• Show Date: 05/01/2019
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Jo Ryan Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

Boston & District Canine Society

Breed: Briard

BRIARD (no CCs) – Boston DCS General Championship Show 2019

8 dogs entered, 1 absent

I would like to thank the Boston DCS committee for inviting me to judge Briards (no CCs) at their 2019 Championship Show. I would also like to thank both of the experienced stewards for ensuring the smooth running of the ring, and of course, the exhibitors who presented some excellent quality dogs that were a pleasure for me to go over.

PD(1) 1st Elvin’s Elvinville Legend: 10 month fawn beginning to change coat colour, but with excellent pigmentation eyes, rims & lips. Good body proportions and excellent angles front and rear. Chest needs to develop, but this, along with the coat colour, should come with maturity. Good length of tail. Balanced on the move with good drive and parallelism and well held topline. BP

JD(1) 1st Foster’s Fostebrie Supremo Noir: Mature looking 17 month black boy with good bone, good depth and width of chest, and well grown coat already – presenting a lovely silhouette. Good scissor bite and super pigmentation. Excellent angles front and rear with good length of tail. Level topline and well balanced on the move with good tail carriage and just enough impulsion. RBD

PGD (1) 1st Kass’s Fostebrie Venchi Star at Kimarlaz: Super fawn boy, not quite 18 months. Well grown dog with good bone. Beginning to change coat colour, but already showing the required harsh dry texture. Kind dark eye, strong muzzle and lovely scissor bite. Moved with balance and drive. Good tail length. Greater depth and width of chest will come as he matures.

OD (1) 1st Fieldsend’s NL/IR CH You Bring Me Joy Moravia Campanella at Starwell (IMP CZE) BWNL 17: Nearly 3 year old rich fawn boy giving a pleasingly rustic appearance, typical of the breed. Kind expression, dark eye and good pigmentation all round. Strong square muzzle and good bite. Lovely proportions and substance. Coat colour and quality excellent, with a harsh dry texture and good break. Moved with drive and good parallelism, once settled. Tail of good length, and exhibited with an excellent crochet at all times. A pleasure to award BD & BoB

SBD (0)


JB(2) 1st Kellett & Burrow’s Fostebrie Exotique Noir of Kellbry JW ShCM: 17 month black girl. Pretty, feminine head, good muzzle and excellent scissor bite. Kind dark eye and excellent pigmentation lips, eye rims etc. Reach to neck flowing into well placed shoulders. Would like to see a wider chest with more depth to brisket, which should come with time. Coat of good length for age. Good proportions and excellent angles front and rear and good length of tail. Covered the ring with smooth economy on the move. RBB

2nd Fieldsend’s Qessi Heaven Devil at Starwell (IMP CZE): 14 month clear fawn girl. Head powerful and balanced with good ear set, and expressive face and eyes. Arched neck flowing into clean well laid shoulder. Good bone. Lovely depth and width of chest. Coat of excellent colour and texture – but needs to finish – not presenting the correct silhouette today. Nice angles front and rear. Topline sound on the move.

PGB (2,1) 1st Fieldsend’s Qessi Heaven Devil at Starwell (IMP CZE):

OB (1) 1st 1st Kellett & Burrow’s Fostebrie Romantique of Kellbry ShCM: Nearly 5 year old clear fawn bitch presenting beautiful silhouette. Good breed type. Strong but feminine head, with great dentition and excellent dark eye. Strong arched neck flowing into well placed shoulder with good return of upper arm. Lovely spring of rib, good forechest. Powerful hindquarters. The required coat texture - harsh and dry. Nice shading moustache, beard and ears. Strong topline. Moved smoothly & efficiently with good parallelism, and also with good reach and drive, once encouraged. Pleased to award BB

SBB (1,1)

Jo Ryan
