• Show Date: 07/03/2019
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Jeff Horswell Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023


Breed: Spaniel (Field)

CRUFTS Field Spaniels

It was a great thrill to judge this, one of my favorite breeds at the world’s greatest dog show. I have deliberately stayed well away from the ring all year, which made it all the more interesting. As always judging Fields is full of compromises, but I found plenty of correct type. Mouths were all good, although we still have many with small teeth. Feet and pasterns continue to be a problem in the breed. A few were rather light in eye. Overall I thought the breed is in a fairly good place. Veteran D. (1) 1st THANDIWE SEMPER FIDELIS (MISS V & MS A RUSSELL & PALM) 10 years d of a v good type with correct proportions. He has a v good head, long of correct width. Super eye and expression. Strong neck. Could be tidier coming towards and feet are rather slack. Well ribbed back. Moderate hind angulation, slightly steep in croup. V well conditioned. Puppy D (3) Although of a similar age they were at different stages. 1st FECIMUS CHASE THE DREAM TO EWTOR (MRS A MOSS) Has a v typical outline. Best head in class, has length without too much width. Tight eyes. Lengthy neck. Well laid shoulder, correct return of upper arm. Can firm in pastern. Well ribbed back. Level topline. Liked his rear. V promising dog, who should do v well. BP 2nd KINGSMIST ENDEAVOUR (MISS V & MS A RUSSELL & PALM) Rather up in the air at the moment and needs more width right through. Masc, lengthy head, well chiseled. Super eye and expression. Moderate neck. Feet and pasterns need to improve. Well ribbed back. Needs more rear angulation. 3rd FORNESS KON (MR M J & MRS E COOPER & CRAVEN) Needs to come up on leg. He is a little heavy in head. Moderate neck. Fair front. Well ribbed back. Rear matches front. Junior D (1) 1st COCHEN HOCUS POCUS (MR D R MCDONALD-WATTS) Liked his outline and proportions v much. Long head which needs to finish, rather square in lip and needs more chiseling. Correct length of neck. Fair front. Pasterns are rather weak and could be tidier coming towards. Level topline. Fair bend of stifle with a well set tail. Could just use his rear better on the move. Post Grad D (4) 1st KINGSMIST PANTHER (MS J M HARRIS) This black is in the most wonderful muscle. Liked his outline. Quite a good head, correct stop. Tight eyes. Enough neck. Better front than 2 and pasterns & feet are ok. Well ribbed. Level topline. Would prefer more hind angulation. Fairly accurate mover, but could have more stride. 2nd NADAVIN WALLACE (MR K J & MRS G L MURRAY) Liked his outline. Masc head, just a bit lippy. Lovely eye and expression, if a little wide between the eyes. Medium neck. Could be tidier in front. Slack in pastern. Well bodied. Ok rear. 3rd ELGERT STARMAN AT REDBORNSTOKE (MRS H JONES) Well proportioned black. Has a fairly good head, could have a fraction more length of muzzle. Plenty of neck. Well ribbed. Needs to improve in hind action and tail could be better set, Limit D (6,1) 1st JESHAM BARONET (MR D A & MRS J BENNETT) Well muscled d who excels in profile action, holding his typical outline and driving well. Could be slightly more refined in head. Lovely eye and expression. Good length of neck. Well laid shoulder. Would like more width to his chest. Big ribs. Level topline. Well made rear which he uses so v well. Just needs to coat up. 2nd PRUSSIA BEST KEPT SECRET OF WINSBROOK (MRS J PORTER) His good hind action earnt him this place. Rather heavy in head with deep flews. Ok neck. Quite well made front but needs more length of leg and better feet and pasterns. Well ribbed back and holds a decent topline. Well bent stifle and low hocks. 