- Show Date: 07/03/2019
- Show Type: Championship Show
- Judged by: LINDA SKERRITT Contact Judge
- Published Date: 27/07/2023
VD (4) A strong class of older dogs, all a credit to their owners.
1 Ramvad’s DKCH/INTCH/PLCH/VDHDCH/FINCH Petit Heroes Canned Heat [ATC AP00658DNK] Once settled into his stride, this 7yr old came into his own. A compact and well-balanced masculine dog with superb, harsh coat. Pigmentation complementing o/w colouring. Good stop and prominent occiput, oval eye, nice turn of correct length ear, square muzzle. Good underjaw. Prominent sternum and good reach of neck leading into level topline. Well ribbed and solid loin. Correct length and tapering tail, furnished well. Moved true, confidently and with animation. BV 2 Brown’s Ch Soletrader Louis Vuitton Smart 9yr old with balanced outline. Good head properties, strong underjaw, strong neck leading into well laid shoulders. Good forechest, well ribbed firm body with pleasing harsh coat. Short tail and balanced rear. Moved easily and soundly in all directions. 3 Osbourne’s Ch Nykarth’s Kicking Off with Braego ShCM Now 9yrs old, still in superb condition. Quality, beautifully proportioned head with dark eyes and well set ears. Balanced all through, with good sternum, reach of neck and shoulder placement. Well muscled quarters and topline held on the move. A sound, positive mover with pleasing side gait.
PD (2)
1 Huikeshoven & Marshall’s Banana Crunch van Tum-Tum's Vriendjes [ATC AV03254NLD] A well-made, balanced 11mth old with excellent harsh jacket. Masculine well-proportioned head with oval, dark eye and good underjaw. Nice inward curl to ear. Straight front, prominent sternum and tight elbows. Firm topline. A sound, positive mover with good tail carriage. 2 Freer’s Switherland Aldia Casanova Once settled this 11mth old was a pleasure to go over with good head properties, correct earset and oval, dark eye. Harsh coat. Good straight front. Well boned with tight feet. Well sprung ribs. Level topline, short thick tail. With maturity will hopefully come up slightly on leg. Strong quarters put to good use on the move.
JD (4)
1 Lewis’ Tangaer Erique A gentle expression on this young dog of somewhat smaller mould. Head of correct proportions, good dentition, turn of ear, stop and occiput. Good sternum, tight elbows and shoulder placement, strong neck leading into level topline. Pleasing harsh coat, well-muscled rear with good bend of stifle, moved soundly. 2 Dalgarno’s Vencharno Mojito Smartly presented, well balanced young dog with attractive outline. Skull not too wide, good earset though would prefer more turn. Harsh coat. Still developing and, on the day, a little wide in front. Strong topline held well on the move. 3 Bartley’s Erylan Zeus Roi des Dieux Neatly presented, well-bodied dog who doesn’t want to carry any more weight. A little flat in skull but kind, dark eye and correct earset. Tight elbows, good length of ribcage. Strong quarters with sufficient bend of stifle. Kept topline on the move and good tail carriage.
PGD (4)
1 Winter Arildsen’s Fodnote Be My Guest [ATC AV03275DNK] A well-balanced, sturdy dog with strong front, correct shoulder placement and tight elbows. Pleasing head with dark, oval eye, correct earset and strong underjaw. Strong, clean neck leading into level topline. Ribs extending well back. Tight feet. Good set-on of tail. Muscled quarters put to good use on the move. 2 McEwan’s Marunnel Orinoco Masculine dog with well-shaped head and typical expression. Dark eye, good stop. Would prefer slightly more turn of ear. Good shoulders, well ribbed. Low set hocks. Level topline leading into good tail set. A slightly shorter tail would have given the complete balanced picture. Moved confidently and with attitude. 3 Moore’s Afterglow Dough Ble Impact Pleasing head with gentle expression, excellent pigmentation with large, black nose, open nostrils and correct ears. Preferred front of 1 and 2. Level topline but a shade longer in body than my ideal and would prefer slightly more spring of rib. Good set on of tail and moved true.
LD (5) 1 Puckett’s Soletrader Bobs Your Uncle A sound, well balanced dog who scored on breed type.. Quality, masculine head with good earset and turn of ear, would have preferred a slightly darker eye, nevertheless complemented coat colour. Tight all through with excellent well laid shoulders. Sufficient sternum, well bodied, ribs extending back. Good angulation. Tail well carried. Efficient movement with typical gait of good reach and drive. 2 Eaton’s Linphil Kili Smart, well balanced dog. Good shaped eye though could be a shade darker and leathers a tad shorter and with better curl. Good firm topline. Tight, neat feet. Moved steadily and effortlessly with good tail carriage. 3 Bartley’s Erylan Loki Maitre du Mal Sound dog of heavier mould. Pleasing to go over, extremely tight all over, with moderately rounded ribcage. Nicely shaped head with correct length ears, if a little flat. Would have preferred slightly more reach of neck and more layback of shoulder. Good angulation and correct length tail, carried well on move, though would have preferred a little more drive from the rear.
