• Show Date: 17/01/2019
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: graham hill Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

Manchester Dog Show Society

Breed: Hamiltonstovare

Manchester Championship Show 2019


Judge: Mr Graham Hill

BEST OF BREED : 884 ARMSTRONG, Mrs K & BRIANT Mr J, Mrs S & Mrs S M Avi Hamilton Star with Sufayre (Imp)

Best Dog : 884 ARMSTRONG, Mrs K & BRIANT Mr J, Mrs S & Mrs S M Avi Hamilton Star with Sufayre (Imp)

Res Best Dog : 888 BRIANT Mr J R & Mrs S M Caldecacre the Black Wizard of Sufayre

Best Bitch : 889 BRIANT, J & S & MARSTON-POLLOCK S Sufayre Angels Trinity

Res Best Bitch : 885 BRIANT Mr J L Sufayre Angels Wish


Class 241 PGD/B (3 Entries) Abs: 2

1st: 884 ARMSTRONG, Mrs K & BRIANT Mr J, Mrs S & Mrs S M Avi Hamilton Star with Sufayre (Imp) a

 2¾ year old well grown male who has an athletic look and the build to run and run. Well boned true front, firm sturdy body with strong moderately angled hindquarters. Masculine breed typical head set on to a strong good length neck. Firm top line with pleasing overall length and substance of body. One who has typical hound features and moved out with a free easy action. Best Dog and Best of Breed.

Class 242 OD/B (5 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 889 BRIANT, J & S & MARSTON-POLLOCK S Sufayre Angels Trinity a mature 6½ year old bitch who is shapely and balanced in angulation front and rear. She presents a pleasing picture in side profile being all in proportion and having an agile, refined appearance. I liked her feminine but breed typical head, good length neck and flowing lines. She moved with a free and easy gait but not as settled or precise in front as the best male. Best Bitch

2nd: 888 BRIANT Mr J R & Mrs S M Caldecacre the Black Wizard of Sufayre an upstanding rising 6 year old masculine hound of good size although tended to look a little long in the back for me. Typical head features and pleasing expression. Head set nicely onto a strong neck of good length and a body having good substance, a true front although a little upright and moderately angled hindquarters of good width. Free moving but tending to move slightly to the side. Reserve Best Dog.

3rd: 885 BRIANT Mr J L Sufayre Angels Wish a rising 7 year old who needs to tighten all through especially on the move. Pleasing in profile and top line with good body development and substance. Typical head in shape, proportion and expression having differing qualities to those above. Stands over the ground although needs to settle to give of her best. Reserve Best Bitch

Res: 887 BRIANT Mr J R & Mrs S M Sufayre Angels Kiss

VHC: 890 ELLWOOD Miss E Sufayre Angels Faith