3rd NADAVIN WENSLEY ( MRS D HAYNES) Like him stood, correct proportions. Certainly long in head, would like just a bit more width of muzzle. Correct neck. Quite a good front if rather flat in feet. Ribs go well back. Level topline. Just needs better hind action. Open D (7) 1st SH CH NADAVIN QUINLAN (MR K J & MRS G L MURRAY) Thought he stood away amongst the males today. V typical head which has length, correct drop of lip, slight stop. . He has a lengthy neck. Well laid shoulder. He could have slightly more upper arm and stride in font. Best feet in class. Super body and rib. Holds a level topline on the move. Well bent stifle with low hocks. Good out and back and typical in profile. For me he combined Field type, good movement and a super temperament. CC & BOB. 2ND SH CH SONNETEND FINISHING TOUCH AT SHIRMAL (MR M L FOWKES) This black d is v well put together. Head is lengthy and lean, could maybe have a bit more work in it. Correct neck. Well laid shoulders. Feet are slack. Super body. Topline is ok. Well bent stifle. Could just use himself more on the move. Liked him a lot. 3rd SH CH NADAVIN ROTHESEY JW (MR C H & MRS J HOLGATE) Oldest in class but lack of coat made his look quite raw. He has a super head, correct stop and well chiseled. Lovely eye and expression. Long neck. Well laid shoulder. Just a bit playful with his front today. Well ribbed back. Level topline. Good turn of stifle with low hocks. Field Trial. D Ne Special working D(1) 1st NL CH THANDIWE ARTHUR SIXPENCE BWNL 18 (MR M R & MRS C R SANDERSON) He is a really lovely type Field. Pleasing head of length with correct width. Super eye and expression. Lengthy neck. Well laid shoulder. Just a bit upright in upper arm, and so can stand a bit wide. Well ribbed back, and v well sprung. V good rear which he uses so well. RCC Good citizen D (2) 1st NL CH THANDIWE ARTHUR SIXPENCE BWNL 18 (MR M R & MRS C R SANDERSON) 2nd THANDIWE LAST TANGO OF TYMORA SHCM (MR P TYE) Typical in outline, maybe just a bit heavy. Masc head, which is slightly broad. Lengthy neck. Quite a well laid shoulder. Pasterns and feet slack. Well bodied with a short loin. Level topline. Liked his rear. Not the stride of 1 but a v pleasing Field. Veteran B (3) 1st SH CH REEDMACE SWEETBRIAR FLOSS FOR ELGERT JW SHCM (IMP NLD) (MS G OSBORN) Really lovely type b, just a bit naked today. She has a fem head of length, well chiseled, super eye and expression. Long neck. Well laid shoulder. Fairly good feet. Well sprung ribs, holds a level topline. Would like a little more turn of hock, but went well. BV 2nd ESP CH TAYOWEN TOUCH OF ECSTASY AT BRAXTON (MR W J & MRS E A ORZEL) Another v typy b. She has a lengthy head, just a bit lippy. Good neck. Well laid shoulder. Loses her topline slightly. Needs just a bit more hind angulation, but a quality girl. 3rd EWTOR SINGLE MALT (MRS R M FAYERMAN COOK) Another v typy b, she is rather slack in topline now and could have put more effort in. Fem head. Ok neck. Just a bit heavy over her shoulders. Well bent stifle and low hocks. Puppy B (4) 1st KINGSMIST PHRYNE FISCHER AT BROOMEECE (MISS S REECE) V promising pup, liked her proportions, especially her length of body. Best underline of these pups. She has a fem head, good eye and expression, a little hair off the top of her ears would enhance. Enough neck. Well laid shoulder. Ribs go well back. Sound mover. 