Raquin’s NINA RICCI DE LA TERRE D'OPALE [ATC AW00042FRA] 17 month old red with terrific bone and substance. Flows so well from her sweet feminine head down good length of strong neck through to her firm level topline. Good proportions. Ample width through forechest. Well rounded rump. Beautifully prepared jacket but currently lacks furnishings.

3rd Dennis’ OAKROSA RHIANN Very well presented 22 month old black. Scored heavily for her super reach of neck which flowed smoothly into fine shoulders. Well ribbed body. Good width across the backend. Sound. 

Undergraduate Bitch (28)

1st Todd & Rahman’s GRANDTULLY GABRIELLE Gorgeous headed black of 11 months with plenty of chiselling and the softest, darkest expressive eyes. Mature, sturdy body for her age with ample forechest and ribbing. Faultless movement both coming and going. Shown in excellent gleaming coat and condition. Best Puppy Bitch.

2nd Morris’ RIONDEL CARIBBEAN BLU 16 month old blue roan with an outward appearance of strength but with a feminine well balanced head. Good neck and shoulders with lovely bone and substance. Short and compact in outline. Moved soundly using her strong hindquarters to full advantage. Well presented and handled.

3rd Hutson’s STOBYTILL HIPPY HIPPY SHAKE JW 22 month old blue roan that presents a well balanced Cockery outline. She has well rounded body properties with good width throughout and a delightful sweet head and eye. Sound happy mover in very good coat and condition. 

Graduate Bitch (18)

1st Glendinning’s PLAIGLEN JENGA Very pleasing 2 year old red that really comes together on the move, showing with great drive from her powerful hindquarters whilst maintaining a strong topline and with an active tail action. Good strong neck that flows through well placed shoulders. At present she is not in full coat but the presentation of existing coat is excellent. Sound as a pound.

2nd West’s SHEIGRA SIMPLY A STAR JW Black litter sister of the winner of Yearling, and of the similar good type that is consistently bred from this kennel. Short and compact outline. Sweet head with good chiselling and lovely dark eyes. Super legs and feet. Sound merry mover. 

3rd Young’s CANYONN COULD IT BE MAGIC Substantial black of 13 months. Balanced outline with lovely reach of neck. Excellent legs with thickly padded neat feet. Well rounded body leading to a sturdy backend. Presented and handled to the highest degree, as we have come to expect from this highly successful kennel.

Post Graduate Bitch (21)

The strongest depth of quality Post Graduate class that I’ve ever judged.

1st Whitehead’s RYALLCOURT TANGLE JW Loved everything about this beautiful 20 month old black, white & tan, totally free of any exaggeration and with a fabulous temperament, she screams “Cocker Spaniel” from any angle. Short and compact body, prettiest of heads, soft gentle expression with a hint of mischievousness in her eyes. Flows from the tip of her nose to the end of her tail, each part of her fitting seamlessly into the next combining substance with femininity. On the move she is totally sound maintaining a perfect topline, a correct merry tail action and with wonderful head carriage. It gave me great pleasure to award her many outstanding virtues with a well deserved 1st CC. Interestingly I see from the Crufts catalogue that she is sired by Sh Ch Manchela Tiger Tim, who won BPIS under me in 2015 and her Dam is Ryallcourt Pearl Button who won Post Graduate under me at LKA in 2016. Unlucky to meet the Dog CC winner today for BOB, he was looking absolutely stunning and even better than he did when I gave him the CC & BIS at The Cocker Spaniel Club Show back in 2015, therefore I was in complete agreement with my co-judge for “Vinnie” to go forward into the Gundog Group where once again he put on a faultless performance. 

2nd Hillier’s COEDCERNYW CALENDAR GIRL JW 20 month old red that I strongly considered for the RCC. So correct in so many ways. Loved her proportions, her strong deep body and her solid well rounded backend. Good bone with excellent feet. Sound merry mover with great tail action. Her top quality coat, condition and handling was outstanding. 

