• Show Date: 03/01/2019
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Melanie Dunn Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

Boston & District Canine Society

Breed: Basset Fauve De Bretagne

I would like to thank the committee of Boston Championship Show for offering me the privilege to judge the two breeds that are close to my heart and to the stewards who supported me. I had lovely entries for both breeds and some hard decisions to make.

There is so much to love about this lively and friendly breed. Whilst they are not always obedient we have to remember they are a scent hound driven by their noses! I was looking for dogs that are well constructed, balanced and able to move with purpose and drive.

Puppy Dog (3:0) This was a class of three dogs all at different stages of development. Much to like about all three so am sure they will change places on other occasions.

1st & BPIB - Ellrich - MALRICH GINGERBREAD MAN - At just 6 months old this boy was not phased by the big ring. In harsh jacket. He has a classic head that is well balanced. Short neck leading to a nice front assembly, straight front legs, strong pasterns and super tight feet. Good length of ribbing leading to good rear quarters. Moved out well to win him the class and BPIB. Pleased to see he went Group 2.

2nd Jones & Gregg - WRATTHEMBRAY MR TOD - 9 month old who is a bigger boy than 1 and stands over a lot of ground but still much to like. Jacket harsh and rugged. A masculine head of correct proprotions with super ears. Chest wide and deep. Level topline. tail well set and nicely angulated rear. Shown to his best advantage.


Junior Dog (1:0)

1st Revens & Hyde - NAPO DO CAL DA PADERNA AT BEABASS (imp) - A 14 month old red wheaten dog presented in a harsh, short coat. Balanced head with nice dark round eye, good pigmentation and ears well set. Moved okay.

Post Graduate Dog (2:0)

1st & RBD Richmond & McDonald-Ulliot - HIBECK PADDINGTON BEAR - At 19 months old this boy has matured nicely. He is of a good size and standing presents a balanced picture. Masculine head without coarseness, dark eyes, nice big black nose and ears with correct fold. Well angulated fore and aft with good spring of rib. Level topline, correct tail set that he held when moving briskly round the ring.

2nd McEwan - HIBECK BARNY BEAR AT MARUNNEL - Litter brother to 1 but not as well developed and a little shorter in leg making him look longer in body. Unfortunately he was not co-operative with handler today.

Open Dog (5:0) 1st BD & BOB - Mackay - Ch. SHIROBLAM RUMBA - Just love this red wheaten boy, as for me he meets all the standard and is handled to advantage. Handsome with such a twinkle in his dark eyes, strong jaw and big nose. His coat is harsh and dense. Chest deep and wide giving plenty of heart room with prominent pro-sternum. Super straight front legs leading to tight feet. Level topline with well set tail. Good angulation fore and aft with plenty of muscle tone which he used to advantage on the move.

  2nd - Allenby - RANGALI TIGGER - Another fully mature dog with much to like. He presents as well balanced with a nice head that is well proportioned. Harsh jacket, level topline and strong, well set tail. Well constructed quarters but just did not have the muscle tone of 1.

3rd - Jones & Gregg - MULTI CH. HIBECK PAIN AU CHOCOLAT AVEC WRATTHEMBRAY Special Beginners Dog (1:0) 1st & BSB - Sercombe - RANGALI TIMON - 2 year old wheaten dog who has a nice masculine head although I would prefer a darker nose. He is well made throughout and presented with good muscletone to quarters which is a credit to his owner. Moved out with purpose.

Puppy Bitch (2:0)

1st - Garrod - FAUVEAHOY SEA SHANTY - Only just 6 months old so very much a raw baby and does not have full furnishings at present so looks a little light in bone. She has an attractive head with a nice dark eye and nose. Is nicely constructed and moves out positively for one so young. Well handled.

2nd - Allenby - RANGALI WISPA - At nearly a year old this very pretty girl is much more mature than 1. Standing she presents a picture of balance with a level topline and sickle tailset. Super front with straight legs and tight, compact feet. Lovely harsh coat. I thought she would be my winner but sadly today she was bothered by the flooring and unwilling to move. I am sure she will have a bright future.

Junior Bitch (1:0)

1st - Revens & Hyde - NAYA DO CAL DA PADERNA AT BEABASS (IMP) - A red wheaten 14 month old girl who has a lovely dark eye and big black nose, just wish she would put her ears forward. She is nicely constructed with nice shoulder placement, well angulated rear and in hard condition. Just out of coat today. Moved well.

Open Bitch (5:4)

1st & BB - Russell - SHIROBLAM BAYAN COCKTAIL - This young bitch is showy. She has a very pretty head and strong muzzle, good shoulder placement and width to chest leading to straight front legs and tight feet. Ribbing carried well back giving a shapely underline, strong well angulated rear. Active movement holding topline and good tail carriage. Well handled.

Special Beginners Bitch (2:0)

1st & RBB - Sercombe - RANGALI QUIRKY WIDGET - A 4 year old wheaten bitch is a nice size and presents a compact outline. Balanced, nice looking girl with furled ears that frame her face, most appealing. Harsh coat, well muscled, lively mover. Also a credit to her owner.

2nd - Garrod - FAUVEAHOY SEA SHANTY - Missed out on maturity today.

Melanie Dunn (Khananga) Judge