• Show Date: 17/01/2019
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Gavin Robertson Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

Manchester Dog Show Society

Breed: Schnauzer

BEST OF BREED : 9740 WATSON Mrs J Ch Jalero Miss Iowher 

Dog CC : 9722 LEWINGTON Miss L Perry Mason Grand Calvera at Leebren (Imp) 

Res Dog CC : 9728 MATHER Miss D L Ch Danelbeks Cry O' Genics (ai) 

Bitch CC : 9740 WATSON Mrs J Ch Jalero Miss Iowher 

Res Bitch CC : 9730 MOORE Mr I Odivane Aunt Sally 

Best Puppy : 9731 MOORE Miss P Fillipers As Good As New 

Best Veteran : 9728 MATHER Miss D L Ch Danelbeks Cry O' Genics (ai) 

Class 2321 PD (2 Entries) Abs: 0 

1st: 9720 LADNER Ms S Dalhambury Kazanjian Red 

2nd: 9724 LEWINGTON Miss L Zodiac Leebren Grand Calvera TAF (Imp) 

Class 2322 JD (1 Entries) Abs: 0 

1st: 9736 SUTHERLAND, Miss D & SUTHERLAND Mrs W Uireda's Lemon And Lime  

Class 2323 PGD NO ENTRIES 

Class 2324 LD (2 Entries) Abs: 0 

1st: 9722 LEWINGTON Miss L Perry Mason Grand Calvera at Leebren (Imp) 

2nd: 9732 RAILTON Miss B Odivane Master Class With Lefinix 

Class 2325 OD (2 Entries) Abs: 0 

1st: 9712 BAWDEN, Mr C E & BROWN Mrs S I Ch Khanate Gin Fizz Sh.CM 

2nd: 9717 FLETCHER Mr & Mrs S & A Fivepits The Mole 

Class 2326 VD (1 Entries) Abs: 0 

1st: 9728 MATHER Miss D L Ch Danelbeks Cry O' Genics (ai) 

Class 2327 PB (6 Entries) Abs: 0 

1st: 9731 MOORE Miss P Fillipers As Good As New 

2nd: 9733 RAILTON Miss B Lefenix In The Style 

3rd: 9721 LADNER Ms S Dalhambury Daria-i-noor 

Res: 9715 BRADSHAW Mr P A Gateclyve Aurora From Kaiteriteri 

VHC: 9735 RAY Mr & Mrs AM&GE Miccosukees All Eyes On Me At Minnienoom 

Class 2328 JB (5 Entries) Abs: 2 

1st: 9730 MOORE Mr I Odivane Aunt Sally 

2nd: 9739 WATSON Mrs J Miccosukees Guess Who at Jalero 

3rd: 9716 CLARK Mr & Mrs R & B Ilashi Ticket To Ride 

Class 2329 PGB (2 Entries) Abs: 0 

1st: 9725 LOCKYER Mrs H A Drussilla of Cindy Land at Miccosukees (Imp) NAF T 

2nd: 9723 LEWINGTON Miss L Oshea Khagrass at Leebren (Imp) NAF TAF 

Class 2330 LB (2 Entries) Abs: 0 

1st: 9734 RAILTON Miss B Lefenix Future Majik 

2nd: 9719 HOLE Mrs R M Rozmic Jemma's Gem 

Class 2331 OB (4 Entries) Abs: 0 

1st: 9740 WATSON Mrs J Ch Jalero Miss Iowher 

2nd: 9726 LOCKYER Mrs H A Miccosukees The Show Girl 

3rd: 9727 MAIDEN Mrs P Maidluns Miss Lillian 

Res: 9718 FLETCHER Mr & Mrs S & A Fivepits The Detonator 

Class 2332 VB (2 Entries) Abs: 1 

1st: 9713 BAWDEN, Mr C E & BROWN Mrs S I Ch Khanate Euro Million 

Std Schnauzers Manchester 2019- judge GAVIN ROBERTSON


1)skull of good length, flat cheeks, well placed neat ears. Good body proportions with firm topline, excellent harsh coat all through, neat feet, high set tail, moderate angles, steady mover, would like a little more width in rear

2) lively youngster with attitude. Level head planes, ears could be smaller, prefer darker eye, good bone and feet, ribs extend well back, ok angles, needs to come up on leg afraction. Once settled moved ok


1)nicely proportioned dog, dark eyes, ears could be smaller, tight feet with straight forelegs, needs to develop and broaden in rib and chest. Holds topline on the mover, high set tail, short harsh jacket. 