OD (10,1) A class of high quality dogs, where several had to go unplaced.
1 Robertson & Doherty’s Ch Soletrader Magic Mike Not yet 4yrs old, he is the epitome of the breed standard, presenting a striking picture in the ring. It was a pleasure to go over him. Pleasing masculine head, dark oval eye, good earset and fold of leather, long neck leading into strong, firm topline. Tight elbows and good shoulder placement. Well ribbed and sound all over. Being well constructed and cleanly made with correct proportions and angulation, coupled with good muscle tone and powerful, flowing movement, he conveys the very essence of a PBGV. A well-deserved DCC, BOB, Hound Group 1 and delighted to see him going on to RBIS. 2 Huikeshoven’s & Sittibavornsakul’s Cookie Crunch van Tum-Tum’s Vriendjes [ATC AT00222NLD] Many of the remarks attributed to 1 apply. Beautiful outline on this balanced dog. Well folded ears. Good shoulders and sound front construction. Good reach of neck. Firm topline. Pleasing coat quality. Just the right amount of angulation. Well set and carried tail. Correct hindquarters which he used well on the move. RDCC 3 Huikeshoven’s Jour Après Jour Saint Honoré YOUTH CH, YWW'18 [ATC AW00565NLD] Possessing similar qualities, such a well-balanced dog with lovely masculine head. Sufficient stop and occiput. Darkest of eyes, fine leathers with good set. Long strong neck, good ribbing, level topline leading into well set tail well furnished with hair. Strong, correctly angulated quarters aided good drive.
Good Cit D (1)
1 Gilluley’s Haliston Didier ShCM Lovely gentle expression on this 6yr old. A well-balanced hound. Good shape skull with square muzzle. Good pigmentation with black nose and dark eye. Well turned leathers. Topline level on move and leading into well set and carried tail of correct length. With correct angulation, moved freely and true coming and going.
VB (5)
1 Blake’s Ch Trezeguet Independance Day Eight year old presented in excellent coat and condition. Balanced head proportions, just right with correct muzzle, dark eye, well-turned ears. Good front and strong neck flowing into firm, level topline with correct tail set. Tight all through and well muscled for age. Tight feet, well angulated quarters, sound and efficient mover from all angles. 2 Osbourne’s Ch Debucher Jezebel at Braego ShCM A well balanced 9yr old with good harsh jacket. Pleasing head qualities and pigmentation. Tight front, clean shoulders, firm topline. Muscled, well angulated quarters. Tail well set and carried correctly on the move. Moved with energy displaying good forward reach and drive from the rear. 3 Wyllie’s Ch Tangaer Rhapsody at Callydena ShCM Now nearly 11yrs old, this o/w has lost none of her charm. A sound, good sized bitch with pleasing outline. Correct head proportions and earset with pigmentation complementing coat colour. Compact body with good front assembly, sufficient forechest and ribs carried well back. Level topline leading into correctly set tail. Good pasterns. Well angled quarters put to advantage when moving happily, though a little close behind.
PB (2)
1 Huikeshoven’s Meringue Lemon van Tum-Tum’s Vriendjes JW'18 W'18 [ATC AV03255NLD] Nicely made, well presented bitch, just under 1yr old. Feminine, well-proportioned head with correctly shaped skull, neat ears with nice fold, slight winter nose. Prominent sternum, good shoulder placement, tight elbows and sound ribbing. Good tight feet. Level topline held well. Moved happily and true with correct tail carriage. BP 2 Scott’s Soletrader Langham Rose for Overbecks Promising 9mth old with balanced head of correct proportions. Correct length muzzle, dark eye, ears folding inwards. Ribs carried back but preferred topline of 1. Good bend to stifle, moved freely.
JB (6)
1 Ramvad’s After Me A Piece of Heaven [ATC AW00005FIN] An extrovert and lively 15mth old. Head of correct skull/foreface ratio, correct eyes and ears. Of slightly larger mould yet well within height range. Tight all through and with balanced body proportions. Reachy neck and good, strong level topline, nice set and shape to tail. Presented in excellent coat and condition. Good bend to stifle, moved freely and true. A lovely, sound bitch. 2 Foote & Mcaulay’s Erylan Hebe La Fille Jeune A strongly made bitch of heavier mould. Pleasing head and good reach of neck. Tight all through and well muscled for age. Well angled front and rear and moved soundly. 3 Cooper & Ellingford’s Afterglow Agnes Gru avec Jayanel Good overall balance with head of correct proportions and well set ear. Good harsh coat. Elbows could be tighter. Level topline, good bend of stifle, moved with easy gait, freely and soundly.
