• Show Date: 17/01/2019
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Jeff Horswell Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

Manchester Dog Show Society

Breed: Australian Terrier

Manchester Australian Terrier

Probably a decent entry by current standards, it’s a shame they are not more popular as they are such characters. I thought type was varied on the day. Better presentation might enhance the chances of some. Puppy D (1) 1st: 4090 JONES Mrs M R Wyeafon Dia Bach Raw baby of just 6 mths with a super temperament. Well proportioned. He has a v good head with strong jaw. Lovely expression. Enough neck. Nice straight front. Could be longer in upper arm. Super ribcage. Level topline. Rear matches his front. Accurate out and back, could just have more stride. BP Junior D (3,1) 1st: 4096 NOTTINGHAM, Mr D & CAWDELL-OWEN Mrs J Valmar Von Den Grauen Anfurten Really smart d of v good proportions. Liked his head, ears could be neater. Long neck. Well laid shoulder. Well sprung ribs that go back to a short loin. Super topline. SuffIcient hind angulation. Could be v slightly tidier in front, super rear and looks so good in profile. Carries himself so well. CC & BOB 2nd: 4086 ANDERSON, Mrs D & FAST Mrs M Outbackred Rahna Jedediah Very lively fellow, who could help his handler more on the move. Well balanced, masc head. Could have more neck and be tighter in elbow. Well sprung ribs. Rear matches his front and is good out and back. Can arch topline slightly moving. Super coat, Post Grad D. Ne Limit D (3) 1st: 4088 FERRIS, Ms K L & RUSSELL Mr D A Wyeafon Percival Liked his outline and proportions. Masc head which is well balanced. V good eye and expression. Would prefer better ears. Enough neck. Could have a slightly better shoulder, and turns his feet out slightly. Well ribbed. Level topline. Moderate rear and could have a v slightly better tail carriage. Good side action. 2nd: 4087 ANDERSON, Mrs D & BATH Mrs N Rahnas Outbackred Darn Yankee A real personality and a nice size. His excellent coat earnt him 2. He has a good head. Needs a better front, elbows could be tighter. Level topline, well ribbed. Moderate rear. 3rd: 4103 TAYLOR Mr S & Mrs W Wilfnbell Barney's Blue Open D (3) 1st: 4095 MCCOURT, Mrs S & EARDLEY, Mr P & O'REILLY Mesdam Ch Silhill Barney Rubble Smart outline and shows so v well the whole time. He has a long neck. Best shoulder in class, but short in upper arm, which shows up coming towards. Well sprung ribs, level topline. Well set tail. Moderate hind angulation. Accurate going away. RCC 2nd: 4085 ANDERSON, Mrs D & ANDERSON Mr A E Am Ch Outbackred's Formidable Force He is an old fashioned typy d with a super coat. Could use his ears more. Would prefer more neck, and he is slightly heavy over the shoulder. Long enough in body. Level topline. Well bent stifle. Not quite the stride of 1. 3rd: 4099 SKELTON Mr M R & Mrs J A Spitewinter Ooh Ah Henry Veteran D. Ne Puppy B (2) 1st: 4091 JONES Mrs M R Wyeafon Chinese Whispers Promising pup, the more together of these today. She has a fem head, can grow into her ears. Long neck. Well laid shoulder. Well ribbed. Moderate rear. Looks good in profile, could be tidier out and back. 2nd: 4092 KNIGHTLY BROWN Mrs S Wyeafon Periwinkle Blue V raw pup, who is v good to go over. She needs to settle in her topline and strengthen in her rear. Ok mover. Junior B. Ne Post Grad B Ne Limit B. Ne Open B (5,1) Interesting class to sort, all had plenty of good points and a few negatives. 1st: 4089 JONES Mrs M R Dunhamlake She's Got The Look at Wyeafon (Imp She is v well balanced and holds her outline so well on the move. Fem head, dark eyes with super expression. Lengthy neck into the best shoulders in class. Could be tidier coming towards. Well ribbed. Liked her rear. V good coat texture. CC 2nd: 4094 MCCOURT Mrs S Ch Silhill The Sequel Shows so v well and super coat and presentation. She has a fem head, good balance of muzzle to skull. Lengthy, crested neck. Short upper arm and is slightly wide coming towards. Well ribbed. She has a well made rear. Not topline of 1 on move. RCC 3rd: 4097 NOTTINGHAM, Mr D & DUNBAR Mr R Silhill Pops Res: 4102 STODDART Miss S G Millvalley Classical Red Veteran B. Ne

Jeff Horswell