• Show Date: 17/01/2019
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Hazel Fitzgibbon Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

Manchester Dog Show Society

Breed: Russian Black Terrier

Manchester Ch 2019

Russian Black Terriers

My first time with this breed and I enjoyed them immensely.

Class 2033 PD/B (5 Entries) Abs: 0

1. Clefford; Astra Fidelis Raven

Masculine puppy, substantial to go over with excellent bone and body. Good head proportions. Good profile with excellent reach of neck and shoulder lay.. Slight slope on croup giving a good tail set. Excellent underline. A strong dog. Best Puppy.

2nd: 8350 WILLIAMS Miss E Imp Proud Of Being Ann Sheridan At Evrussky

Well boned bitch presenting a longer outline than 1. Good in body, legs and feet. Stylishly presented and handled. Moving out well.

3rd: 8341 MURPHY Mrs Y Effektnaya Liliya S Ozera Razliv

Res: 8349 WILLIAMS Miss E Imp Proud Being Ava Gardner At Evrussky

VHC: 8342 NORTON, Ms H & THOMAS Mr R Kalaslane Judge Judy At Carantana (IKC)

Class 2034 JD/B (2 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 8344 PERKS Mr P A Dromnagus King Of The North Ir J Ch

An enthusiastic lad with strong muscle and strong bone. Well proportioned head. Excellent body with very strong coupling. Moving out with great verve.

2nd: 8339 ESTON Mr P & Mrs R Shadlian Grand Entrance

Presenting a longer profile than 1, this bitch did everything asked of her. Moving out freely but not in the condition of 1. Well presented and handled.


Class 2035 PGD/B (4 Entries) Abs: 2

1st: 8337 BARRETT, Mrs S A & BARRETT Miss E Benkerin Targaryen

A substantial, square dog. Not with the presentation of some but really, there was nothing to hide. Good reach of neck and well laid shoulder. Good topline, croup and tail set. Good overall proportions. Moving out soundly and freely. BOB and performed well in the Group.

2nd: 8343 NORTON, Ms H & THOMAS Mr R Aveyrew Hot Gossip At Carantana

 Beautifully handled and presented but not the angles or substance of the winner. Loose on the move and needs to fit into legs better.

Class 2036 OD/B (4 Entries) Abs: 1

1st: 8345 PERKS Mr P A Ir Ch Dromnagus Firestarter

Tall, square, powerful. Balanced in stance. So much to like about him and he moved extrememely well, with great drive. Preferred the shoulder of BOB. Res BD

2nd: 8347 SMITH Mr L M & Mrs M Rohantia Nikolai At Fernwood

An excellent veteran., again so much to like about him. Very free mover. Preferred the squarer outline of 1.

3rd: 8335 ATKINSON, Mrs S D & MURPHY Mr D Lintweed Black Star Of India

Well grown, honest type of bitch. Good head proportions. Strong in bone and muscle. Rather upright in front but still moving out with great purpose. Best Bitch.

Judge; Hazel Fitzgibbon 23/1/2019