• Show Date: 07/03/2019
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Elisabeth Scoates Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023


Breed: General Championship Show

Tibetan Spaniel Report for Crufts 2019 

Thank you to the Crufts Committee for inviting me to judge at their show and to all exhibitors for my super entry which gave me a most memorable day. Also an enormous thank you to Andrea, my steward who, single-handed, kept everything running so smoothly.  Overall the balance of most dogs is good with a noticeable lack of over coated specimens. Although I am not a mouth fanatic our standard says slightly undershot and there were a number of dogs who were too undershot, something to watch.  Movement on the whole could be improved by paying attention to construction and exercise, with many lacking muscle. However I found some excellent specimens of the breed and thoroughly enjoyed my day. 

Veteran D (9,1) 

1. Breeze & Styles Ch Paralde Little Bredy with Hilsar JW, 8 year old compact red dog in good condition. He has the correct overall shape being slightly longer than high and is well made throughout, correct head with high ear set, He was alert and moved out with drive maintaining his outline at all times. 

2. Rice’s Sagrael  Minime of Ricox, another red, who is 13 years  old, longer cast than 1 but still in proportion. His head has sufficient length of muzzle and a lovely dark eye. In good condition and enjoying his day out. Moved well and has the characteristic hare feet. 

3. Cooper’s Ch Amcross A Proppa Parti, a very well presented dog who is 10 years old and at one with his handler, both standing and on the move. He is made correctly and has the correct smaller head. 

 Minor Puppy D (3) 

1.  Morton’s Linsdown Jai, red, correct shape with good reach of neck. His head is small in proportion to his body with a blunt muzzle and sufficient cushioning and correct dentition.  Soundly constructed and moved well for a youngster. 

2. Davies Bowcara Be My Guest, slighter longer cast than 1 but attractive head with a black mask, is in proportion to body and carried well. Sufficient muzzle and good width and depth of chin giving a true Tibetan expression. Did not move as positively as 1. 

3. Asquith’s Baarnayotms A’Norbu Norman , slightly larger overall and not the same shape as 1 and 2, being longer in the leg. He was alert and attentive to his handler. 

Puppy D (6) 

1. Whitfield –Roberts Dandydayo The Architect (BPD), sable dog with a good outline which he kept on the move. His masculine head, which he carried proudly, has a good length of muzzle with sufficient width and depth of chin. Well made with sufficient bone, In very good coat and he moved well for his age. 

2. Blackshaw’s Dandydayo Own Kind Of Music, litter brother to 1 and similar in type but slightly shorter in neck. Attractive masculine head with dark eye , well set ears and correct mouth He also moved freely but preferred the overall shape of 1. 

3. Campbell’s Vonvue Myth or Majik at Tulibell, a larger dog overall but well- made throughout with a strong masculine head. He is well coated for his age. 

Junior D (7) 

1. Steed’s Gianni  Its Gollant, this dog is well balanced with a small  masculine head, medium length of muzzle, dark eye, well- set ears and correct mouth. His sound construction enabled  him to move around the ring with an effortless gait. 

2. Beveridge’s Gianni Its Denzil, litter brother to 1with many of the same attributes but a slightly larger head and well developed fringing for his age. He is well made but not as settled as 1 on the move. 

3. Wallis Baga’s Follow Balthasar To Velrok (Imp Swe), smaller overall than 1 & 2 but has a good shape which he holds on the move. His head is small with correct muzzle, dark eyes and good lift of ear. Moved well. 

Yearling D (6) 

1. Morton’s Linsdown Rambler, a well coated gold dog who is alert and well balanced with a masculine head, medium length of muzzle with sufficient depth of chin, dark oval eye and well set ears. He is well constructed throughout and this was seen in his gait , both in profile and fore and aft. Well coated for his age. 

2. Stevenson’s Tamrae Time Lord at Amadrew, another well- made youngster who has the correct overall balance. His head is masculine with a blunt muzzle and sufficient cushioning, dark eye and well set ears which he used to advantage. He moved with purpose .Just coming into coat which cost him a higher place. 

3. Watkins’ Amcross Pandit, another youngster who is so well made with a lovely outline. He has an attractive small head with correct mouth, dark eye, blunt muzzle and chin giving the correct expression. Not as confident as 1 and 2 on the move. 

Post graduate D (10,1) 

1. Harford’s Tuyet Elvis Wonder Of You at Mennimoonz, attractive black and white dog who covered the ground when he moved. He has a small but masculine head with correct muzzle,good mouth, width and depth of chin, and the darkest of eye. Well- made throughout with strong quarters and level topline which he kept on the move. 

2. Wallis-Baga’s Amcross Parti Phoenix at Velrok, red and white parti who has lovely proportions and so well made, small attractive head , level topline and strong  quarters with hare feet. Not quite as settled as 1 on the move. 

3. Hall’s Balgay Kitang Po, an alert 21 month old dog who is well balanced but of a heavier type than 1 and 2. In good coat with sufficient fringing, moved well. 