3rd Lhote’s MISS MOLLY DE LA TERRE D'OPALE [ATC AW00845FRA] Another very good type. This 2 year old black has a gorgeous head and expression with a lovely dark eye. Good in forechest. Well boned. Balanced Cockery outline maintained at all times. Her correct construction was evident in her sound merry movement. Beautifully presented and handled. 

Mid Limit Bitch (19)

1st Masters & Dott’s GILCAR CRYSTAL BLUE WITH MANCHELA JW 3 year old blue roan of very good type. Strong well ribbed body with good width and depth of forechest. Neck flows smoothly through well placed shoulders into firm level topline. Very sound both coming and going whilst maintaining a great outline. 

2nd Jones & Simmonds’ SHENMORE SHE'S THE ONE 2 1/2 year old blue roan. Short, square and compact in outline. Sweet feminine head with appealing eye and expression. Neatly made front leading to well sprung ribs. Tidy legs and feet. Sound merry mover. I just preferred the topline of the winner.

3rd Madigan’s MISPERROS SILVER LINING AT CARMELFAIR Good honest type. Lots to like about this sturdy well made 4 year old blue roan. Good neck and shoulders. Well filled forechest with ample ribbing. Sound. I just preferred the overall more balanced outlines of the 1st and 2nd placed.

Limit Bitch (16)

1st Amos-Jones’ CASSOM MARGOT FONTEYN Another quality blue roan exhibit from this highly successful clever breeder. Classic head and eye. Reachy neck blending well into good shoulders with a good return of upperarm. Well ribbed deep body leading to powerful hindquarters that provide super sound driving hind movement. Excellent bone and very neat feet. Superb presentation. 

2nd Craig’s NICIBEC MISCHIEVOUS JW 3 year old blue roan possessing many of the essentials of good breed type. Compact frame. Feminine head of good proportions. Well rounded strong hindquarters producing sound true movement with a good tail action. 

3rd Bavin & Austin’s ROJOYS CHASE THE DREAM JW SHCM Presentation and handling of this 4 year old blue roan was outstanding. Big ribbed body. Short, square and balanced in outline. Splendid legs and feet. Sound and outgoing. 

Open Bitch (20)

Great class to judge. Some could have benefited with just a tad more body and some with a huge amount less!

1st Duncan’s SH CH BARTONHOLM BELLISSIMA Quality, quality, quality. 3 1/2 year old blue roan that is a classic combination of strength along with femininity. Gorgeous well balanced head with lovely eye and expression. Presents a superb outline when stacked, her super length of neck flowing beautifully through her well placed shoulders. Excellent forechest and upperarm. Well ribbed strong body. Good angulation to firm hindquarters. First class presentation. She was very wilful on the move and gave her handler a hard time but when settled she moved soundly with an excellent tail action to earn herself the RCC.

2nd Wildman & Spenser’s ES/PT/IB CH SERENADE DE ANDABA XEY JCH I first judged this black beauty in Spain at the tender age of just 12 months and I adored her, giving her the CC & BOB and was delighted to see her go on to win BIS that day. Since then she has continued her winning ways across Europe and I believe she made history when she became the first Spanish bred Cocker to win her title in the UK, congratulations. Now approaching 4 years old she still retains a lovely head with soft appealing expression. Excellent neck and well placed shoulders. Her superb outline is square and balanced. Presentation and handling is totally outstanding and credit for this must go to a “Master of presentation” Mike Wildman. Sound, merry mover, I just preferred the tail carriage of the winner.

3rd Masters & Dott’s SH CH MANCHELA WHERE THE HEART IS JW A worthy orange Champion carrying just about the right amount of body. Feminine well balanced head. Good bone with neat feet. Really scores with her sound free movement whilst maintaining a good topline. Excellent handling and presentation as always from this exhibitor.

Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch (15)




Judge: Michael Parkinson