• Show Date: 03/01/2019
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Andrea Keepence-Keyte Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/07/2023

Boston & District Canine Society

Breed: Beagle

Boston and District Championship Show 05.01.19

Thank you to the committee for inviting me to judge their open show after Viv Hylton sadly had to step down, thanks to my stewards for keeping me on track and organised. Special thanks to all the exhibitors who entered and allowed me the privilege to go over and judge their hounds. There was excellent quality present and the majority were in brilliant condition.

Puppy Dog (2,0) 1. Coates’ Irinstyle Eagle in Flight to Gladstyle (imp Rus) – Pleasing head with correct set leathers and nice dark eye. Good neck, spring of rib and forechest. Level topline and correct set tail. Moved well in profile but a little wide in front on the move which is why he was not BPIB. BPD

2. Edge & James-Dow’s Fallowfeild Xavior of Jalhar NAF TAF – Heavier set than one, nice head, dark eye and set leathers. Good length of neck into good shoulders. Strong in front and behind and well muscled. He was a little unsettled today but will push hard for 1st when he knows his job.

Junior Dog (4,0) 1 Stoddard’s Poppyville First Edition – Hound of larger mould but well proportioned throughout. Masculine head with dark eye and correct leathers. Lovely length of neck, good front angulation and spring of rib. Good rear angulation and tail set on correctly. Moved out well and covered the ground. He was considered for higher honours.

2 – Philpott’s Charterwood Category – Plenty of bone for this lad, coarser in head than 1 but not overdone. Dark blanket tri with similar attributes as 1, was outmoved today.

Post Graduate Dog (4,1) 1 – Firth’s Nictoney Zither – Substantial T/W boy with a pleasing and appealing head. Fantastic length of neck in to well aid back shoulders. Good feet and pasterns, level topline which was maintained on the move, correctly set tail. Moved out well, would have preferred a little more weight on him.

2 – Winney’s Jimjen Hollis – Blanket tri with good bone and pleasing head. Good front and rear action and angulation, good length of loin and spring of rib.

Open Dog (10,2) 1 – Lovatt’s Bjornhagen Sweet Bay Leaf JW ShCM – I really liked this boy’s size and proportion. Compact hound with good forechest, spring of rib, front and rear angulation. He was well muscled throughout and moved with purpose and drive. He has a beautiful head with a mild expression and correctly set and length of leathers. When moved a little slower he really moved out with reach and drive. I did not hesitate awarding him BD & BOS.

2 – Hunt & Norris’ Cliffmere Mindful of Shercroft JW – Longer cast than one with a stronger head. Well balanced throughout though and moved well, maintained his topline on the move and had good reach and drive. RBD

Special Beginners dog (3,1) 1 – Stoddard’s Poppyville First Edition (see Junior) BSpBD & BSpBiB & SpBHG3

2- Edge & James-Dow’s Jalhal Gives You the Edge – Good sized blanket tri with a masculine head, dark eye and correct set leathers. Well muscled through out with good front and rear angulation. A little erratic on the move today.

Puppy Bitch (3,0) 1 – Coates’ Gladstyle on a Roll – 6 month baby blanket tri colour with the prettiest of heads and melting expression. Well-proportioned and angulated for one so young. Moved really well for her age and was full of beans. BPB and BPiB

2 – Moloney Bournehouse Pockpocket – Pretty bitch of larger mould, good topline which was maintained on the move, correct tail set with good rear angles. Preferred the head on 1.

Junior Bitch (7,2) 1 – Hunt’s Bondlea Lucy – Really pretty and appealing bitch of good size and type. Well-proportioned throughout. Beautiful head with melting expression, correct set leathers and dark eye. Good length of neck into well laid back shoulders. Nice depth of chest and well sprung in ribs. Good loin and rear angulation with well let down hocks, good turn of stifle, strong pasterns and good neat feet. She moves out really well when not being a little reluctant. BB & BOB

2 – Tofts’ Jarrowley Teasel – well sized and proportioned bitch with a really appealing head and super soft expression. She is well made and I like everything about her. Pushed hard for the top spot. RBB

Post Graduate Bitch (14,4) 1 – Hunt’s Bondlea Lucy (See Junior)

2 – Arden’s Madika Spot On JW ShCM AW(S) – another really pretty bitch with a super head and expression, Show in hard condition. Covers the ground with ease and stacks beautifully. Was considered for higher honours.

Open Bitch (10,3) 1 – Philpott’s Charterwood Fantasy Island – Heavier set bitch with well-proportioned angulation front and rear. I really liked her head and expression. Good length of neck into good shoulders. Maintained her topline on the move but was a little unsettled today.

2 – Firth’s Rossut Volley at Nictoney – A well-proportioned and compact bitch. Pretty head with a dark eye and correct set leathers. Good depth of chest, spring of rib and length of loin. Strong in pastern and neat feet. Was a little lack lustre on the move today.

Special Beginners Bitch (4,0) 1 – Stoddard’s Poppyville First Dance – Finer bitch of a smaller mould. Nice head with pleasing expression and dark eye. Good front and rear angulation and tail set. Maintains her topline on the move. Preferred the overall shape of her brother when considering for BSpiB but pleased to award her BSpBB.

2 – Longman’s Chatoyant Danae – Pretty head with dark eye and correct set leathers. Moved out well and maintained her top line on the move.

Andrea Keepence-Keyte (Alandobel)