Limit D (13,1) 

1. Parkes’ Fantasa Wartortle, red dog of the correct size, who has a superb outline which he maintained at all times. He has a masculine head, sufficient cushioned muzzle, dark oval eye, moderate length of neck, well laid shoulders, level topline, strong quarters and in good firm condition with sufficient coat. Moved effortlessly round the ring. 

2. Blackshaw & Roberts’ Ricox Color Of Your Life at Souska, red dog in good coat who is well balanced with a small masculine head which he carries proudly,  slighter shorter in muzzle than 1.  Front and hind quarters are well made which meant he moves well but not quite as positive as 1. 

3. Lilley’s Knattings Riverdance To Kensing JW (Imp Swe), gold youngster of correct shape and balance, masculine head with sufficient length of muzzle and cushioning, lovely dark eye, good mouth, moved well and was in tune with his handler. 

Open Dog (16,1) 

1. Lemon’s Ch Souska I Need Your Love, CC and BOB, this dog says Tibetan Spaniel to me in every department. He has a lovely shape, slightly longer than high, with just the right amount of coat, in excellent condition, showing a rectangle of daylight underneath. His small masculine head has the correct length of muzzle with cushioning , sufficient width and depth of chin, dark oval eye and correct earset. He has a moderate length of neck, covered with a mane, leading to well laid shoulders, level  topline and strong hind quarters which enables him to move so well. 

2. Hourihane’s Velrok Serafire At Amcross, RCC, one I have always liked who also has the correct outline and is so well made. His expression is softer than 1 but still has all the right attributes with no exaggerations. He has well -made forequarters with hare feet, and strong hindquarters. Not quite as confident as 1 on the move. 

3. Cooper’s Ch/ Ned Dedicated To Don’t Waste Time Susu JW , lively dog who is lighter all round than 1& 2 but who moves so well and maintains his shape on the move and standing. He has a good head, slightly shorter in muzzle but lovely expressive dark eye. 

Good Citizen Dog Scheme (5,1) 

1.  Horton’s Colphil Bhud Dae, a well- proportioned dog  who has a small head, well made         forequarters with a level topline which he maintained on the move. Just coming back into coat. 

2.   Hirstwood’s Quintrelle Colour Me Happy, masculine dog with small head and lovely dark eye, good lift of ear. Moved well but I preferred the front of 1. 

3.  Derizzio’s Oldcharm Galaxy Of Love,dark sable with a neat head, shorter in the muzzle  and good lift of ear, correct hare feet and moved well. 

Veteran Bitch (17,5) This class was a credit to the breed reminding us that they are healthy and long lived. 

1. Short’s Ch Samalyn Swansong By Malia,  BV, at nearly twelve years this red bitch never stopped showing, always alert and at one with her handler. She is of ideal size with a small feminine head, darkest of eye, correct length of muzzle, with sufficient depth and width of chin. Well- made quarters with good bone and hare feet. Movement was quick but positive showing how sound she is. 

2. Hamilton’s Ch Galetibbian Millie On Air, a very eye –catching bitch who at ten and a half years is a credit to her owners. In superb coat and so well presented, correct small head using her high –set ears to advantage, good front assembly, level topline and strong hind quarters, moved with purpose. This was a close decision but I just preferred the overall shape of 1. 

3. Moran and Prouve’s Ch/Ir/Fr/Int Ch Avigdor Elvira (IKC) at nearly ten years old this lady was enjoying her day out. She has correct overall balance with a small head, expressive dark oval eye, sufficient length of muzzle with cushioning. Correct length of neck leading into well laid shoulders, tight  front , level topline, firm hind quarters. She moved positively but was not in her best dress today. 

Minor Puppy Bitch (5) 

1. Davies Bowcara Rose Gold, this little bitch has a lovely outline which she kept on the move. Small feminine head with blunt muzzle, oval dark eye and high set ears.  Well- made throughout and moved well. 

2. Lemon’s Oldcharm  Say It First, nearly nine months, slightly longer in body than 1 but has a pretty head, good length of muzzle with cushioning, good bone and quarters, hare feet. Moved well but I just preferred the head of 1. 

3. Asquith’s Baarnayotms A’Dorje Daisy, larger all round and longer on the leg than 1 and 2. Head has a good length of muzzle but would prefer more cushioning, good pigment. Not quite the positive movement of previous two. 

Puppy Bitch (6) 

1. Saudan’s Nyin-Dje Galante  BPB & BP, a very feminine bitch with small correct head , slight dome, sufficient muzzle, good width and depth of chin, slightly undershot with dark oval eye and lovely expression. Front and hind quarters are well made with firm body and level topline which she held on the move where she was at one with her handler. 

2. Johnstone’s Tuyet Linca, a pure black who was so alert and moved with purpose. She has a small head , dark eye and high set ears providing a wicked expression . Well- made puppy but I just preferred the overall balance of 1 when standing and on the move. 

