• Show Date: 07/03/2019
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Colin Powell Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023


Breed: Staffordshire Bull Terrier



Staffordshire Bull Terrier


I would like to start off by saying that it was an honor and a privilege to be invited to judge Crufts. To me it’s the highest honor that can be bestowed on a person in there own breed as it is the panicle of there judging achievements in that breed. So thank you for the invitation. Was overwhelmed with the entry and fantastic sportsmanship of all the exhibitors and really enjoyed my day.

Their were so many good exhibits that went home card less, but on a couple occasions some fine exhibits had dropped to much weight which upset the overall balance. Mouths in general were good and the overall fitness of the exhibits were fine but some very good quality dogs lacked muscle tone and at this level of competition you can’t leave anything to chance.

I would like to personally thank my two excellent and competent stewards that kept my ring flowing so the show ran smoothly.


Veteran (17)

1st Smith, CH STAFFASH THE HURRICANE, R/W Pied. Judged this one before and gave him CC, a true specimen of the breed, still in great condition and fit for his age, a pleasure to go over him again, won a good class full of quality and breed type.

2nd Bogovcic, CH SUURISUUN BOPPINGHAMS BIRULAI, R/W Pied. A very close decision between these two, lovely to see him back over again, and expertly handled to get the best from him, very typical of the breed moved freely around the ring in super condition.

3rd Gicque, SM CH EVANDERHOLYFIELD, B/B. A dog with very good out-lines on the move and in profile, hard and fit, well balanced with out exaggerations, moved with ease around the rind, in good condition.

M/P (1)

1st Brennan, NEROTORO BROOGUEZ, B/B. Stud alone, a very mature youngster, masses of substance and bone, good shaped head well filled out, needs to leave him for 6 months then put him in a higher class, nice coat condition.

P/D (10,1a)

1st J & C Scanlan, RIMOROSTAFFS HURRICANE PANDA AMOND PANTYCELYN, Predominately W/B . Nice to see this color back in the ring a bit of a rarity these days, Striking headpiece, neat ears, dark eye, strong foreface, great pigmentation, good bone and substance, tight feet, short coupled, moved well, Best puppy dog and B.P.I.B.

2nd Corcoran, MOLRU THE NAVIGATOR, B/B. A cleaner cut well balance youngster with a good head and expression, straight front good top line, preferred over all strength of the first, maturing nicely, good coat condition and move very well.

3rd Riley, HATSON COME ON THUNDER, B/B. Another promising puppy of breed type, a pleasing expression, and good out-lines to him, coming along as he should be for is age, moved well.

J/D (27,2a)

1st Rhodes & Prichard, TARAIEL THE REAPER AT TERACOTA, B/B/W. One thing with this dog its put down like a Stafford should be in fit hard condition, clean head with good expression, correct ears shape and good dentition, viewed from all angles the dog looks balanced, short coupled, strong quarters, moved with drive around the ring. Nice conditioning to him.

2nd Smart, TNT EDITION RENAGADE OF ARNHEM, W/R. A flashy dog with a lot of potential, clean dog, well shaped head, good front up on his toes, short coupled with good angulations, handled and moved very well, not as hard as the first placing.

3rd Murray & Reid, PADDY OSHEA, B/B. Well-proportioned head with beautiful expression, small rose ears, dark eye, correct bite, good shoulder placement leading into a straight front, kept a good top line on the move.

YD (18,1a)

1st Desmond, CH ELITEBULLS CHALLENGER B/B. Certainly live up to his name as he can challenge the best of them, watched this one mature from a puppy, his expression only got better with age, always in first class condition, hard and fit, to compete at this level you have to the time and effort in to your dog, moved as one with the handler full of breed type a pleasure to award him Res CC.

2nd Lee, LEEBEE’S MARBOPOZA R/W. Plenty of bone and substance to this well balanced dog, strong in for face, correct bite, good top line leading into powerful quarters, in good condition, moved well.

3rd Boeckmans-Van Maele, FRISIAN STAFF INFERNO, B/B. A well balanced dog of quality and type with a very good expression, clean in head with distinct stop, soundly constructed and in good coat, moved with ease around the ring.

Under G/D (19,1a)

1st Wilson, NORTHSTAFF NOTORIOUS, B/B. Another good specimen of quality, which is true to breed type, well balanced, and correctly proportioned from which ever angled viewed, soundly, defined chiseled head, correct ear carriage, darkest of eyes, dentition correct, good neck, shoulders and feet, ample bone and rib, strong quarters, nice coat condition moved with ease.

2nd Thisby, TAURINSTAFF FIST OF FURY, B/B. A clean cut dog in good condition, hard and fit, good head shape with correct bite, a nice blend of bull and terrier, good in body and angulations, moved with drive around the ring.