PGB (14,2)
1 Reid’s Fox's Nightmare Zeta Jones at Maudaxi (IMP RUS) Nicely made, balanced bitch that headed a class of varying type and quality. Correct length and shape muzzle, good stop and occiput, dark eye, ears could have been a tad shorter. Good forechest, feet well under. Tight elbows. Good jacket. Just the right amount of angulation. Carried topline and tail well on the move. 2 Wood & Vind Ramvad’s Beaujons Velvet Well presented, strong-bodied feminine bitch with pleasing head proportions, kind oval eye, good pigmentation, low set ears of correct length with inward fold. A strong neck but a slightly better reach would complement her. Harsh jacket. Good lay of shoulder, straight front, tight elbows, correct length to back. Ribs carried well back, good loin. Compact outline, moved well with true and easy action. 3 McEwan’s Marunnel Miss Adelaide Nice overall height:length proportions. Feminine head with good pigmentation. Correct topline. Well-developed body and correctly angulated in front and rear. Good bend of stifle with defined second thigh, tail well set on. Moved soundly and correctly.
LB (5,1)
1 Scott’s Overbecks Kathy Tiere Striking and feminine bitch with calm expression. Slightly longer cast but with nonetheless pleasing outline. Well developed with lovely head shape, dark eye, low set ear of correct length. Sufficient angulation of shoulder, with legs well set under. Moderately rounded ribbing with good topline and tail set. Handled sympathetically to get best out of her on the move displaying free, sound action. 2 Wood’s Beaujons Whisper Lovely feminine bitch with well-proportioned head, correct muzzle length, dark eye, ear well set. Good shoulders. Moderately rounded ribs, correct harsh coat. Neat, tight feet. Angulation spot on, moved true out and back and held her topline in profile with good tail carriage. A lovely bitch but just preferred reach of neck of 1. 3 Bishop’s Jamar Angeliou Lovely expression, well set and folded ear of correct length. Good furnishings and underjaw. Amount of bone commensurate with size. A well-balanced bitch with tight front, ribs moderately rounded and extending well back. Tight, neat feet. Moved true with correct tail carriage and good front movement but hind movement not as tidy and would have liked a little more animation. Overall, a very pleasing “petite” bitch.
OB (12,3) A close decision between 1 and 2 who stood out from the others on the day.
1 Huikeshoven’s Bonbon de Noel van Tum-Tum’s Vriendjes WW'18 [ATC AU02191NLD] Bitch in superb condition, striking head. So well balanced with correct shoulder placement. Long strong neck, deep prominent forechest, well filled in front. Firm topline, well set tail and muscled correctly angled rear. Good hard coat. Tight feet. Moved soundly in every direction and covering the ground with drive and extension. BCC 2 Huikeshoven’s Dutch VDH Ch Hatta Mari van Tum-Tum’s Vriendjes DUTCH Y CH, EJK'16 W'16 [ATC AU00413NLD] An attractive bitch of similar qualities. Beautiful head and expression, precise in all aspects. Superb front assembly with well laid shoulders and tight elbows. Correctly proportioned body with topline leading into well furnished tail. Sound and efficient mover from all angles, in harmony with her handler RBCC 3 Lewis’ Ch Tangaer Chamlee Beautifully constructed bitch with pleasing head, oval eye, correct earset. Well up to size but within breed standard. Lovely neck and shoulders. Good forechest, tight feet. Well muscled hindquarters of correct angulation. Very good mover with strong drive behind.
Good Cit B (4,1)
1 Foote & Mcaulay’s Ir Ch Clonallan Just Beginning avec Erylan ShCM Strongly made nearly 6yr old bitch. Well-proportioned head with lovely expression, dark eye and well set and folded ear. Prominent sternum, strong neck. Tight all through with balanced angulation in front and behind. Level topline held on the move. Good front and rear extension and tail carried at correct angle. 2 Bishop’s Jamar Angeliou As LB 3. 3 Bamforth’s Debucher Viva at Helensfield Feminine head with pleasing proportions and properties. Sufficient stop, good earset but would benefit from some tidying to display good shape. Moderate, balanced angulation both ends. Short back, well set tail. Moved true but lacked animation.