3. Parkes Kiiramanna Silhouette Among  Paralde (Imp Fin) Larger and heavier type than 1 & 2 but well- made quarters with level topline and well sprung ribs. Moved with purpose and in good coat. 

Junior Bitch (12,2) 

1. Poyser & Bodell’s  Andor Golden Girl At Tinamba, neat , well balanced  compact bitch with small proudly carried head , blunt muzzle, sufficient cushioning, darkest of eye, high set ears used to give Tibetan expression. Moderate bone throughout with slight bow in forequarters and firm at rear end. Moved freely keeping a level topline. 

2. Saudan’s  Nyin-Dje Galante   

3. Steed’s Gianni  Its Posh Totty,  larger bitch all round but still feminine  with a  very clean outline, attractive head with slightly domed skull, high set ears, dark oval eye, good width and depth of chin. Well- made throughout  an moved with purpose. 

Yearling Bitch (8) 

1. Osborn’s Quailmoor Lady of the Lake, a confident 17 month old who has an excellent shape which she held on the move. Small expressive head with good depth and width of chin, correct muzzle, dark eye, high set, well-feathered ears. She is well made all through with firm quarters, and level topline. Sufficient coat and typical hare feet, moved out with purpose. 

2. Saudan’s A Jamais our Toujours Of Lollipop, similar in shape to 1with a pretty head but shorter in muzzle. Forequarters have slight bow and moderate bone with hare feet, level topline and good spring of rib, correct angles on hindquarters. Moved well but a little close behind. 

3. Hourihane’s  Amcross Pandita, very feminine red bitch with a lovely head and very good expression. Presented a lovely outline and is so well made with strong quarters and a firm body. She enjoyed her day and her tail never stopped wagging. 

Postgraduate Bitch (12) 

1. Morton’s Linsdown Bette Davies, red bitch of correct shape, small head, proudly carried with correct blunt muzzle, well- feathered ears. Moderately short neck leading to well- made shoulders, slightly bowed forequarters, level topline and correct rear angulation. Hare feet , free and positive movement. 


2. Thomson and Prentice’s Tamrae Back To Rhedd, bitch of correct size who is slightly longer than 1 in body . She has a most appealing head with correct dome, good width and depth of chin, blunt cushioned muzzle, dark oval eye. Well- made quarters with sufficient bone. Moved well in both directions. Just preferred the shape of 1. 


3. Smith’s Torfness Flights of Phancy, similar type to 2, with pretty head and expression, good body with sufficient bone, firm quarters , both fore and aft , moving freely. 


Limit Bitch (23,2) 

1.  Moran’s Buus Hi-Ra Hayley(Imp) RCC, just 2 years old , this elegant young bitch took my eye as she entered the ring, moving in a free  flowing manner. She has such a sweet feminine head, good depth and width of chin, high set ears, dark expressive eyes, moderate length of neck leading to well laid shoulders with well- made quarters. She has such good balance and carries her head so proudly to present a clean overall shape. 

2.  Tapp’s Yllastel From Me To You Velbri JW, this bitch has no exaggerations in any department and is so sound, similar in shape and make to 1, pretty small head with good reach of neck, sound front with correct amount of bow, level topline and firm hind quarters. Very attentive to her handler, moved and showed with confidence. Just felt that 1 was a fraction more elegant. 

3.   Cooper & O’Brien ‘s Susu Princess Spice Party JW W17, red/white parti, who was alert and of correct size presenting a well- balanced outline both standing and on the move. She has a really feminine head, sufficient length of muzzle with cushioning, dark eye. Sound firm quarters, moved positively round the ring. 

Open Bitch (21,4) 

1. Smith’s Ch Torfness Scarlet Phancy, CC, this bitch oozes quality as she is so feminine in the head with correct dome, good length of muzzle, blunt with cushioning, sufficient width and depth of chin, expressive eyes and high set ears which she uses to give a most attractive picture. Very soundly made with nothing out of place, in firm condition, glided round the ring keeping her excellent shape at all times. 

2. Short’s Ch Malia Yuan Zhi JW, another attractive bitch who has correct expression, good head with dark oval eye, sufficient muzzle with cushioning and good chin. Well made with correct bone, excellent front, good depth of chest, level topline, sound strong hind quarters which propelled her around the ring. Not quite the coat of 1 today. 

3. Steed’s Ch Gianni Its a Pandora, very feminine parti who is lighter in bone than 1 & 2 but has correct balance with a small head, blunt muzzle with cushioning, enough width and depth of chin, dark eye and good lift of ear. Well- made quarters, hare feet and a sound mover. 

Good Citizen Bitch (2) 

1. Horton’s Tuyet Lhamu Cepla, well made throughout with good bone, correct balance with small head, sufficient coat and won the class on movement. 

2. Hirstwood’s Quintrelle Colour Me Pretty, feminine bitch with correct balance, lovely head with good chin, sufficient cushioning, oval eye. Well -made fore and aft with good bone. Not in her best clothes today. 

Liz Scoates