3rd Kendell, ROSSOBULL DIAMOND GEEZER, R. A standard well balanced dog with good bone and substance to him, has a good depth of underjaw that most reds lack, good in front with tight feet, good depth of brisket and level top-line, strong thigh’s and in good condition, moved well for the handler.

G/D (12,1a)

1st Milne & Stewart, INCREDIBALE STRENGTH OF SRATHMORBULL, W. One of the hardest dogs at the show today, rock hard muscle tone pumped up with the adrenalin running through him, smiled to myself as I thought back to when I showed my red dog, good breed type, good head and expression with correct pigmentation, straight front with well padded feet, nicely bodied with good bend of stifle, kept a level top-line on the move, true Stafford temperament.

2nd Farley, HOMAFAR LAST CHANCE, B/B. Pleasing head shape with well placed eyes and ears, correct bite, straight front with good feet, ribbed and coupled, good strong thigh’s, moved out covering the ground with ease.

3rd Nicholson & Simpson, BALLINDONA STANDING BEAR, B/B. Great head shape, pleasing to look at with beautiful expression, clean defined stop deep though with good fill under the eyes, correct bite, good in neck and shoulders, nice rib and thigh angulations, in good condition and moved freely.

P/G/D. (21,2a)

1st Roper & Hook, TWAWDEN ICE COOL, R/W. Impressively marked dog of quality and breed type, good in size, make and shape, enough bone and substance, good top-line and st5rong quarters, in great condition, moved with drive around the ring.


3rd Harkin, HARKLINE CONOR MCGREGGER, B/B. Good expression, small ears, darkest of eyes, strong deep muzzle, correct bite, good round bone, well padded feet, ample rib, short coupled, kept his top line on the move, nice condition.

M/L (16,1a)

1st McCarron-Tuer, ELITEBULL SUPERMOON, B/B. A nice balanced dog with clean out-lines to him, good expression small ears, dark eye, clean muzzle, correct bite, enough body for his age, moved keeping a level top-line good coat condition.

2nd Manni, AMEDEODEGLISTSTAFFITOSTI B/B/W. One of good breed type, and correctly proportioned, dark eyes and well placed ears, define stop with good bite, short coupled with nice angulations in good coat condition, moved freely covering the ground with ease.

3rd Heron, DILIRYSTAFF ALL THE RAGE, R/W. A dog that maturing steadily and just starting to come together, clean in head, dark eyes, and well placed ears, good bite, nice bone and substance, good angulations, moved with the handler as one.

L/D. (16)

1ST Johnson, TILCARR FIRE COANDA, JW, B/B. A kennel that can turn out quality exhibits of breed type time and time again, very typical of the breed, good shaped head and expression, nice neck and shoulder placement, quality bone on legs, good rib and deep chest, strong thigh’s and correct angulations, in good condition, moved very well.

2nd Axe, HARLEY’S CHOICE, JW. B/B. Pushed the first place hard in this class, another one of quality and breed type to him, all the right proportions, sturdy short and compact, good condition and easy mover in the ring.

3rd Rogers & Slack, BERRYSTOCK HAWKER TEMPEST, B/B. Great expression to this dog and easy to look at, very good in make and shape, well balanced and a good top-line on the move.

O/D (39,4a)

1ST Breckell, CH CHISWELSTAFF LETS DANCE, JW, B/B. A true blend of bull and terrier, a very well balanced dog, very good in size, make and shape, well-proportioned head small rose ears, darkest of eyes, correct bite with clean lips, good shoulder placement leading into a straight front, good top line with excellent muscular thighs, presented in fit hard condition, moved with drive once settled earned his placing, B/D & CC.

2nd Higham, CH CALLASTAFF LAKELAND LAD, B/B. A well balanced dog of quality and breed type, very good head shape clean and deep through, a dog with no exaggeration, strong body and good turn of stifle, good in profile and on the move, muscle tone was not as hard as the first placing.

3rd Finney, CH BALLINDONNA CRAFTY COPPER AT SANGULINO ShCM, A rich colored mahogany brindle dog, one I judged as a puppy, powerful in head, small ears and dark eyes, plenty of rib and bone, great coat condition, one of the hardest toned dogs today.

G/C/D/S. (10,1a)

1st Hemstock, Sanjesh & Hemstock, BLAZEN STAFFS OVER THE TOP AT JOOLIEM, R/W. A standard dog with the right proportions to him, would liked to see more covering on him but worthy of his placing, moved covering the ground with ease.

2nd Hardley, JOEMIKESTE AMOR DEI, W/R. Standard short and compact, dark eyes and correct ear carriage, good bite, nice bone and body, good coat and condition, moved well.

3rd Flecher & Seedhouse, JSY CH GRANITANGEL ZIRCON PDH. B/B. Judged him before on a few occasions, 12 years young and still can strut his stuff, a pleaser to go over him again and hope he carries on enjoying the shows.


 Mr. Colin Powell.