2nd FECIMUS LIVING THE DREAM AT FLYENPYG (C M SMITH) V promising pup, just needs to grow on slightly. She has a fem head. Correct stop. Enough neck. Quite a good front with firm pasterns and tight feet. Well ribbed back. Moderate rear. 3rd KINGSMIST AGATHA CHRISTIE AT WINSBROOK (MRS J PORTER) Just slightly square in outline at the moment and cuts up in underline a little. She has a pleasing head. Correct stop. Tight eyes. Enough neck. V good bone and feet. Balanced angulation. Junior B (3) 1st VALDINE FIELD OF DREAMS (MS E M BOWLEY) Best mover in this class. Raw, but b typical. She has a well balanced head. Correct eye and expression. Well developed occiput. Enough neck. Well laid shoulder. Feet rather flat. Well ribbed. Moderate hind angulation. 2nd NOBLE ALICE VOM BELAUER SEE JWW 18 BJS 18 [ATC AW00534DEU] (MR U F BAUMANN) V good for type, she has a good profile action but as yet rather untidy out and back. Liked her d, ok in stop. Lengthy neck. Well laid shoulder. Lengthy body. Well angled rear, between coats. 3rd KINGSMIST MISS MARPLE (MR M J & MRS A E HARDING) V raw looking black, quite up in the air at the moment. Could be bolder. Liked her head v much. Post Grad B (9) 1st JUST JUNE OF THE FIELDS SOCIETY JW'18 [ATC AW00305NLD] ( MRS M VIJVERS-ROOSINK) Really lovely young Field. She is of a v good type. Long, fem head, correct stop & well chiseled. Lengthy neck. Deep chest. Well ribbed back giving correct length. Level topline. Well bent stifle. Just needs to firm up, but she is just right for her age. Could have a bit more width going away. Pulled out all the stops when it mattered to take CC 2nd ELGERT GOLD FEVER (MR D MOZET) Liked her v much, just needs a bit more leg length. She has a v good head, fem and of correct length. Enough neck. Well laid shoulder. Liked her body and rib. Needs more turn of stifle. 3rd ELGERT LADY MARMALADE AT SIMBARRA (MRS N WARD) Another promising young b, would just like a little more of her. Not the movement of 1. She has a pleasing head. Quite a good front. Feet could be better. Well made rear. Limit B (8) 1st SONNETEND FAITH (MS M MCVITTY) Thought she was the best combination of type and movement in this class. Fem head which is lengthy, perhaps a bit too much stop. Lengthy neck running into clean, well laid shoulders. Deep chest. Feet ok. Well ribbed. Level topline. She has a well bent stifle. and low hocks. Moved v well. Contender for major awards. 2nd ELGERT LADY STA'DUST JW (MS G OSBORN) This black is super stood, and in gleaming coat. Like her outline and proportions. V good head. Long neck. Well developed chest. Shoulders set just a bit wide. Super body and rib. Level topline. Could just have a bit more bend of stifle. Low hocks. Not the easy stride of 1. 3rd ELGERT LADY MARMALADE AT SIMBARRA (MRS N WARD) Open B (6) 1st SH CH NADAVIN THISTLEDOWN JW (MR C H & MRS J HOLGATE) Really lovely type who has a super outline. She has the most lovely Field head, long and lean, well chiseled. Typical expression. Lengthy neck. Well laid shoulder. She is slightly short in upper arm and could be slightly tidier in front. Super body and rib. Level topline. Plenty of hind angulation. Hocks ok. Holds her topline moving with a typical stride. Can be lazy with her tail, did enough in this class but didn’t use it in challenge. RCC. 2nd SH CH SONNETEND SOFT TOUCH JW (MR M & MRS D STONE) She is so well made and a super outline. Liked her head v much. V fem. plenty of neck. Well laid shoulder, long upper arm. Super body and rib. Level topline. Well made rear. She could be better out and back, but excels in profile action. 3rd EWTOR AFFINITY FOR FLYENPYG JW SHCM (C M SMITH) Would like just a bit more of her. Muzzle is slightly short and square. Long neck. Well made front. Quite good feet. Ribs go well back. Moderate rear. Movement earnt her this place. Field Trial B ne Special Working B ne Good Citizen b (4,3) 1st SONNETEND FAITH (MS M MCVITTY) 2nd EWTOR AFFINITY FOR FLYENPYG JW SHCM (C M SMITH) 3rd KINGSMIST PHRYNE FISCHER AT BROOMEECE (MISS S REECE)

Jeff Horswell