• Show Date: 03/01/2019
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: David Howarth Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

Boston & District Canine Society

Breed: Gundog Group

Gundog Group 

It was an honour to be invited to judge the gundog group at this well organised and friendly show. It was reassuring to see the numbers and quality in depth in breeds without CCs on offer. The quality of those sent forward was very high, so much so that I had to omit dogs that I really liked, including ones that I have previously awarded CCs, from my short list.  

In the end, I narrowed it down to eight, all quality and worthy representatives of their breeds and in top form. 

These included; Pinkerton’s GWP Sh Ch Bareve Bontebokskraal, masculine and powerful male in hard condition. Balanced through with good length of body and moving true both ways. Evans and Pavey’s Weimaraner Sh Ch Gunalt Undeniable at Joneva looked well standing and moved with reach and extension, not yet two, the best is yet to come. Bott and Savell’s ESS Sh Ch Artwaves Standing Ovation for Allenie, I awarded him the CC in strong competition only a few weeks ago. Looked well if not better today. Full of quality and balanced through and presented in first class order. Phillips Bryant and Watkins’ English Setter Sh Ch Wansleydale Star Queen of Glenmaurangi, improved so much since I judged her as a youngster. Clean in outline, elegant and moving well both ways, pushed the placed dogs all the way.  

In the end, Group Four went to Sandiford and Lewis’ Gordon Setter Sh Ch Hernwood Calypso Goddess, favourite of mine. Looking so well with refined head, kind expression, and first-class conformation. She was presented in full coat without excess and handled and moved to advantage.  

Group Three was Amos Jones’ Cocker Spaniel Sh Ch Veratey Vincenzo at Cassom, easy to see why this boy has won so much. He is quality all through with ideal neck shoulders and front assembly. In super coat and hard condition. A credit to his owner. 

Runner up was Knowles and Glen’s Italian Spinone Sh Ch Afterglow Hashtag Scandal at Bessalone. Strong and so well proportioned and so good to go over. Expressive head, strong in neck and well made with super angulation front and rear. Moved so well in both directions, moved at the correct pace to show his profile to advantage. Really well presented.   

My group winner was Crummey Atkinson and Yau’s American Cocker Sh Ch Afterglow Life of Brian. Filled my eye standing. He is so well put together. Loved his head and expression. In full gleaming black coat, he showed really well and moved with drive from behind, holding his topline so well. Just got better the more I moved him. A well-deserved win.  


David Howarth 