1)strong robust black dog, masculine head but not overdone. Level head planes, good ears. Muscular neck, could have a bit more forechest but has good ribbing, short loin, has a lovely firm topline with high set tail, harsh body coat, furnishings could be better, excellent rear which he uses at all times, nice typey dog in good condition.CC

2) flat skull and cheeks, neat ears, could have a little more neck and fill in front. Straight forelegs with ribs extending well back, moderate rear. Excellent coat, steady mover in profile, just a little loose in front,


1) nice shape, a little feminine in head, needs more strength of muzzle, ok feet, firm topline. Harsh coat, low set hocks, would prefer more fill in front and animation on the move

2)stronger build of dog, masculine head. Prefer a darker eye. Big chest and ribs, needs more leg length which is making him ride up in topline., loin too long, high set tail, low hocks but needs more width in rear,


1)strong robust dog, long head with level head planes. Good ears. Ideally like more forechest. Well sprung ribs, excellent coat and colour, good neck, uses his front, a little flat in topline, moderate rear but he has power and looks like the breed on the move. Prefer stronger hocks.RDCC


1)nicely collected bitch, head of good length, flat skull. Neat fine ears. Lovely straight forelegs. Ribs topline and tailset all good, nice bend of stifle with a lovely carriage to her, very collected. Nice type and balance 

2) slightly bigger build than 1 but has lots a good qualities. Lovely head, eye, flat skull with clean cheeks. Arched neck, needs to develop in front, excellent coat, high set tail, holds topline o the move, just needs to strengthen in rear. 


1)mixed class to sort, winner has a lovely head with good length to it, flat skull, clean cheeks, dark eye, high set fine neat ears, arched neck, ideally like better lay of shoulder. Straight forelegs, good ribs, moderate rear, needs to settle in topline but has nice carriage and foot placement on the mover, liked her type and balance,RBCC

2) stronger bitch all through, dark eye, prefer a longer foreface. Good forechest. with well sprung ribs already, excellent coat. Nice shape with a strong rear, just need more animation on the move


1)nicely headed bitch with bright expressive dark eyes, level head planes, ok ears, strong arched neck with good shoulder. Straight forelegs, deep chest, could have more width in rear, harsh coat, purposeful mover holding topline and tailset 

2) a little short in muzzle. Dark eye, ok ear, prefer more neck and better lay of shoulder. Firm topline, deep chest, low hocks but could be stronger. Steady mover but preferred had and front on winner.


1)has good length of leg, detailed head piece with a lovely eye, flat skull. Level head planes. Good neck, could have more width in front and ribs. Excellent coat texture. Nice width of rear, liked her profile movement 

2) stronger headed bitch than 1. Flat skull, ok ears. For me she is a little stuffy in neck and would like better lay of shoulder. Well sprung ribs, in between coat right now as a little soft. Well angled rear, high set tail. Close in rear on the move, preferred leg length on winner.


1) lovely balanced robust bitch, excellent shape and proportions. Head planes are good, large dark eyes, has strength of muzzle as well as good length to it, excellent front and chest with big ribs, firm topline with high set tail, lovely type. Uses herself on the move with strength and power holding a firm slightly sloping topline.BCC and BOB

2)really liked this bitch but not overly confident in herself. She is a nice size, lovely shape and type all through,. Could have a little more fill in front but she has a clean neck and shoulder. Holds her topline, tailset is good but she doesn't use it great, strong rear, lovely type


1)good shape, size and proportions, balanced head, muzzle could be stronger, well placed neat ears. Straight forelegs. Deep chest with short muscled loin. Prefer more width in thigh and rear. High set tail.Lovely coat, prefer more reach and animation on the move.